Thursday, December 9, 2021

What Is UpWealth Finances? | 7 Obvious Reasons to Skip it

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What is UpWealth Finances? Is it a scam?

We found this UpWealth Finance when someone offered the investment opportunity saying that they were able to withdraw funds through their BTC wallet. Then we checked out the site and it seemed unsuspicious at first, but as I was writing this article I found out that one should always look for the littlest details before thinking about investing in anything.

What is Upwealth Finances What is 2

What is UpWealth Finances: The Review Summary

Product Name: UpWealth Finances

Owners: UpWealth FInances Ltd

Price: From $100 to $1,000,000

Rating: 3/100

Best For: None

Recommended: Not Recommended

What is UpWealth Finances  About: UpWealth Finances presents itself as an investment adviser under Apex Clearing Corporation as a broker.

Summary: Without any company registration it’s likely that they are just using Apex Clearing Corporation as a front to make it look like they are operating within regulations. There is great evidence that the company is operating without any registration.

What is UpWealth Finances About

Before we continue the story of how we found this seemingly well-intentioned investment advisory firm, let’s first take a look at the video that they have on the website that we initially associated with them.

Let me just point it out that investment advisers are legitimate professionals who provide client advice on which securities would be best for their customers, some even provide financial planning and some also offer managing investment portfolios. But even as they are considered legitimate professionals, they need to be licensed to conduct business just as every company that deals with financial and securities services.

From the video above and their website, we can infer that UpWealth Finances positions itself as a firm that conducts investment advising as is mentioned in the footer of their webpage.

what is upwealth finances footer of website

But just before we probe the details of their legitimacy, let’s go over a few things that we found in my investigation. And I’m telling you these were quite shocking.

More Details About UpWealth Finances


Well, I found that the website was only created in July 2021! Now that’s quite a young business, right?

what is upwealth finances domain creation details

But on their website, they are claiming that they already have more than 80k investors and 8.9-13.7% annual returns…

what is upwealth finances website figures not real
Now we wonder if these figures are real

But as with some new business, bloating tactics is quite typical to attract customers, while it’s not an honest way to do it, it’s really quite a normal thing especially for business websites.

So I tried to probe around the website and look for something else that we can go on with… so I tried to look at the address on their website and I found that the address actually points to WinCo Foods in Salem, Oregon! Now that’s suspicious right!

what is upwealth finances winco foods address

But that’s not all, I found a few other websites that I’m sure are related to this first website that we are investigating, details are below:

Website Address Date Created Offered Products 1260 Lancaster Dr SE, Salem, OR 97317, United States. July 2021 NFP
Real Estate
Stock 1234 North Luke Lane, Atlanta, Georgia 30341 August 2021 NFP
Cloud Mining (Crypto)
Real Estate

Now how was I able to conclude that they are the same company? It’s because they use the same logo, and footer details, but the offer on its products differ on the two websites. For example, here are the offers of the two websites for crypto investment:

what is upwealth finances crypto investment .net website offer
what is upwealth finances crypto investment website offer

And now we wonder why they have two different websites when they use the same footer details except the address. You’ve seen the .net website’s footer details early in this article, here is the .co website’s version:

what is upwealth finances footer .co website

So for the next part of our investigation, we’ll look into the details mentioned in this footer.


They did mention that their broker is Apex Clearing Corporation and for every investment opportunity it would be best to check if the broker is actually a legitimate one and should be registered in the financial institutions that govern it. And well, surprisingly, Apex Clearing Corporation checks out! Here’s a link to their details on FINRA and they also show up in results when you search for them in the SEC database. Sounds good right?

But then I also tried to look for the company details of UpWealth Finances Ltd. in Oregon and Georgia since they were addressed in those areas. And no they didn’t show up anywhere, I even looked into the business search function that covers the whole US and NOTHING SHOWED UP.

Now, what does this mean for us? Is UpWealth Finances a scam then?

Well, I tried to look for information about whether investment advisers really need a specific or certain registration or if it’s alright if they are not registered, just to make sure of anything we missed, and here’s what I found:

what is upwealth finances SEC registration needed
Source: SEC

I did confirm it on and found an article that mentioned that investment advisers indeed SHOULD BE REGISTERED on SEC or state securities authorities:

what is upwealth finances article from

Now we can’t find any company registration of UpWealth Finance… what more of their SEC registration right? But just to confirm I did search for them on databases, and nope, it’s not mentioned anywhere.

What does UpWealth Finances Offer?

UpWealth Finances offers investment choices that are customizable according to the clients’ preferred strategy and budget. Sincew it has two websites that offers different packages for their products let’s put them into one table:

Product Offered version in Offered version in
Non-Farming Payroll (NFP) Starting from $5,000
Fixed interests every month
✔ Payout on each closing session
✔ No tax deductions
✔ Pull-back traded stragegy
10% Weekly
Minimum of $ 5,000
Payout on each closing session
No tax deductions
Pull-back traded strategy
Cryptocurrency/Cloud Mining Crypto Investment
Min: $100.00
Max: $1,000.00
✔ Fixed interest up to 3% daily interest
✔ Financial planning session
✔ No tax deductions
✔ Automated Fund Allocation

Crypto VIP I
Min: $1000.00
Max: $10,000.00
✔ Fixed interest up to 5% daily interest
✔ Financial planning session
✔ No tax deductions
✔ Automated Fund Allocation

Crypto VIP II
Min: $10,000.00
Max: $100,000.00
✔ Fixed interest up to 15% daily interest
✔ Financial planning session
✔ No tax deductions
✔ Automated Fund Allocation

3% After 7 days
Min: $200.00 – Max: $10,000
 Fixed 3% daily interest
 Financial planning session
 No tax deductions
 Automated Fund Allocation

7% After14 days
Min: $10,100.00 – Max: $40,000
 Fixed 7% daily interest
 Financial planning session
 No tax deductions
 Automated Fund Allocation

5% Weekly for 1-3-6 Months
Min: $40,100.00 – Max: $100,000
 Fixed interest up of 5% daily
 Financial planning session
 No tax deductions
 Automated Fund Allocation

10% Weekly/Monthly for 6-12 Months
Min: $100,100.00 – Max: $500,000
 Fixed 10% daily Interest
 Financial planning session
 No tax deductions
 Automated Fund Allocation
Real Estate Real Estate Investment
Min: $10,0000
Max: $1,000,000
✔ Fixed interest up to 30% weekly
✔ Financial planning session
✔ No tax deductions
✔ Automated Fund Allocation
10% Monthly for 1 – 1.6mts – 2 YearsMin: $10,000.00 – Max: $50,000
 Fixed interest up to 10% Monthly
 Financial planning session
 No tax deductions
 Automated Fund Allocation

15% Monthly for 1 – 1.6mts – 2 YearsMin: $60,000.00 – Max: $100,000
 Fixed interest up to 15% Monthly
 Financial planning session
 No tax deductions
 Automated Fund Allocation


25% Monthly for 1 – 1.6mts – 2 YearsMin $100,100 – Max $500,000
 Fixed interest up to 25% Monthly
 Financial planning session
 No tax deductions
 Automated Fund Allocation
Stock CORE
$1000 – $30,000
20% weekly interest
Everything you need to invest like an expert
✔ Personalized portfolio
✔ Auto-rebalancing
✔ Dividend reinvesting

$30,000 – $60,000
25% weekly interest
Everything you need to invest like an expert
☑ All core features +
✔ Financial planning session
✔ Tax lost harvesting
✔ Tax efficient funds

$60,000 – $100,000
30% weekly interest
Everything you need to invest like an expert
☑ All advanced features +
✔ Dedicated team of advisers
✔ Personal investment report
✔ Asset allocation

5% Weekly
Min $1000 – Max $30,000
 Everything you need to invest like an expert
 Personalized portfolio
 Dividend reinvesting
 Account support

10% Weekly
Min $30,000 – Max $60,000
 Everything you need to invest like an expert
All core features +
 Financial planning session
 Tax lost harvesting
 Tax efficient funds

15% Weekly
Min $60,000 – Max $100,000
 Everything you need to invest like an expert
 All advanced features +
 Dedicated team of advisers
 Personal investment report
 Asset allocation

It’s very curious and I’d love to know why they offered different packages for their products… are they really the same website?

How Does UpWealth Finances Work?

According to their websites, you can invest through them through these steps:

what is upwealth finances steps to register and avail products

Well, this is actually how it goes when you decide to invest in something. But would you want to invest in an unregulated website? If you do then you should know that when you are knowingly investing in an unregulated company you’re willingly giving up your rights to any dispute or consumer protection cause they decided to run away with your money.


There were no Terms of Service or any Refund Policy mention on their website so it could likely mean that there is no refund or anything to your investment.

Can You Really Make Money Through UpWealth Finances?

If UpWealth Finance is actually a real investment adviser then it’s most likely that your funds are in good hands and you can really profit through your long-term or short-term investment. But since they are not a registered company using the name of Apex Clearing Corporation as their “broker” then there’s no guarantee that you can make money through UpWealth Finances.

How Much Does It Cost to Join UpWealth Finances?

When I compared all the investment offer on their website I found that the minimum investment they have is under their Crypto investment which is $100 and the maximum is $1,000,000 for a real estate investment.

7 Obvious Reasons to Skip UpWealth Finances

  1. They don’t have Terms of Services and Privacy Policy which risks your funds and your personal information
  2. They have two websites which are under different addresses
  3. Even as they have two addresses, their company, UpWealth Finances Ltd. is not registered anywhere or anywhere in the US
  4. They are merely using the name of Apex Clearing Corporation as it is a registered broker
  5. One of their websites’ address is actually a WinCo Foods location
  6. Licensed and registered financial firms doesn’t require clients to use digital wallets or assets to invest
  7. Legitimate professional will never give out unsolicited offers

What is UpWealth Finances [Is UpWealth Finances a Scam?]

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not an affiliate or investor of UpWealth Finances myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what 

UpWealth Finances genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text. 

Before I give out my view about UpWealth Finances, here is a part of an article in the Securities and Exchange Commission on how to spot fraudsters posing as brokers:

what is upwealth finances SEC watch out for red flags

Here is the transaction shown by someone recruiting us in it, it’s an email about a BTC withdrawal (I omitted some personal details)…

what is upwealth finances email of a user withdrawing BTC

Do remember that SEC warned previously that digital assets and wallets are not needed…plus add the fact that we uncovered that it’s an unregistered company using a registered broker as their front…

It’s actually for you to answer, is UpWealth Finances a scam?

Pros and Cons of UpWealth Finances

UpWealth Finances Pros


UpWealth Finances Cons

  • A user showed that their withdrawal was through their digital wallet which is one of the red flags mentioned by SEC
  • It’s an unregistered company
  • It’s only using the name of Apex Clearing Corporation (a legitimate registered broker)
  • Websites were only created this year, the business is therefore new.

Final Verdict – What is UpWealth Finances

A quick take of this UpWealth Finance review: I don’t recommend investing in any of UpWealth Finances offers even if it’s as small as $100 because it’s an unregistered company using the name of a registered broker. There is no sense in risking your hard-earned money in something that is glaringly a probable fraud.

Up until there is actual and verifiable proof of the registration of UpWealth Finances under SEC, FINRA and the State they are under in, is the only way that we’d reevaluate our stance that UpWealth Finances is a probable scam.

How I Make a Passive Income Online

People would love to have an all-winning portfolio in trading. But the harsh truth is, it’s rarely the reality.

In stocks, ForEx, and cryptocurrency trading, there is a very big chance that the money you may put in could be washed out. There is no guarantee, so whenever an investment opportunity presents itself and mentions that they are a 100% profit and no losses, beware.

While trading could be a profitable passive income, it’s a venture that requires discipline, dedication and financial resources. I suggest that while you’re still learning the ropes of trading, find profitable investments that are sustainable in the long run.

I’ve been trading for years now and I don’t do it full time! I make sure that I have other income-generating ventures so I can fund my experiential learning.

I find affiliate marketing as one of the most flexible passive income opportunities like trading because:
1. You can do it in your own time
2. You learn different things by doing it
3. No deadlines to beat

It’s a bonus that I was able to find the Wealthy Affiliate community from which I learned tons of things that I wouldn’t have learned on my own! If you’re looking into partnering with brands and companies that pique your interest, you can click below so John can guide you on the FREE TO START community. You’ll see what more they can offer, what you can learn inside and get a feel of the tools that you may use if you plan to tread the path of being an affiliate marketer!

No pressure. If you happen to like it, you can always avail of the Premium which is just $49/month! If you want to read more about Wealthy Affiliate here’s a comprehensive review about it.

You can click below and let John guide you with personal mentoring and whatever help you need!

What is Upwealth Finances Dream Life Lifestyle

Louee Gonzales Author

Louee Gonzales has been a content specialist for 4 years now. She has been enjoying wiring investigative articles for EFYL. If she’s not writing, she’s either painting or travelling somewhere fun.

She has a degree in Psychology, and quick fact: she can’t read your mind. She has authored articles on School of Positive Transformation.

This Blogpost is originally from What Is UpWealth Finances? | 7 Obvious Reasons to Skip it


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