Saturday, December 18, 2021

What is CloudCoin? | 10 Details to Know When Deciding If it is For you

Earn From Your Laptop

What is CloudCoin? The details I found are actually quite surprising and promising but there are a few points that would also make you think twice about it. If you’re looking into details of CloudCoin if it is an investment for you, here is a comprehensive CloudCoin review for you.

I want to commend you for looking into details of an investment opportunity first before fully diving in into it. Read on and find out what I learned about CoinCloud and my full verdict and recommendation.

what is cloudcoin review featured image

A CloudCoin Review: Summary

Product Name:

Created by: Sean Worthington

Prices: Currenly trading at $0.018-$0.03

Overall Rating: 31/100

Recommended: Only Recommended for those who believe in the potential demand of CloudCoin in the future

What Is CoinCloud About: CloudCoin is unique digital currency that operates not through a blockchain but through the technology by RAIDA Tech. It has been around since 2017 and is still yet to create their means of liquidity for the users.


CloudCoin is an innovative cryptocurrency that runs through their own technology but is still yet to establish its value especially as it is yet to have a means for liquidity.

What is

CloudCoin About?

CloudCoin is a cryptocurrency that is not founded in a blockchain. It is a unique e-currency that can be recovered when lost, can be stored offline as a .txt or.png. If you’re not that familiar with the cryptocurrency terms that I mentioned let’s try to go over them before we try to evaluate CloudCoin. But here is an overview of CloudCoin from their Youtube channel’s post from 4 years ago:

Most cryptocurrencies that you know by now like Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Polygon, Solana etc., are founded on a blockchain. A blockchain is a network or a public ledger of assets and transactions. It is typically decentralized which basically means that the asset is distributed to the public and is not within the control of a government or banks so therefore a token or coin’s price is not controlled by any gold or asset reserve but rather is dictated by the public trading activity.

Unlike other cryptocurrencies CloudCoin is something that can be recovered when lost, there are lots of instances that e-currencies are lost due to lost seed phrases (or a collection of words as a password).

CloudCoin was made by Sean Worthington to become an example of a perfect currency where it can be easily stored and traded offline, it’s also retrievable and it’s quantum-safe, which means that even if the future quantum computer would be able to decrypt blockchains, CloudCoins would remain undecrypted due to its unique technology provided by the RAIDA system.

Just before we go into dissecting what the RAIDA technology is about, let’s try to first evaluate the credibility of CloudCoin’s inventor, Sean Worthington.

Who is Sean Worthington

Let’s have a look at Sean Worthington’s LinkedIn profile:

What is cloudcoin review sean worthington linkedin profile

It seems like he has a very good background on his education and working experience before he fully focused on RAIDA Tech and CloudCoin.

I did find a copy of his book Beyond Bitcoin: The Future of Digital Currency which was uploaded on his website for CloudCoin Consortium. I also found proof that he truly has a patent for his RAIDA system under the title: Method of Authenticating and Exchanging Virtual Currency here are some details about it:

what is cloudcoin review patent details

Sean Worthington created a Theory of Perfect Money and positioned CloudCoin as having the right features of a Perfect Currency. According to him it should have physical, logical and preferential integrity. Here is a quick over view of it:

In practice, physical integrity means:

  • No counterfeits – CloudCoin and RAIDA has a technology that prevent counterfeiting
  • No loss – CloudCoin is not prone to becoming lost unlike other cryptocurrencies, because one can easily store and retrieve it
  • No theft – CloudCoins operates in such a way that it can’t be stolen because of its ownership autheritcation feature. So even if a hacker opens your wallet they can’t acess your funds
  • No possibility of system-wide failure- They are not depedent on nodes or blockchain

Logical integrity requires that:

  • Users must know who the money belongs to (entity integrity).
  • The money must all be of the same stuff (domain integrity).
  • The money must refer to something that is actually there (referential integrity)

With preferential integrity, the system must:

  • Be private -the currency can be traded in a complete anonymous manner unlike current cryptocurrencies which can only be traded through a public ledger
  • Be scalable
  • Be fast to transact – CloudCoin is said to have the ability to be sent and received in just a few miliseconds
  • Use whole numbers (or at least fractions that are easy to understand) – This is in regard to BitCoin’s satoshi (100 million satoshis to one bitcoin). CloudCoin uses 5, 25, 100, and 250 as denominations
  • Have high availability (no downtime) unlike Bitcoin and other blockchain founded currencies, CloudCoin is not prone to congestion due to number of transactions.

What is RAIDA?

RAIDA is short for Redundant Array of Independent Detection Agents. This is a patented technology created by Sean Worthington which can be used for digital authentication and detect counterfeit and presents a lot of potential applications for different industries.

This technology can help authenticate a digital file and confirm its ownership which is how it can prevent double-spending and digital forgeries. It also provides a means to cut down cost and transaction time (which is an imminent problem of Bitcoin). This system is also quantum-safe and can be easily traded privately, not pseudonymously like the other cryptocurrencies but completely anonymously.

The RAIDA system is under RAIDA Tech which is operating under RAIDAQ LLC, and impressively it is registered under SEC:

what is cloudcoin review RAIDAQ LLC registration SEC

And of course just to be thorough I also checked if they were registered under Wyoming… and they are:

what is cloudcoin review RAIDAQ LLC registration wyoming

These are good indicators because this means that RAIDA, Sean Worthington and the company that it is running under are legitimate and are therefore running legally.

What does CloudCoin Offer? – 10 Details to Consider

For this CloudCoin review let look at what CloudCoin can offer you:

  1. It can offer to let you keep your cryptocurrency as a .txt or .png which you can easily store, retrieve and send
  2. It has a retrievable function which means you can’t lose it unlike if you were hacked and if ever you lose your seed phrase needed by most crytocurrency wallets and storages
  3. It’s Quantum-safe, which make it future-proof because Quantum-computers cannot crack it unlike other cryptocurrencies today
  4. It can be traded, sent and stored offline and online without the need of pricey gadgets and complicated softwares
  5. Its transaction time can be done in just a few miliseconds
  6. It can’t be mined like other cryptocurrencies and it will have a fixed amount of supply of 11,428,160,000 CCE coins.
  7. CloudCoin can soon be withdrawn through 40,000 ATMs operated by B4UFinancial like BitCoin
  8. Although you can store it in the SkyWallet, you can also keep the files of your CloudCoins in messaging applications like Telegram, WhatsApp and you can even print it if you want!

9. It can’t be counterfeited or stolen because it has an ownership authentication system
10. It is can traded completely anonymously, not pseudonomously like other cryptocurrencies.

Can You Make money with


As with every other cryptocurrency, yes, you can make money with CloudCoin through trading it or even by just holding unto it. If CloudCoin demand will continue to soar and its circulating supply will continuously deplete, then holders will likely gain by just holding their initial CloudCoin. But if its demand will wane in the future, then its value will deflate.

This scenario is just the same for every other cryptocurrency in the space.

Honestly, since CloudCoins are retrievable then it’s only point that you truly need to consider before investing is it’s potential demand in the future. CloudCoin has been around since 2017 and interestingly their digital currency comes in their form of their own digital bank notes and denominations :

what is cloudcoin review digital notes denominations for cloudcoin
Images sourced from:

Their CEO mentioned that their supply is currently ending its minting process which means that soon their full coin supply will be out. But up until their liquidity is not yet possible, then you can’t yet make money from it because you can only trade it through for now.

How to Acquire CloudCoins

According to their CloudCoin website here the available ways for you to acquire CloudCoins:

what is cloudcoin review platforms to acquire cloudcoins

You can own your CloudCoins through:

On the other hand if you want to trade your CloudCoin through, you can easily do so by connecting your Metamask Wallet to your SkyWallet. Skywallet is a wallet built on the RAIDA System where you can manage, send and receive CloudCoins. Here is a video on how to use the SkyWallet:

On my search for points of liquidity, I found that there is a coin on the BSC network named CloudCoin BSC ($CCB) which was claimed to be a token created by members of the CloudCoin Consortium (community of CloudCoin users) but it seems that only $CCE through the Ethereum Network is truly associated with CloudCoin.

What is cloudcoin Dream Life Lifestyle

CloudCoin Reviews and Online Testimonials

So far there aren’t any reviews online on BBB or Trustpilot. Although there are people asking on Quora if it’s a scam, which the owner has answered himself. I believe that CloudCoin may not be a scam, but it’s still on it’s early stage on its marketing strategy. Who knows, maybe they have been very keen on developing the technology first and their partnership.


  • Credible creator
  • Business is running under registered companies on Wyyoming
  • Business is recognized by SEC
  • Has lots of unique characteristics


  • No liquidity yet
  • Can only be traded through ($CCE)

What is CloudCoin- Is It A Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a CloudCoin myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what CloudCoin genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text. 

I believe that CloudCoin is not a scam since it is operating under a company registered in Wyoming and is actually recognized by SEC. It’s an innovative and unique digital currency that is still on its way to creating mean for its liquidity and finding partnerships for its use. I believe that even as it existed since 2017, the product and associated applications are continuously improved and developed through the years and it could be a matter of time before we can see it’s full potential and have a say on its future demand.

[Final Say] What is CloudCoin? Is CloudCoin a Scam?

I’d like to also add that they are still working on their points for liquidity which their CEO has mentioned will be given a solution by end of this year, this is with their claim that they will be able to give access to their users on ATMs operated by B4UFinancial.

A good consideration when you’re looking into investing would be its potential use and future value. Since basically, CloudCoins are literally just a currency on the cloud at the moment (because they still haven’t created means for liquidity), adding an option to finally convert it into something useful like a fiat currency or be able to use it for actual purchases would be a great turning point for it.

CloudCoin is not a scam, it’s like your typical cryptocurrencies at the moment, but it has unique features that’s worth considering. It has a very secure transaction and storage modes, and is very future proof (quantum-safe) plus it has faster transaction speed

Let me just say that this is not a financial advice, it’s just a comprehensive CloudCoin review so that people who are considering investing in it would have a good view of its current state and the potential value of it.

A Badass CloudCoin Alternative

While CloudCoin sounds very promising, I believe that it’s not enough that you put your eggs in just one basket. You need to diversify even your means for passive income – especially if the product you’re investing in is still yet in their process of creating liquidity.

In my years in the industry, I find affiliate marketing a great passive income business. I actually prefer and recommend affiliate marketing because of these things:

  1. It’s legal
  2. You can do it anytime you want
  3. You can do it anywhere you want (from you laptop, tablet, or phone!)

I can recommend this signing up on my top recommended program because it’s very comprehensive and detailed, plus there’s actual coaching from John to guide you as you start your affiliate marketing journey. What I like more about it is that it’s free to start! You can have a look around and see how it can help you earn from your laptop and if you want to learn more, imagine just subscribing for only $49 a month!

If you’re thinking that you don’t have enough experience, well check out how John started below.

What is cloudcoin New CTA button 2 edited

Ready to make Passive Income Online?

Hi, I’m John. I created a passive income online. And I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started.

Louee Gonzales Author

Louee Gonzales has been a content specialist for 4 years now. She has been enjoying writing investigative articles for EFYL. If she’s not writing, she’s either painting or travelling somewhere fun.

She has a degree in Psychology, and quick fact: she can’t read your mind. She has authored articles on School of Positive Transformation.

This Blogpost is originally from What is CloudCoin? | 10 Details to Know When Deciding If it is For you


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