Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Is Low Hanging System a Scam?| Don’t Waste A Few Hours of Your Life

Earn From Your Laptop

Most of the reviews you may find about “is Low Hanging System a scam?” are mostly about the course and software that she has been offering for years now. Here is a more updated version of Rachel Rofe’s Low Hanging System offer this 2021.

I personally don’t recommend availing of the offer these days because even when the jumpstart offer is FREE, I believe you would just waste a few hours of your life and money if you decided to try this one.

is low hanging system a scam featured image

A Low Hanging System Review Summary

Product Name: Low Hanging System

Founders: Rachel Rofe

Products and Prices:
Low Hanging System Done For You Jumpstart- Free
Low Hanging System: Weekly Individualized Coaching- Monthly ($97), Yearly ($997)
Low Hanging System Offer (on upsell call)- $4000

Best For: Those who already have a print-on-demand business and those who already have the tools and people with skills needed to run the print business.

Recommendation: Not Recommended

Overall Rating: 22/100

What Is Low Hanging System About: 

Low Hanging System is an introduction to the Print-On-Demand business model so users will be enticed to use GearBubble as part of their business model


An introductory course about a Print-On-Demand (POD) Business with a drop shipping option. Basically, Rachel Rofe recommends the POD platform that she owns (CustomHappy) and of her friend Don (GearBubble) to users and which they could make their own products and sell them without needing any physical inventory.

What is Low Hanging System About?

Low Hanging System is a course and coaching offer from Rachel Rofe. Let’s try to investigate further about who Rachel Rofe is and why she’s offering the course for free. Here is the top part of the header of Low Hanging System’s sales page:

Is Low Hanging System A Scam header on sales page

Who is Rachel Rofe?

Rachel Rofe has long been an internet marketer and was able to publish a lot of books that have become bestsellers through the years. She has been featured in Entrepreneur, Woman’s World, and Fox News due to her accomplishment and the number of companies that she was able to establish. Well, that’s actually what’s said on her website. So the thing as with most of our reviews, let’s try to verify these claims.

Is Low Hanging System A Scam LinkedIn profile

If you’ll check out her LinkedIn profile, she’s got quite an amazing background and it seems like she only started putting up her companies last 2006 after quitting her job at Target. While she may not have mentioned what year she became a cashier at Walmart, she includes it as a part of her sales page for Low Hanging System:

Is Low Hanging System A Scam cashier walmart job

As an inquisitive investigator, I looked into the companies she mentioned, so I first looked for her Rachel Rofe Enterprises and surprisingly, this is what I found:

Is Low Hanging System A Scam business registration of Rachel Rofe Enterprises

But moving on, I tried to look into the other company referencing from the details mentioned in her CustomHappy website:

Is Low Hanging System A Scam business registration of CustomHappy In

For me, it’s enough to know that it is a registered company. It kind of adds to her credibility as an entrepreneur.

is low hanging system a scam custom happy reg

But with these alone can we answer “is Low Hanging System a scam” yet? Well, I guess the next part will definitely help us.

Other Details Behind Low Hanging System – Different Versions

Now that we have looked into the details written by Rachel Rofe herself, let’s now look into the Low Hanging System offer that she has. Looking into her website about it and comparing it with the other Low Hanging System reviews, I found that she actually has offered the course in different versions (which we’ll go into later in this article). But even as it has been continuously developed over the years, it seems like it has a common denominator which I’ll discuss in a while.

When you go into her product page on her website you’ll see a list of products that she offers:

When you check out the link about Low Hanging System, this will take you to the sales page that we’ve seen on the first part of this article and its website: Currently, she calls this Low Hanging System to offer the Super Summit, which you may see mentioned in the sales page link when you click the Low Hanging System option on her website.

Is Low Hanging System A Scam super summit jumpstart free

For me, this looks like she’s developing her Low Hanging System product and riding the waves in which she can best sell her offers. If I’m right, I think this Super Summit is just the pre-selling part of her course and the upsell comes right after a few videos or maybe after a few trial days…

By comparing the current sales page to existing Low Hanging System reviews, it seems like they have revamped the old offer as they don’t outright give on the price of the course but they rather bait people into their seemingly free program before they take up the paid version of it.

Most Low Hanging System reviews made last year mentioned the involvement of Donald Wilson and an affiliative opportunity for people but when you check out their current offer, they now offer the course for free, also with no affiliate option but… they now have options to get paid coaching sessions. Here’s the content of their offer last 2020:

Is Low Hanging System A Scam 2020 offer with affiliate opportunity
If this is what’s inside their 2020 offer, what’s included in their 2021 Super Summit?

Now if this is what they offered last year, is it still what they offer this year?

Now we’re not sure why she never mentioned her Low Hanging System brand when the sales page is what comes up when you click on the Low Hanging System Jumpstart link on her website. Is she trying to rebrand it? Or is she just masking the brand only to reveal it in the upsell?

Before we go into that let’s look into who Donald Wilson is.

Who is Donald Wilson?

Don or Donald Wilson is the co-creator of the original Low Hanging System course with Rachel Rofe. It was also found that Don is the founder of Gearbubble, the platform advocated that is suggested for use in their created course. So what is Gearbubble and how does it figure inside the Low Hanging System course?

Well, GearBubble is a Print-On-Demand platform where users can create their own designs on different products like mugs, shot glasses, pillowcases, t-shirt, etc., to set up for dropshipping through Amazon, Etsy, and eBay. So I tried to look into the company just to make sure that they are endorsing a registered company:

Is Low Hanging System A Scam Gearbubble business registration

GearBubble’s status shows that it is currently being merged with another company and last May 2021, they signed a merging contract with Bergio International

Is Low Hanging System A Scam Gearbubble merging with Bergio International

According to the previous reviews, GearBubble is being suggested as the main Print-On-Demand platform for the Low Hanging System course, but there’s a chance that CustomHappy Inc by Rachel Rofe is also used as it is also a Print-on-Demand service like GearBubble.

We’re curious to know which the Super Summit uses for its Low Hanging System course this 2021. You may see that most reviews of the Low Hanging System are mostly referring to the 2020 version where there is an option to be an affiliate. This 2021, they have revamped their program by initially offering it for free… but sooner in this article, you’ll know what’s actually offered when you avail it this time.

Website Details

I looked around the sales page for the Low Hanging System Jumpstart Offer. The best place to look for details is a website’s footer.

Is Low Hanging System A Scam Rachel Rofe website footer details

I checked out and found out that it has the same Terms and Conditions as the here are their screenshots:

Is Low Hanging System A Scam knowledge source website terms
Is Low Hanging System A Scam lowhangingecom website terms

Both websites are under Product Hunter Limited in New Zealand! But when I checked Rachel Rofe’s website (, I found that her self-titled website is under her own company:

Is Low Hanging System A Scam rachel rofe website terms

So does this mean that Rachel is under Product Hunter Limited? Or is she just the endorser of a program under Product Hunter Limited? I asked this because I found this in the terms of service in her website:

Is Low Hanging System A Scam rachel rofe website links to third party

This means that Product Hunter Limited could be a third party business and she’s just endorsing the product and being the forefront personality of the program, and therefore is not liable for any losses and ineffectiveness of the program. But this can also mean that Rachel Rofe is the owner of Product Hunter Limited…

Is Low Hanging System A Scam product hunter business details
Product Hunter Limited was created just last May 2021

Could it be that the revamp to Super Summit is because it’s no longer the old course with Don Wilson? But read on because I actually found out what Low hanging Jumpstart program is all about!

With these additional details that we’ve discovered do you think Low Hanging System is a scam?

What does the Low Hanging System Offer?

It seems like she’s currently using the free option for her to give more sales talk before actually having the upsell call for those interested.

And it’s for $4000!

The course, and a lifetime integration to Amazon. And it seems like their pricing differs for everyone even asking… or it has most likely increased its price in a few months time. Here are a Quora comments from Julia who was previously eyeing the course:

Is Low Hanging System A Scam LHS price from 300 USD to 4000 USD
Is Low Hanging System A Scam LHS price 2000 USD in September 2021

But what is inside the course and the “software” that she’s offering?

Well, we found that the course she’s offering is about how to start a POD or Print-On-Demand business where you won’t need to start with any inventory because it will work the same as a drop shipping business where others will fulfil the orders that you accumulated. It sounds really interesting!

Inside the course, Low Hanging System reviews mentioned that it advocates the use of GearBubble, an established Print-on-Demand business. So basically they are using GearBubble as the platform from which people can create their designs and act as the means for integration to Amazon, Etsy and eBay.

How do you make money with Low Hanging System?

The only way that you can make money from Low Hanging System is through sales from their POD dropshipping business model. They used to offer affiliate opportunities but it seems like it’s now off the choices for their 2021 offer.

A Low Hanging System Review and Online Testimonials

Here is a testimonial from Quora last September 28, 2021:

Cheyne Here

"I purchased it. I'm telling you now don't do it.

After buying the system and joining the fb group of over 7000 members I quickly saw how many of them were struggling to sell their mugs and how many of them were having their accounts suspended by amazon. Most sellers couldn't sell on eBay and many stores were being closed. They are limited to selling on etsy.

I quickly saw I’d been duped. Moderators control the fb group you can't say things like ‘i don't think this can work’ I asked for a refund on the basis that we could only sell on etsy and i couldn't sell on Amazon and eBay.

I wondered if having thousands of sellers trying to hit big bucks by selling mugs (profit 1 to 5 bucks) is annoying to megaplatforms like Amazon and eBay. They suspend alot of their accounts and quite a few don't get them back. Its become a normal problem for them.

Rachel Rofe is making a killing off these poor buggers. Her partner owns gearbubble and she own custom house so she profits off every mug sold. Staff are outsourced and are pretty poor at customer service. Sellers celebrate their first sale though and neglect to mention they spent a grand to sell a mug for 5 bucks profit.

Its not sustainable. They won't refund you. I asked just to cancel my plan no reply. I have to cancel my card so they stop taking monthly payments. They won't even let me cancel the system. I don't like how untruthful they were about the problems they all face.

Market superheroes are incredible. I'm not an affiliate, I just joined and love it. The difference is noticeable and the opportunity is actually real."

One interesting take on the downward spiral path of her Low Hanging System could be the oversaturation of mug sellers and the un-updated price structure:

Is Low Hanging System A Scam oversaturation

This is quite a good point. Maybe Low Hanging System has already worked for years and it has already worked for some people.

But if it did work for some, for sure there is now congestion in the demand and with the increasing number of people doing POD through her course, it’s likely that the pool of consumers may have been dwindling after years of running her program.


  • Rachel Rofe has a credible background as an entrepreneur and author
  • The business and associated websites are under registered companies


  • Too pricey
  • Oversaturated market
  • Problems in refunds and marketplace integrations
  • Platforms used are directly profitted from by Rachel (CustomHappy) and Don (GearBubble)

Is Low Hanging System A Scam?

I don’t think Low Hanging System is a scam its price is just a rip-off and it seems to be quite oblivious or ignoring the current congestion in the market that it is targeting.

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a student or user of the Low Hanging System myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what 

Low Hanging System genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text. 

I Might Consider Availing Low Hanging System if…

  1. I am willing to risk and lose my $4000 to a system that might not work for me
  2. I am already good in creating designs and I am already selling on Amazon
  3. I am willing to risk selling on marketplaces which is oversaturated with sellers of like products.
  4. I don’t mind stopping my card subscription due to unresponsive customer service from Low Hanging System after unsubscribing from them

4 Reasons Why You Don’t need to waste a Few Hours of Your Life on Low Hanging System

  1. You can easily learn how to go on with a Print-On-Demand business and explore their recommended platforms without a big fee.
  2. GearBubble get 7% as processing fee for your every sale…
  3. There are a lot of other niches with a less saturated competition that you can choose to build up on
  4. You could have gotten a lot of other courses with $4000
  5. Just because it’s pricey, doesn’t mean it’s good.

My Final Thoughts about Low Hanging System Affiliate Marketing

Low Hanging System seems to be a legitimate business and course/coaching offer. However, it’s too pricey and it has quite an oversaturated market already. There is also the issue of the unverified owner of Rachel Rofe Enterprises, and why its sales page for Low Hanging System Jumpstart offer is under a different company (Product Hunter Limited) which kind of makes it looks like the company is just using Rachel Rofe to act a front for their product.

I don’t recommend it. Not because it is a scam, but it seems to be an unfit course for business beginners especially as it needs a big capital and is serving an overly competitive market.

A More Legitimate Affiliate Marketing Opportunity- It’s FREE to start!

So is Low Hanging System a scam? I don’t think

Low Hanging System is a scam since they have verifiable business registrations. But while it’s not a scam I can’t recommend it for business beginners.

First, it’s too costly.

Secondly, you can use their recommended platforms and learn it yourself.
If you’re looking for an opportunity to have a passive income while having the freedom to choose a niche that is not yet as saturated as mugs, t-shirts, etc., you may want to try affiliate marketing. You can even choose the brand you really want to associate with plus you can have a flexible schedule creating content and doing updates.

Plus, I know a community that can show you how it’s done, show you how to use the tools you may need and the great thing is, it’s FREE to START.

And when you decide to do it for the long term and maybe you want to access the other tutorials and perks you can always decide to try the Premium for only $49/month! (Totally your call!)

You can check it out for FREE with a starter account, then if you want a consistent income and a means to sustain your affiliate marketing career you can also opt to try the premium offer of Wealthy Affiliate inclusive of courses, guides, tools and support just about everything you may need for only $49/month. 

If you want to read more about Wealthy Affiliate here’s a comprehensive review about it.

You can also click on the link below to find out more!

Louee Gonzales Author

Louee Gonzales has been a content specialist for 4 years now. She has been enjoying writing investigative articles for EFYL. If she’s not writing, she’s either painting or travelling somewhere fun.

She has a degree in Psychology, and quick fact: she can’t read your mind. She has authored articles on School of Positive Transformation.

This Blogpost is originally from Is Low Hanging System a Scam?| Don’t Waste A Few Hours of Your Life


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