Thursday, February 18, 2021

What Is APLGO About: Can You Really Make Money Selling APLGO?

Earn From Your Laptop

For the past year, everyone is thrown into uncertainty because of how the COVID-19 pandemic has gripped us. Almost all of the people I know lost jobs and opportunities. It makes sense how one would jump into the first opportunity that comes.

But it’s a good thing that you are making an effort to research more whatever it is you get yourself into. And I am guessing that is how you found this post.

In this post, I’ll be talking about APL Go —a Multi-level Marketing business that belongs in the Health and Wellness industry.

I have spent a good amount of time researching APL Go, their products, and business model to find out what is APL Go about? 

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What Is APL Go About Summary

what is aplgo about logo

Product Name: APL Go

Founder: Sergey Kulikov

Price: $25 (APLGO affiliate membership) + Go-Kit ($100 – $3000)

Rating: 22/100

Best For: those who are highly skilled in sales and has a wide network of people

Recommended: Not Recommended

What Is APL Go About: Health and Wellness Multi-level Marketing Business

Summary:  APL Go is a Multi-level Marketing business that belongs in the Health and Wellness industry. An APL Go Independent Associate earns between $500 and $2,000 annually —way below the average annual income of people living in the U.S.

What Is APL GO About?

what is aplgo about website

APL GO revolutionary technology sustains and rejuvenates the beneficial properties of natural ingredients that facilitate cellular absorption. One of the products they’re really proud of is the Acumullit SA which according to them has Power accumulation technology. We’ll know more about it later in this post.

It is a Multi-level Marketing (MLM) business from Russia. MLM means that your income varies on different levels and qualifications the company has. APL GO’s business and its products focus mainly on Health and Wellness.

Back in 2017, APLGO was the online storefront for Ageo Product Line. APLGO in the US has a corporate address in Florida as indicated on the company’s website. 


what is apl go about founder

APL GO founder Sergey Kulikov is well known among business and network marketing professionals. He is an accomplished analyst and a creator of several successful projects and educational platforms. He remains to be APL GO’s president.

Sergey is said to have made his first million dollars at only 21. He is the author of an online educational platform used within APL GO since 2014 that tracks and manages Associate efficiency.

Is APL GO a Pyramid Scheme?

So is APL GO a pyramid scheme? No, APL GOa pyramid scheme because they actually sell products and when a business involves product selling and not just income through recruitment then you can’t label a business a pyramid scheme.

APL GO adapts a Multi-level Marketing model. The thing here is that most MLMs there is a very thin line that separates their business with pyramiding.

What is a Pyramid Scheme

Can you Make Money Selling Herbalife Is Herbalife a pyramid scheme?

It is important to note that a Pyramid Scheme is ILLEGAL.

If a business is discovered to be operating as a Pyramid scheme they will be litigated and closed down for good.

The reason it is called a pyramid scheme is how money flows upwards. The result is that only very few people from a group would actually be financially successful let alone even earn anything, The people below the pointy end of the pyramid are the real cash cows.

For me, the worst thing about a pyramid scheme is how they exaggerate results and make it sound like it’s easy money for anyone. It has a tendency of exploiting the most vulnerable and hopeful especially pushing the idea that selling to your family is “helping out”. “Helping” them be healthier, “helping” them earn more, “helping” them lose weight etc.

So before joining a company, conduct your research and make sure it is a viable venture.

To be clear, as long as APL GO continues to give the option of selling products and not only focus on recruitment, it won’t fall under the classification of being a pyramid scheme.

What is APLGO about: How Does  APL GO Work?

For the description to make more sense, let me explain the terms used in the qualifications.

APLGO’s hybrid binary starts off with two legs but is expandable to nine legs. Additional legs are opened up based on rank.

You refer to the leg with the highest volume as the power leg where affiliates earn a percentage of sales volume generated on their pay legs. The pay leg is every leg except the one with the highest volume.

The next term you need to know is PV. PV stands for “Personal Volume” which refers to the sales volume generated by retail customer orders. The tricky part here is that only 50% of a retail customer order volume is counted by  APLGO towards your PV.

Just like any MLM though, PV also includes affiliate’s own purchases, so if you ever need additional PV’s for the month to qualify then you can just buy some for yourself. But I’m just not sure if that is actually sustainable.

Lastly, GV means “Group Volume.” This term comes up when you do some hardcore recruitment. The GV is point volume generated by an affiliate and their downline. So obviously, if you are an upline, you’d be pushed to pressure your donwlines to sell more (and probably recruit more),

Rank Monthly Qualifications
Associate  40 PV
2 Star Associate  40 PV + recruit two affiliates (minimum monthly 40 PV)
Manager 40 PV +  250 GV in monthly binary payleg volume
Senior Manager 40 PV +  500 GV in monthly binary payleg volume
Director  60 PV +  1000 GV in monthly binary payleg volume
Senior Director  80 PV +  2500 GV in monthly binary payleg volume
Managing Director  100 PV + 5000 GV in monthly binary payleg volume + recruit and maintain 2 Directors/ Super 5 Kit/ $3000 worth of Go-Kits
Corporate Director  140 PV + 12,500 GV in monthly binary payleg volume + recruit and maintain four Managing Directors
National Director  200 PV + 50,000 GV in monthly binary payleg volume + recruit and maintain two Corporate Directors
International Director 250 PV +  75,000 GV in monthly binary payleg volume +  recruit and maintain four Corporate Directors
Premier Director 300 PV  +  100,000 GV in monthly binary payleg volume + recruit and maintain six Corporate Directors

Wow! The requirements seem to get more and more challenging as you go up the ladder. But if you think that’s the end you are wrong.

Ambassadors are considered the most devoted Associates of APL GO. According to the website, Ambassadors follow APL GO principles in every aspect of their lives (whatever that means). 

The requirements to become an ambassador or higher is not disclosed though. They are as follows: Gold Ambassador, Platinum Ambassador, Diamond Ambassador, Crown Ambassador,

What are the APLGO Products?

What Is APL Go About aplgo products 1

APLGO’s flagship product line remains its “Acumullit SA” drops.

According to the website, the Acumullit SA technology allows the beneficial properties of the whole food botanical ingredients to be preserved and enhanced. APL Go claims to use a state-of-the-art extraction process that kicks up the activation of the botanical compounds which allows for nano-particles of the active compounds to be isolated without other substances in the plant.

The extraction process is said to result in a thinning of the cellular membranes of the fruits, herbs, as well as seeds. The next thing that happens is a release of the botanical components like micro and macro elements, phytonutrients, bioflavonoids and organic acids, making them more bioavailable. The isolated particles are forming negatively charged nano elements, creating an activated mix of highly absorbable nutrients.

In the end, the activated mix of preserved and enhanced whole food plant extracts will be added to a caramel mass from which the lozenge drops are made.

Here is a list of a few of APL GO’s products and their supposed benefits.

ALT  cope with allergy symptoms without causing harm to your body
GRW  strengthen the immune systempermanently preserve youth and energy
GTS  B vitamins combination with coenzyme Q10improves metabolic processes in the body accelerates the decomposition of carbohydrates to release energy
MLS restore and maintain health and get rid of parasites
NRM avoid and reduces the risk of diabetes
PWR Apricot and Lemon (Man and Woman)  duo product “for her and him” helps improve the condition of the genitourinary and reproductive systems as well as preserve activity and spontaneity of intimate life (we know what that means *wink)
RLX  calming effectgives you focussaturate your body with essential vitamins and minerals
SLD  Helps relieve pain and low mobilityslows down the process of joint destruction
STP effectively rid of headaches, toothaches, muscle and bone pain
HRT  keeps the heart healthy
ICE  treats heartburn, poisoning, nausea and bloating
HPR  keeps liver healthy
BRN  essential nutrients for cognitive clarity for learning, thinking, managing mental stress, and alertness
BTY  provides nourishing phytonutrients and other nutrient factorssupport healthful radiance, maintain healthy aging

Acumullit SA drops are sold in packets of thirty drops each. Aside from the drops, APLGO also markets a beauty range.

We exchanged emails with someone from APL GO and learned of another  one of their products — the Anion DNA Drops. The Composition of an Anion DNA Drop Each Anion DNA Drop has a molasses, beet sugar caramel base. Probably after getting the idea from ACCUMULLIT SA Technology, Anion DNA Drops are created from plant DNA. This is extracted from freshly harvested botanicals and infused into this base and then given a negative ion charge.

APL GO Products Review

As mentioned in the previous section, APL Go claims that their products are harnessed from nature and are the key to relieving quite a few ailments. Here’s a promotional video to give you more insight into their products.

Unfortunately, this is just from a promotional point of view and may actually be biased. To be honest, I found it a bit challenging at the time of writing to find out reviews about APL Go’s products.

I spent a good number of hours looking for a review on APL GOs’ product from a medical point of view I can consider valid and reliable.

I did find a certain review from someone who claimed to have used the products. 

what is APLGO about bad review

The person wrote:

“There are no such results that I felt even after completing the entire course of three months. … took these for three months continuously because I had ordered these in that amount. …was positive about finding some great results by the end of the third month.”

According to the review, this is not his only issue with APL GO, his order actually took a long time to arrive. But still, believing the product would help him to achieve calmness, he went ahead and tried out his $700 worth of order.

To continue his review, he mentioned that “…had to wait for In between this period (3 months), I called (APLGO) a few times pertaining to the confusion I had. I kept asking why the drops were not making any difference in the way I felt. …(APLGO) kept telling me that I need to wait a little more. They said that these things work slowly. Because these are naturally created, these work from within and show results in some time…”

In the end, he called APL Go products a “fake.”


I have reviewed health and wellness companies like APL GO in my other posts.

USANA Health Sciences produces pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements that are rated the number 1 multivitamin/antioxidant supplement by the independent study “Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements” by Nutrisearch. This makes USANA the leading company in the health and wellness industry.

Can You Really Make Money Selling APLGO?

APLGO follows a standard binary compensation structure. This places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides. Commonly, MLM’s call this the “left and right.”

So to give more insight. the first binary team level has two positions. The second level of the binary team is made by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each. This ends up giving us 4 positions.

Succeeding levels of a binary team is formed as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level. Positions in the binary team are made through direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. There is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow and this is what MLM’s use to encourage recruits —that there is no limit to how much they earn.

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However, the reality is that market saturation is one of the biggest enemies in any MLM. The next one is that people to recruit is not as infinite as they try to tell you. It’s already difficult to get family to join you in an MLM, not to mention getting other people convinced to be your downline.

APLGO’s hybrid binary begins with two legs but is expandable to nine legs. Additional legs are opened up based on rank. So, as I mentioned in a previous section, the leg with the highest volume is referred to as the “power leg” and affiliates earn a percentage of sales volume generated on every leg except the leg with the highest volume (pay leg).

Success is Rare With APL GO

To succeed in a multilevel marketing business like APL GO, one should have dedication and really good sales skills. You better be ready to do some hard work,

The average APL GO Independent Associate earns between $500 and $2,000 per year. You will likely earn less while others may earn much more or vise versa.

Since APL GO only recently launched in the USA, the website claims that not enough statistical data exists to show us more detailed income disclosures. Based on industry standards and company projections, the average annual gross income for APL GO Independent Associates is estimated to be $500 and $2,000 —somewhere between that amount.

How to Make Money with APL GO

If you really want to try out APLGO this section explains how you can earn some cash if you ever sign up.

APL GO Compensation Plan

You can’t actually find the detailed compensation plan on the website. Instead, it is simply described the way they did with the products.

what is aplgo about compensation plan

I had better luck looking up on youtube a video explaining the compensation plan.

How To Earn APLGO points

In this section, I’d like to list down how to APL GO affiliates earn “points.” I couldn’t find any clues whether Prime customer Go-Kit purchase volume is paid out through the hybrid binary team. As for the rest, the sales volume is generated across the binary through Go-Kit purchases as follows:

40 PV PR, Detox and Vigor kits 
80 PV Everyday, Creative and Vibrant Youth kits 
160 PV Family and Wild kits 
240 PV Presentation and President’s kits 
720 PV Fantastic kits 
1200 PV Super 5 kits 

On the other hand, residual recruitment commission rates are determined by the most costly Go-Kit an APLGO affiliate has purchased.

10% residual recruitment commission rate PR, Detox or Vigor kit 
15% residual recruitment commission rate Everyday, Creative or Vibrant Youth kit
20% residual recruitment commission rate Family or Wild kit
25% residual recruitment commission rate Presentation or President’s kit
30% residual recruitment commission rate Fantastic or Super 5 kit

I think it is also important to note that Residual recruitment commissions are paid weekly and that APLGO caps residual recruitment commissions at $10,000 a month per binary pay leg.


Matching Recruitment Commission Matching Bonus

APLGO pays a Matching Bonus on recruitment commissions earned by personally recruited affiliates and is paid via a uni-level compensation structure. This compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a uni-level team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them.

So if any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s uni-level team. Consequently, when level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on. Once again, APLGO caps the Matching Bonus at seven uni-level teams.

Again, bummer!

Rank and personal recruitment efforts determine how many uni-level teams the Matching Bonus is paid out on:

Managers – 20% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)

Senior Managers – 20% match on level 1 and 10% on level 2 + two recruits required to earn on two levels

Directors – 20% match on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on level 3 + three recruits required to earn on three levels

Senior Directors -20% match on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on levels 3 and 4 + four recruits required to earn on four levels

Managing Directors – 20% match on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on levels 3 to 5 + five recruits required to earn on five levels

Corporate Directors – 20% match on level 1, 10% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 to 5 and 3% on level 6  + six recruits required to earn on six levels

National and Premier Directors – 20% match on level 1, 5% on levels 3 to 5, 3% on level 6 and 2% on level 7 + seven recruits required to earn on seven levels

Autoship Commissions

Another of APLGO’s income potential comes from autoship commissions. These are paid on all retail and recruited affiliate monthly auto-ship orders. It’s actually something I’ve noticed on other MLM’s as well. Honestly I find it a smart technique for the company to ensure continuous income because they don’t have to wait around and remind you to buy products for the month.

I mean, it’s harder to quit the system when you signed up for autoship. It would take some time for the request to come in and most of the time they make it really hard to return things you get from an autoship.

Auto-ship commissions are paid through the same uni-level team as the Matching Recruitment Commissions Bonus and are paid at 10% down six levels of recruitment.

Leadership Bonus

APL GO tries to make it tempting to go up the ladder and recruit people. If you’d like to earn more through recruitment, then you can aim for a Leadership Bonus which functions as an infinity bonus.

National Directors earn 1% on autoship orders placed from level 7 onwards, International Directors earn 1.5% on autoship orders placed from level 7 onwards, Premier Directors earn 2.5% on autoship orders placed from level 7 onwards.

The Leadership bonus allows you to earn beyond six uni-level team levels for auto-ship orders. It is calculated monthly and paid quarterly. But just like any other scheme in MLM’s, getting the Leadership bonus is not as easy as it seems. It is important to note that rank qualification must be maintained for the entire quarterly pay-period to be able to qualify for the leadership bonus.

On an email exchange with a person trying to recruit me through her upline, she also mentioned that I could actually win a car for myself. She claims her upline “won” a Range Rover (wow!).  Well, a lot of MLM companies tend to have “win-a-car” gimmicks and they’re also usually won by the ones who are already quite far up the recruitment ladder, some of the time, they aren’t even owned but are given out as lease.

A.L.E. Monthly Bonuses

Required ranks must be maintained to receive A.L.E. Bonuses. The A.L.E bonuses are as follows:


You can receive $10 a month for twelve consecutive months when you qualify as a 2-Star Associate.


Paid monthly over the next twelve consecutive months, when you qualify as a 2-Star Associate you receive a 5% bonus on earned residual recruitment commissions for those twelve months. This bonus is capped at $300 a month.


For entertainment bonus, ranks qualification must be achieved and held for two consecutive months before the Entertainment bonus is paid out.

  • National Directors receive $1000 a month
  • International Directors receive $2000 a month
  • Premier Directors receive $3000 a month 


APLGO has two preferred customer classes; regular and prime.

APLGO affiliates can earn a 30% commission on orders placed by retail customers. Preferred retail customer orders can get a 10% commission and 10% First Order Bonus is given out on a preferred retail customer’s first order.

Regular preferred customers must sign up for auto-ship and pay full retail price.

On the other hand, as a prime customer, you need to pay a six-month recurring $25 fee. As a prime customer, you can receive a discount of 20% to 50% on your orders.

How Much Does It Cost to Join APLGO?

APLGO affiliate membership costs $25 plus the purchase of a “Go-Kit”. The main difference between the kits listed below is on the bundled products and income potential.

  • PR, Detox and Vigor kits – $100
  • Everyday, Creative and Vibrant Youth kits – $200
  • Family and Wild kits – $400
  • Presentation and President’s kits – $600
  • Fantastic kit – $1800
  • Super 5 kit – $3000

Is APLGO a Scam?

Well, to be completely transparent with you. I am not a Herbalife Preferred customer nor am I one of their distributors. Furthermore, I do not endorse the Herbalife business or Herbalife products in any way.

I have spent a good amount of time researching the website, reading testimonials, and studying information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what Herbalife really does. This is because programs just like this have burned me in the past, and I want to keep others from going down the same path I did. You can learn more here in this article “How to Spot an Online Marketing Scam and Avoid Scams”.

Although MLM’s and pyramid schemes have a thin line between them, I won’t consider APLGO a scam. APLGO can’t be considered a pyramid scheme. Therefore, it is a legit business that has real products to sell to customers. 

Reading various reviews, I found out that APLGO in the US has a corporate address in Florida now provided on the company’s website. In one other review, I found out that this is actually an address for a Florida Registered Agent, an incorporation services provider. 

What Is APL Go About apl go reddit

So the question is why would APLGO change from Delaware to Florida? This suggests APLGO has no physical business operations in the United States. I don’t know about you but to me, this is something you should seriously consider before signing up.

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What Is APL Go About New CTA button 2 edited

What I like about APLGO

What I found out with APL GO is that it doesn’t have a lot of negative reviews out there. Infact, going on Trustpilot it has a very high positive rate.

Here is one of the reviews:

What Is APL Go About aplgo trustpilot

However, I should also break the news that it only has 3 reviews so I guess the 100% is not as impressive as it initially seemed.

What Is APL Go About aplgo trustpilot image 2

What I don’t like about APLGO

Expensive Products.  With the price of the kits ranging from $100 to $3000, APL Go products aren’t really that budget-friendly. This can be especially burdensome when you are cornered into buying the products yourself when you try to catch up at month’s end to qualify.

Not much medical reviews on products. The lack of professional medical reviews on APLGO’s products is alarming. It doesn’t encourage trust on the product you are selling and if the claims are true.

Opportunity for income is hard to achieve. The opportunity for success is so small and earning a reasonable income with APLGo can be quite challenging with all the qualifications required.

Final Thoughts – APLGO

Right now, everyone just wants to be financially stable and this is the reason why a lot of us might succumb to the sparkly promises of MLM.

Should we be wary of the APLGO? Well, it’s not a scam and APLGO is an established and legit company built on a legally accepted business model. 

But as a reasonable person, you have to see past the long list of opportunities to get a bonus but on how realistic they are to achieve. No matter how many income opportunities they have listed on their compensation plan, you’ll have to really think through how big your chances are to even qualify.

A Better Way to Start a Home-Based Business

MLM’s usually promise you big numbers, and I get it, when you are in a room talking to that animated affiliate you get this feeling that those numbers are achievable. But I’m afraid that’s not the case scenario. Can you make money selling APLGO? I’m afraid that for the majority of people who had gambled with MLM’s, the answer is no.

Starting with the amount of money you would have to bring out to qualify for anything is already a big risk with the current global situation. I personally recommended Affiliate Marketing as my top business model for anyone to make money online.

With affiliate marketing, you don’t have to lose friends when yourecruit them just to reach your GV. With affiliate marketing, you can promote any product that you want and not stuck to only selling a single product. 

And the best part? You cna get started, for FREE!

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Joana is a proud wife, mother, and furparent. As a content specialist, she enjoys researching about different topics and niches. She finds that it is an interesting way to learn and discover new things. Joana still occasionally conducts lectures for aspiring teachers who are reviewing for the Licensure Examination for Teachers, but enjoys working from home to be closer with her family and be a hands-on mom.

This Blogpost is originally from What Is APLGO About: Can You Really Make Money Selling APLGO?


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