Tuesday, July 21, 2020

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator? Is It Worth Your $1999?

Earn From Your Laptop

Since you are here, you are probably looking into sharpening your skills to escalate your business opportunities.

Great initiative!

In this post, I will lay down all the facts about What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator, an online training program that focuses on building a consulting agency from scratch.

But is it worth your $1999?

To be successful, you need to make an effort to research every aspect that pertains to your business. And since you’re here, this means that you are into making money online and perhaps earn an income from your own home. Let’s get started!

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator header image

Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator Review Summary

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator logo

Product Name: Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator

Founder: Sam Ovens

Price: $1999 or 5 monthly payments of $599

Rating: 34/100

Best For: those who’d like to build a business around consulting

Recommended: Not Recommended

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About: An online course that promises to help you build a profitable consulting business.

Summary: Sam Ovens teaches people how to start and grow a consulting business. However, his definition of “consulting” is quite broad and the refund policy to try get your money back can be quite complicated to tackle.

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What is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About?

So in the online business, the website is your image. Here is a look at Sam Ovens’ website.

Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator website

I mean, can it get any more bland?

But anyway, let’s look deeper into it. What does Sam mean about “consulting?” According to Sam, consulting can take many forms. It can range from done-for-you (DFY) client services such as running Google Ads for a client. He says that it can also be to create an online course that walks people through how to achieve the same results that you did in the business you are in.

Sam Ovens would even break down what he calls “the evolutionary stages of a consultant” and puts a price on each one. Each stage has a hierarchy that you will have a chance at achieving as you buy a higher package. He has the Consulting Accelerator, Uplevel consulting, and Quantum Mastermind.

For this review, I’ll be focusing more on the cheapest one —Consulting Accelerator. It is a 6-week training program that also gives you community access, weekly Q&A calls, and a 100% free 7-day trial which you can cancel at any time with 1-click. Whenever I hear some “cancel at any time” sort of thing I get really a bit worried, especially when I need to give my credit card details upon signing up. It’s just so easy to forget to cancel within the trial period and just end up with a charge at the end of the road.

Here’s a promotional video for you.

Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator Background Info

So as I mentioned, Sam offers 3 services/courses at 3 varying prices. Consulting Accelerator is his level 1 training program. Their website says that there is a big update planned for 2020. I couldn’t really find any announcement yet if the update has already taken place though. Consulting Accelerator was first released in 2013 and was fully updated in 2017.

It claims to have a goal of helping students build a profitable consulting business by taking them through the first three “evolutionary stages of a consultant” which I mentioned earlier.

Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator evolution of consulting

Sam Ovens —Consulting Accelerator

In deciding if a product is legit, it is important to look into the background and track record of a person.

Born in 1989, Sam Ovens is an entrepreneur from New Zealand who currently lives and works in the USA. Sam is said to have built a multi-million dollar business from scratch, and in less than 5 years! Wow. isn’t that sweet?

Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator

Because of this he was named to a Forbes 30 Under 30 list for Asia in 2017.

Back in 2012 Sam Ovens was being promoted as the star graduate of The Foundation, another online course promising to teach students how to build a profitable software business. Sam was just 21 years old when he started with SnapInspect, his software business all from his parents’ garage in New Zealand. He claims that back then he was heavily in debt.

SnapInspect was already grossing $35,000 per month and Sam was earning about the same amount from a consulting business he started on the side. This is where Sam claims that he’d gone from broke to one million dollars profit in 3 years just within two years.”

How Does Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator Work?

On Sam Oven’s very minimalist website, you’ll find a red button saying “Watch Free Workshop”. From there you will get directed to a different website called journey.consulting.com.

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About free workshop

Some of the things you should be expecting in the free online workshop are:

  • How to pick a niche
  • How to craft a high-ticket offer
  • How to know what to say to get businesses to pay you
  • How to model the same system Sam uses to make millions online
  • How to generate appointments (on autopilot)

Courses/ Services

Sam offers three different training programs. Each program is intended to help students reach a certain level of success.

  • Consulting Accelerator
  • Uplevel Consulting
  • Quantum Mastermind
What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About course offers

Let’s just skip the other courses for a separate review shall we? Now, Consulting Accelerator is a 6-week online video course with physical workbooks, live Q&A calls and what they claim as a thriving community of entrepreneurs. Consulting Accelerator promises to show you how to start a profitable business from scratch and that it is best for anybody who wants to start their own business and grow it to 6-figures. 

“6-figures” —personally, promises like this never fail to bother me. I mean, you are made to believe that 6 and 7 figures are easy to achieve when it really isn’t. Can’t you atleast promise a sustainable income? But well, if you are putting an expensive price tag on your course you better set a promising ROI, right?

nathan lucas wink

Here is another promise “It works for anybody”. The website claims that regardless of your previous knowledge, experience, technical ability —or age Consulting Accelerator should work for you.

Sam claims that he decided to create this program after he realized that there was no other course that showed a complete beginner how to start their own business from scratch. Nothing that showed a step-by-step, detailed process.

Well, well, well. I actually know of one other program that walks you through the nitty-gritty, is systematic, and comprehensive.

Check Out My #1 Recommendation Here

Going back, Sam says that to fill the void, he created Consulting Accelerator and claims that around 20,000 happy customers agree. You simply watch the videos, take action and apply this to your business, use the provided tools, and start building your business piece by piece. You can also get additional value by asking questions in the Facebook group or during live Q&A calls. All in a lifetime access.

Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator Money-Back Guarantee

Is there a money-back guarantee? 

Their page says that they do. But if there’s anything I learned from all the reviews I’ve written, it’s that you should be more cautious with products and services offering a money-back guarantee and risk-free refunds ESPECIALLY when they ask for your credit card information first.

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About refund policy

Now it turns out that the refund policy they have in place is “action-based.” This means that for you to get your money back, you should have done EVERYTHING in the training. Yes, to the last detail.

Now there is even one pop-up where they said that if it didn’t work for you, you don’t only get your money-back but they’ll pay you $100 as well. Soooooo, what is the real deal?

How Much Does Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator Cost

So Sam Ovens actually offers a free trial but each product has their own rules. Same as for the refund policy.

So to be honest, I’m quite confused about how much this service really is. When I got to their sales page and clicked on Consulting Accelerator, it says that I can take the course for $1999 or a payment plan of $599 (5 payments).

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About price 1

But when I clicked free trial, the price went down to $1997 and $597 of 5 monthly payments billed every 30 days.

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About price and payment plan

What is the deeaaal???

Can You Make Money With Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator?

If you are willing to commit yourself to following the program, you can get all of the good things it offers. The Consulting Accelerator program is for people who are truly serious about starting or scaling a business. The page says that if you take the time to set out at least a few hours a week to complete each module, you will be rewarded for it and that by studying the modules and taking action at critical steps, your business can greatly progress as you grow.

In a way, I can agree since I am a firm believer of the phrase “knowledge is power.”

As I mentioned above, Sam has a free online training program for how he gets 30-50 high-ticket coaching and consulting clients, every single month. Again, this is too much of a promise to give.

And guess what, a teeny tiny button at the bottom will actually bring you to this.

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About Sam ovens earning disclaimer


How to Make Money with Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator?

In Sam Ovens’ own words, anyone can be a consultant just as long as you have a system to follow, you can do it without any problem. Most consultants get started with learning the basics, like picking a niche, finding clients, and convincing them to pay you and once you know the details on how to do those things, you are ready to start consulting.

Consulting can be done either part time or full time and you can do it on your own schedule. You can also scale your marketing consulting as small as you can manage or as big as you can be confident. And I guess if you want to work part time, you can just choose to work with a small number of clients until you’d like to go full time again.

Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator A Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a student of Consulting Accelerator myself and I do not endorse any of Sam Ovens in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what the Consulting Accelerator genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.

Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator a scam? No, I can’t say that. But it did not win my full confidence. From the overpromised results to the inconsistent pricing. This guy is just as confusing to me as the weather.

Here are a few negative reviews about this program.

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About negative review
What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About reviews on trustpilo

Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator Ugly Truths Revealed!

Misleading marketing. So I was very direct about this in earlier sections. A 6-figure and 7-figure income is HARD to achieve. Buying an expensive course will not make it easier let alone assure you of success.

Contradictions and Inconsistencies. One of the things that is advertised so brightly in one of the pages is how long it takes to achieve that success. 

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About promise

But then he also has this teeny tiny disclaimer at the bottom that results are not typical and that it took him 5 years and blah blah blah whatever poppycock he chose to write in letters you’d need a magnifying glass to read.

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About Sam ovens earning disclaimer

Shady Refund policy and Confusing price. Really, I have not written a review of a program that made me want to pull my hair as much as I want to with this. Looking at the price got me all confused as I clearly showed on the section on cost above. I even read one review that showed the price to be $1497. I mean —MAKE UP YOU MIND SAM!

Next up is the free trial. I have no idea why this program could have 2 different free trials. I was almost done with the post when one route of buttons on Sam’s website brought me to a page showing a shorter free trial duration.

What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About refund + $100
What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About 7day trial

And of course —the refund policy which is as misleading as heck. So it turns out that the only way you can get a full refund of Consulting Accelerator is to make sure NOT to sign the end user agreement during the sign-up process. Instead, contact support and immediately request the refund or to sign up for Consulting Accelerator without the free trial, complete all 14 worksheets from the first two weeks of training and within 14 days of buying CA. To qualify for the refund you need to upload all those worksheets probably as “proof of action.”

Website is so bland. Hey, I know you might say something like “don’t judge a book by its cover” but aside from a VERY boring looking website, what’s the deal with the microscopic text size. I mean, I need to move a good few inches to my computer screen to read anything.

This is actually such a turn off for me.

What I Like About Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator

Good Sales Training. Looking at the flow of the course, it walks you through a reliable, continual, process for picking a niche, creating your offer, and finding high-paying clients.

Comprehensive. Consulting Accelerator aims to be a comprehensive, systematic system for building a promising consulting business. It’s good that videos also come with a transcript. This clearly makes the lesson easier to follow.

My opinion Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator Program

Consulting Accelerator can actually be a solid investment if you’re willing to work hard and have the right expectations. But unlike how Sam Ovens promised it to be, it’s not for everyone.

The obvious lack of effort in his part to show you a nice landing page, confusing prices, trial durations, even the grammar (ugh!) gives me the impression that he is not putting much importance in Consulting Accelerator. This doesn’t give me much faith in his program.

How I Make a Passive Income Online

Are you still hoping to find an opportunity for a legitimate and honest way of making money online and in the comfort of your own home? 

Thanks for reading until the end of my post about —What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator About. Because of that, I’d like to share with you my preferred way to earn a sustainable passive income.

If you need to work from home because of a health problem, or you’d rather be with your children…or maybe just REALLY hate your day job, then an online business is what you want.

All the same, learning where to start and to be pointed in the right direction, to put all the pieces together is what you really need to be able to get what you want.

Personally, I highly recommended Affiliate Marketing as my top business model before all else for anyone to make money online.

Here are a few of my reasons:

  • You don’t have to strain friendship in recruitment effort just to make money
  • You don’t need thousands of dollars to start
  • You are free to promote any products that you want; and
  • It’s FREE to get started.

Now, aren’t free stuff the best?

Now, I am giving you my free and systematic guide to making money online for beginners—and you can get it by clicking the text below.

This Blogpost is originally from What Is Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator? Is It Worth Your $1999?

source https://earnfromyourlaptop.com/what-is-sam-ovens-consulting-accelerator/

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