Thursday, July 2, 2020

Is Tai Lopez A Fraud [Tai Lopez Program Review]

Did you just watch the infamous “Here in my garage” video? If your answer is yes, then you’re probably here to know more about a certain Tai Lopez.

Recently, there have been a lot of financial gurus that are coming out to offer valuable financial advice.

But are they all legit?

In this post, I bring to you my Tai Lopez Program Review. In this post, let’s find out — Is Tai Lopez a Fraud?

Tai Lopez actually has a lot of courses. For this post I will be focusing on his Social Media Marketing Agency. 

Is Tai Lopez A Fraud [Tai Lopez Program Review]

Is Tai Lopez A Fraud Review Summary

social media marketing agency

Product Name: Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency

Founder: Tai Lopez

Price: $997

Rating: 32/100

Best For: Anyone interested in creating their own social media marketing agency

Recommended: Not Recommended

What Is Social Media Marketing Agency About: Earning an income using Digital Marketing strategies

Summary: I personally came across Tai Lopez as I was researching different gurus. I came across his infamous video too. One of the products he is offering is called the Social Media Marketing Agency which is actually a program on digital marketing. 

Check out my #1 Recommendation here>>>

Who is Tai Lopez?

So Tai Lopez is said to be focusing on blending education with entertainment. This may be the reason behind the many viewers. Just like other “gurus” and influencers I have encountered, entertainment is what captivates and motivates people to learn much more methodically than old boring education systems.

The thing here is that Tai Lopez mainly makes money online by selling online courses. Because of this, I am made to think about the quality of his qualifications. I wouldn’t question him a bit if he got rich by— let’s say affiliate marketing —and if he is earning seven figures mainly because of that and is just doing the course part as a side gig. If that was the case, his courses would be more of a concoction of the following:

  • What were the exact steps he took to get to where he is now;
  • Case studies and situations he encountered during his time in the business;
  • A few inspirational words here and there; and 
  • probably just a teeny tiny bit of showing off his car or mansion —or maybe not even that.

In fact, I actually searched Warren Buffet and Bill Gates for any house tours or car showcase videos like what these influencers do. But I couldn’t find any videos of Buffet or Gates showing off their house or Ferrari. I wish they had thought of making a course and maybe everyone had a real shot.

But anyway, let’s not dismiss mr. Tai Lopez just yet.

So at the beginning, Tai may actually have earned significant sums of money online from running a few dating websites. Sort of like the pop-up you see when you open some website “Leila 24 looking for a date. Chat now!” Unfortunately quite a few of these were accused of baiting customers with fake profiles of attractive matches.

It was in 2014 when Tai Lopez started with selling digital products. This is when he began creating and selling online courses kicking off with his flagship course 67 Steps. Up until now, there is a possibility that his biggest source of income is still his online courses.

Tai Lopez Display of Wealth

Tai Lopez is BIIIIG in showing off his money. This is actually one of the main things he uses to seemingly justify his courses. Subtly, he shows people that if you buy his course, you have a shot at the kind of life that he has. It is actually as one Youtuber referred to as “selling a dream.”

But is this life that Tai Lopez brags about real?

Apparently, the Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and the house may not be his. There are actually already a couple of videos showing how his house in Beverly Hills and one of his Ferraris are leased. Is that better than saying they’re rented?

Does this still mean he’s rich?

What are Tai Lopez’ Different Programs?

Tai Lopez is actually offering a bunch of training programs.

Here is a list of a few of them:

Social Media Marketing Agency 2.0  Social Media Marketing Agency Program on starting your own marketing agency with social media.This is priced at $997.
E-Commerce Blueprint  E-Commerce Blueprint is a course on the dropshipping business. This is priced at $697.
12 Foundations A course on self-development. Such as choosing your Social Circle, Mastering Your Daily Routine, Self-Selection Bias, etc. This is priced at $497.
Traveling CEO A month program about how to get small businesses to pay you $3000 to $6000 while you travel the world. This is priced at $697.
67 Steps This program consists of 67 videos that highlight 67 steps on how to “turn your life around.” This is priced at $67.
E-Commerce Agency This course is focused on retail business and using social media to promote it. This is priced at $497.
Digital Social Marketing Consultant They say that this is “better than Starting a Social Media Marketing Agency.” This is priced at $997.
The Accelerator This is an exclusive program that offers you a one-on-one call with one of the top consultants from the Tai Lopez group. This is priced at $997.
The Inner Circle You will get a one-on-one call with one of Tai’s top consultants to help you focus on your goals and plan a course of action for success. This is priced at $3500.

I’m actually seeing some high-ticket prices here.

But for this post we’ll just be focusing on Social Media Marketing Agency 2.0.

Social Media Marketing Agency 2.0

So what is Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency about? Is social media marketing a waste of time? Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency Program is an online course arranged within 4 modules. This program promises to walk you through how to start your own marketing agency with social media. 

The thing here is that no program or course should guarantee something unless it is 100% foolproof. But like any other guru or any other pricey program, this one definitely has a disclaimer saying “results not typical.” Yes, sadly after all that roller coaster and making you jealous of their houses and cars, they can’t guarantee your success. But you’ll have to pay anyway!

Phase 1 Business Set-Up Phase 1 is called the Business Set-Up. This is where you go about naming and forming your company. Of course one of the first things you have to do is decide on a niche, so finding your niche will fall under the first phases of your business together with finally building a website.
Phase 2 Mastering Social Media Marketing Phase 2 is called the Mastering Social Media Marketing. In this phase you will be taught how to build a following on all the major social media channels namely Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you name it. When you’re done with that, you should get into making engaging and high converting Facebook ads and Google ads.
Phase 3 Acquiring Clients Phase 3 is called Acquiring Clients. This is where you are introduced to Email marketing, how to Build funnels, how to find clients, how to perform Lead generation, effective Search Engine Optimization, and Retargeting. Finally learn about how to close the sale, make some negotiations, as well as increasing lifetime value of clients.
Phase 4 Automating, Servicing & Building Your Team Phase 4 is called Automating, Servicing & Building Your Team. I’ve seen a lot of sound influencers such as Sophie Howard who really recommends getting a virtual assistant for your business. This phase will talk about Outsourcing and how it helps in Scaling your business.

But again, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s look into the program first.

Social Media Marketing Agency 2.0 includes a handful of bonus lessons, archived monthly live calls, and access to an active Facebook group. What it is basically is a Digital Marketing program. But when Tai christened it “Social Media Marketing Agency” he made it into something millennials would want to take a bite into. “Digital Marketing” is boring while “Social media” is a hit. I mean who doesn’t get into Social Media nowadays?

This is how Tai Lopez persuaded the younger generations to buy into Social Media Marketing Agency. He knew the term digital marketing would be too daunting for a lot of people. It just seems so broad and intimidating don’t you think? 

By promoting SMMA as a “social media marketing agency”, it allowed the public most importantly the younger people to buy into this program. SMMA program, in substance, actually just teaches you how to use social media and manage your business on it. The fact of the matter is, young lads like me (lol) are already managing to make a brand on social media without needing to buy into the SMMA 2.0 program.

So what is Social Media Marketing Agency about?

Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency 2.0 ideally should teach you how to start your own marketing agency with social media and get small businesses to hire you. As the course’s sales page claims, there are already more than 40,000 people who have signed up to date.

The full course is made up of mostly video lessons from a variety of lecturers, with 100+ hours of material available as soon as you sign up. As i mentioned in a previous section, you’ll also get bonus lessons, archived monthly live calls, and access to an active Facebook group for students.

One thing Tai never fails to emphasize in this course is how you will be able to travel the world while making millions. 

Dang! This is definitely what a millennial like me would like (again, lol).

How-To-Sell-Avon-Online-Only girls on vacay

It’s not just the younger ones right, that is actually the dream we all have. That’s definitely not an offer that many of us would like to pass up. I already noted in a previous section how this is not an all exclusive Tai strategy — but a strategy most influencers use — drill the same illusion into our head that we can someday go on a vacation while money keeps coming in.

Here are a few things Tai guarantees you will get out of taking this course:

  • How to choose a company name
  • How to purchase a domain
  • How to setup a website to attract new clients
  • How to setup email marketing funnels for small businesses
  • How to speak to business owners and use the language they respond to
  • How to find clients and convince them to pay you
  • How to setup the new business
  • How to set up multiple types of packages for your clients
  • How to get your first $1,000 a month client within 4 months
  • How to make more money by automating your social media marketing agency
  • How to discover the best tools to track your social media marketing
  • How to know the best tools to use for social media marketing
  • How to know the right and best way to use free videos to help any small business
  • How to give a name to your social media business and never use your own name

If taught properly and substantially this course has the aspects of having such great potential. However, it seems that much of the information that is being taught in this course has been said to be very “basic”. Reading others reviews, most of them said that the information provided to students in the course could have been found just by typing in google search. At least typing on google is free.

In regards to email marketing there are several free email marketing tools that can be used to help someone start their business such as Mailjet, Mailchimp, Sender and a few more. I highly suggest that you look into other free and cheaper alternatives rather than spending money on learning information that can be found elsewhere for FREE.

Money-Back Guarantee

Each of Tai Lopez’ programs has its own refund policy which you can find in their terms and conditions. For Social Media Marketing Agency there is an “Action-Based” 30 Day Refund Policy. To get a refund from them, you must first watch and complete all Phase 1 videos. This is a total of 22 videos. Why? Probably to have more time to convince you I guess.

The John Crestani Super Affiliate Scam keanu wink

Tai Lopez Social Media Marketing Agency Cost

How much is Tai Lopez getting from his courses? Well, Tai Lopez has actually stated publicly that his net worth is more than $50 million.

Dan Lok High Ticket Closer Program expensive gif

In one review I came across with claims that they got a statement from Lopez’ accountant saying that Tai Lopez conservative net worth estimate is $60 million. And I’m not sure when that review was written. Imagine how much he’s worth now.

Why did I mention this? Well Remember that He got to where he is now because of people buying his courses. And this will soon include you (if you ever sign up).

Below are few of the prices for Tai’s courses:

  • Social Media Marketing Agency 2.0 ($997)
  • E-Commerce Blueprint ($697)
  • How to Invest ($697)
  • Traveling CEO ($697)
  • 12 Foundations ($497)
  • Digital Social Marketing Consultant($997)
  • 67 Steps ($67)
  • E-Commerce Agency ($497)
  • The Accelerator ($997)
  • The Inner Circle ($3500)

Here’s the thing, I actually searched for Social Media Marketing Agency 2.0 (SMMA 2.0) and as of this writing it seems to have been replaced by Social Media Marketing Agency 3.0.

The good thing is, it seems to now be priced at $69 instead of the $997.

Can You Make Money With the Tai Lopez Program?

Tai Lopez’ programs may actually have lots of good advice. But you’ll only be able to hear it after he talks about a bunch of other things. This actually makes it seem a bit scattered. What it lacks is a general direction and drawing a bigger picture of what he wants to talk about as he tends to segue a bit LOT.

He brings on different experts but some repeat the same information. Quite honestly, some are pretty useless or too common sense. As I mentioned in earlier, you might get as much luck typing in on google search which is free by the way.

Tai lists his impressive stats on social media and how it has been essential to the success he is getting. Definitely, However a lot of that is greatly amplified by his paid campaigns. I mean, we can do that too. We can spend a lot of money on Facebook or Youtube and definitely will get traffic. But do we have the budget— and would the income justify the cost?

Tai claims that social media is one of the finest ways to grow a business because it’s something we can’t get away from everyday. But here are my thoughts on why Social Media for a business is challenging in a few different ways.

  • Most people on socmed are there to hang out and be social, not naturally, looking to buy.
  • You would have to interrupt people’s scrolling to get them to buy. This is not easy
  • Producing youtube content takes time before you build up any following
  • Most businesses rely heavily on Google search rankings for new business not social media

Most business owners out there just want new customers that need their service. For example the best way to get in front of a customer who is looking for a pool cleaning service or perhaps even a good coffee maker is to be on page one when they pull up their smartphone and type in “best coffee makers” or “cheap pool cleaning services near me” something like that. This is something you achieve through learning the ropes of search engine optimization.

Is social media marketing a waste of time? Not really. It’s just that you shouldn’t rely solely on social media when it comes to marketing.

You can learn more about how to do that by clicking the button below.

Here’s My Top Recommended program >>

Tai Lopez — Scam? Is Tai Lopez A Fraud?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a student of Tai Lopez myself and I do not endorse any of Tai Lopez’ programs in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what Tai Lopez’ Programs genuinely do. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.

Many people would call Tai Lopez a scammer because of his frequent use of questionable marketing tactics, as well as his history of bending the truth. Tai Lopez even claimed that he was voted the #1 social media influencer by Entrepreneur Magazine. Which turned out to not be true. 

Because of people like Tai Lopez, we might end up asking, is social media marketing a waste of time?

But do I think that he is? Well, he won’t be winning any honesty award from me. But I won’t go as far as calling him or his program a scam. Overpriced —yes. But the courses and topics are legit.

Tired of all these know-it-all gurus? Check out how I make money online here

Tai Lopez Program Ugly Truths Revealed!

Pricey. I’ve shown you the products right, so this is not really something we have to debate about. The courses and services are quite pricey. But I guess that’s always the thing about paying for entertainment.

Redundant. There are definitely a lot of teachers teaching the course. And that should be good. But instead, the topics are repeated again and again just in a different packaging.

Poorly organized. Even if there would have been a lot of helpful and insightful material in the course, it can’t be denied that it seems to have been thrown together like a good old salad. You are left to resolve and figure all the disorder and contradictions out. Mostly because Tai tends to be a bit scatterbrained in talking about a topic. Take for example this video for SMMA 3.0.

I remember watching this and like “when are you going to start talking about SMMA 3.0?”

Outdated. Some of the videos came from way back 2016. And they haven’t updated it yet until now.

Paid Ads. I mentioned this earlier. Yes, Tai has proof of his high traffic, but how can we be sure this isn’t all because of the amount of Ads he paid for? You might just not have that kind of money.

What I Like About Tai Lopez Program

Entertaining. We can’t deny the charisma of Tai Lopez. Even when he was bragging about that new Lamborghini and slowly saying “KNOW-le-ch” you got to admit he was able to get a reaction from you.

Comprehensive. With more than 100 videos, the course surely covers a lot of topics focusing on digital marketing —oh sorry —social media marketing.

Refund Policy. The SMMA refund policy actually wants you to first watch and complete all Phase 1 videos which is a total of 22 videos before getting a refund. This is actually good since I’ve actually encountered a lot of courses who won’t refund your money if you’ve watched already 25% of the first video, or 2 topics, some don’t offer anything at all.

Tai Lopez Program Review: My opinion

What I noticed with Tai Lopez is how he seems to really try to show his wealth. I don’t know about you but the Lamborghini is a little too much for me.

Tai claims that social media is one of the finest ways to grow a business because it’s something we can’t get away from everyday. I think it does have potential.

But here are a few of my opinions on different ways Social Media for a business can be a challenge.

  1. It involved a lot of paid ads which would cost A LOT
  2. People rarely go to social media to buy, especially courses

That is why I can’t recommend this program. There are a lot of courses and programs out there for a cheaper price too, if you really want to learn about digital marketing. Some are even free.

How I Make a Passive Income Online

Are you still hoping to find an opportunity for a legitimate and honest way of making money online and in the comfort of your own home? 

Thanks for reading until the end of my Tai Lopez Program Review. I hope I was able to help you decide for yourself —Is Tai Lopez A Fraud.

Now, I’d like to share with you my preferred way to earn a sustainable passive income.

If you need to work from home because of a health problem, or you would rather be with your son or daughter…or maybe just REALLY hate working from 8-5 —then an online business is what you want.

All the same, learning where to start and to be pointed in the right direction, to put all the pieces together is requirement to be able to get what you want.

Personally, I highly recommended Affiliate Marketing as my top business model before all else for anyone to make money online.

Here are a few of my reasons:

  • You don’t have to strain friendship in recruitment effort just to make money
  • You don’t need to cash out so much for paid ads
  • You don’t need thousands of dollars to start
  • You are free to promote any products that you want; and
  • It’s FREE to get started.
Nathan-Lucas-Freedom-Influencer free oprah gif

Now, aren’t free stuff the best?

Now, I am giving you my free and systematic guide to making money online for beginners—and you can get it by clicking the text below.

Check Out My #1 Recommendation Here

Joana is a proud wife, mother, and furparent. As a content specialist, she enjoys researching about different topics and niches. She finds that it is an interesting way to learn and discover new things. Joana still occasionally conducts lectures for aspiring teachers who are reviewing for the Licensure Examination for Teachers, but enjoys working from home to be closer with her family and be a hands-on mom.


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