Thursday, June 4, 2020

What Is Proven Amazon Course About? [A Proven Amazon Course Review]

Hi, you must be considering the Amazon FBA business and heard of such a course that would teach you all you need to know about Amazon FBA.

You are actually making a smart move by doing some thorough research to understand more and discover —What Is Proven Amazon Course About?

Now, since you are searching for more information about Amazon FBA and the Proven Amazon Course, this post will give you just that. I have spent a good amount of time just to give you details about the company, the costs, lessons, and if this is really the course you are looking for.

So read on, because this is the Proven Amazon Course Review just for you.

What Is Proven Amazon Course About header image

Proven Amazon Course Review Summary

Product Name: Proven Amazon Course

Founder: Jim Cockrum

Price: $29/monthly, a for lifetime access

Rating: 44/100

Best For:  Anyone who’d like to learn more about Amazon FBA

Recommended: Not Recommended

What is Amazon FBA Ninja About: A membership program which offers an Amazon FBA Course

Summary: Proven Amazon Course claims that they have 10 times more success stories than any other Amazon selling course on the market right now. It is a membership program offering a course on Amazon FBA Course.

What is the Proven Amazon Course About?

What Is Proven Amazon Course About company name

If you go to their website, Proven Amazon Course claims that they have 10 times more success stories than any other Amazon selling course on the market right now. You can also find a claim that they have 10 years more eCommerce experience than anyone else teaching online sales for just a 10th of the price of other hyped-up courses.

Well, they really love the number 10, don’t they?

According to them, Amazon FBA is the way to go based on March 2020 headlines. The headline states that hundreds of thousands of new shoppers are buying on every day. (Probably thanks to COVID)

What else does the Proven Amazon Course promise to teach you?

  • Where to discover unlimited sources of inventory wherever you are in the world. Includes a course that is valued at $1,500. It depicts a systematic step by step for you of how to find profitable inventory any time you’d like.
  • How to put together your own brand of private label products that you can sell directly online or to other sellers. Proven Amazon Course have various #1 “Best Selling Private Label Products” among the teachers together with the students of the course.
  • How to easily ship your supply in bulk at very cheap prices directly to Amazon’s warehouse.
  • How to price your inventory higher than your competition but still be able to outsell them.
  • How to automate the entire process so that you need only check your sales reports.
  • How to run your business from anywhere and automate it and have others do the work.
  • How Proven Amazon Course students worldwide are able to set up successful businesses. 
  • The simple tools you can take with you anywhere you go so you can instantly spot the “winning inventory” and let Amazon do everything else.

They even went as far as saying that:

We have the ONLY truly global “Selling on Amazon” course online. —Yup, they really said that.

How Does Proven Amazon Course Work?

The Proven Amazon Course is built upon the concept of  Amazon FBA.

With this business model, you will be able to begin a business online without needing to stock up on the products yourself. 

One of the benefits of this service is that you get to store your inventory in Amazon’s warehouse and make use of their customer service. Because of this, you don’t have to worry about packing or shipping since it is all included within the fulfillment services.

What will you find inside the Proven Amazon Course?

Here are some of the things Proven Amazon Course also named Proven Amazon Course 2.0 will teach/provide you:

Introduction to Amazon FBA
Systematic getting-started videos to get you up and running on Amazon
Classified course videos on each aspect of building and running a successful Amazon business
Discounts on tools and services that can assist you in automating your business, increasing your productivity, and maximizing your profits
An entire course of more than 30 high-profit sourcing techniques
How to get others to source for you by building a sourcing team
Expert-compiled list of over 200 legitimate wholesale sources
Access to Proven Amazon Course’s highly active private Facebook group with 50,000 members
Ongoing training

So what is the business model by which the Proven Amazon Course is anchored in?

What is Fulfillment by Amazon?

What is the Amazon FBA business model?

What Is Proven Amazon Course AboutFBA image

Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) otherwise known as Amazon FBA is a service offered by Amazon for anyone who would like to make money by trading products online. 

Here are the some of the things Amazon FBA can do for you:

  • provide storage for you;
  • provide you with shipping assistance;
  • tracks your orders for you;
  • tracks your customers orders;
  • handles refunds for you;
  • provide you with packaging service; and
  • provide customer service for your buyers.

Why do some people prefer to be part of the Amazon business? A lot of people, especially those with enough budget (meaning thousands) prefer to make use of the Amazon FBA service because of these benefits:

  • less effort on logistics and shipping
  • discounted shipping rates
  • management of returns
  • worry-free customer service
  • unlimited storage space
  • fulfillment of orders even from other channels (e.g. BigCommerce)

Now that we already know more about the Proven Amazon Course, let’s get into the details of the courses it offers.

Inside Proven Amazon Course

Some of the topics you’ll find in the course are an introduction to Amazon FBA, step-by-step videos to guide you on how to get started on Amazon, how to get others to source for you, how to build a sourcing team, and a few others.

The website actually gave a sneak-peak of what you will find if you sign up.

What Is Proven Amazon Course About courses

Here is a list of the lesson categories of the Proven Amazon Course:

Start Here
Next Steps
Private Label
Multiple Sourcing Strategies
Promotional Company Sourcing
Proven Performance Inventory
Proven Audience Formula
International FBA
Build Your Team
Taxes, Accounting, Legal
Live Events
Creative Partnerships
Bonus Content
Archived Content

Proven Amazon Course Costs

Probably the cheapest among the Amazon FBA courses we’ve made a review so far, Proven Amazon Course will only cost you $29 per month as membership. On the other hand, if you want to gain lifetime access to the course and everything else they offer, you would have to pay $499.

Typically still cheaper.

Can You Make Money With Proven Amazon Course 

If you make an effort to follow a lot of good practices in the Proven Amazon Course, then you have a good chance at achieving success with the Amazon FBA business and earn a continuous source of income.

A lot of people, Jim Cockrum included, have become quite successful in this business model.

At the bottom, you need to have around five thousand to ten thousand dollars to commence your Amazon FBA business. What if you only have a few hundred dollars in your account? Well, if that’s the case, keeping your Amazon FBA business could be really tough.


Is Proven Amazon Course a Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a student of the Proven Amazon Course myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what the Proven Amazon Course genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.

Now that I made this clear—what is the Proven Amazon Course about? Is Proven Amazon Course a Scam

I don’t see how the Proven Amazon Course can be a scam. The thing here is, the business model that the Proven Amazon Course is actually coaching you about is a highly legitimate business venture.

They even brag about being BBB accredited with an A+ rating. True enough they only have 1 complaint for the past 3 years.

What Is Proven Amazon Course About bbb rating

However, they were registered as Cockrum Computer Services, Inc.  not as the Proven Amazon Course that we know of and that I am writing about right now.

What Is Proven Amazon Course About bbb website

So, I’m sort of suspecting that this rating is more of a result of people not knowing they’re even on BBB. If you type in “Proven Amazon Course” no result would come up.

The website they have on BBB doesn’t really lead to the Proven Amazon Course website either, so I’m not really impressed with it.

What Is Proven Amazon Course About silent selling machine

Tired of expensive crappy Courses? Check out how I make money online here

Proven Amazon Course Ugly Truths Revealed!

Overpromises results. It’s great that you can put your business across a lot of people without having to pay for and keep a huge inventory. However, the course tends to make it seem like a get-rich-quick solution for you and that’s a big thumbs down for me.

Not for beginners. Proven Amazon Course can be a bit complex for those who don’t have any background of the Amazon FBA business. All the information could be too overwhelming for anyone new.

Cluttered course interface. The user interface for members can be quite cluttered and hard to navigate in.

What I Like About Proven Amazon Course

Legit Business Model. Proven Amazon Course walks you through important concepts in relation to Amazon FBA. It is a legitimate business venture where quite a few people have been successful such as Proven Amazon course’s founder.

Speaking from Experience. The good thing about the Proven Amazon Course is that it is created by someone who made it big in the Amazon FBA business. Real experiences can be very invaluable to you.

Money-back guarantee. Having a 30-day money-back guarantee is a great thing. What if you realize after a few lessons that this isn’t the course or business for you? Then it is a generous opportunity to be able to turn back around and just call it a day.

What Is Proven Amazon Course About moneyback guarantee


My Opinion – Proven Amazon Course

The Proven Amazon Course is a legitimate business that offers de facto services. 

Now,  if you can’t afford to spend around $5 to $20 a day on ads for the Amazon FBA business model, then this business model might not be the best idea.

 FBA vs Affiliate-Marketing

This is the reason why affiliate marketing is the best choice for me.

With affiliate marketing, all you need to do is fashion your personal affiliate website which will bring about a good amount of traffic for you every day. Furthermore, there are a lot of ways for you to monetize this specific type of traffic. 

How I Make a Passive Income Online

Thanks for reading until the end of my post as I answer the question — What Is Proven Amazon Course About?

As I mentioned about the Proven Amazon Course and the concept of Amazon FBA, it speaks of a legit business model.

However, here are some of the few things you have to worry about if you pursue this venture:

  • With more competition, you’ll find you spend a lot more of your time just to try to earn an income.
  • You need a lot of time and effort to find helpful products to promote as well as quality product photos and detailed specifications
  • The cost of ads on multiple platforms is increasing with the competition.  If you slack of on your online shop, you will be wasting money.
  • Shortages of Stocks can be such a big problem for you. You are the face of your product, and even if the curtailment isn’t your fault, you will have to pay for the outcomes.
  • Increasing Cost of Goods is another cause for worry, you might have picked a cheap product now, but prices could rise in the next few months or even days.
  • You have to handle with Higher Fulfilment Costs
  • Niches can be so saturated already and each seller seems to be selling the exact same thing.
  • You will have to learn selling trends and timing, will you be on the right side of the fad as the trend rises and falls?
  • Overall low net profit after all the increasing advertising expenses and increasing competition.

These are the reasons that made me decide on a specific business venture and the reason for me to write this Proven Amazon Course Review. I also know every one of us has different skills and expertise. If Amazon FBA is what you see fit for your skills then you can learn how to get FREE traffic and other traffic sources for your dropshipping biz from my #1 recommendation below. 

Check Out My #1 Recommendation Here


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