Sunday, June 28, 2020

What Is The Power Lead System About? Is The Power Lead System A Scam

It is important to do your research first before venturing out on a new business.

The fact that you are here means that you are doing just that—great job!

According to LinkedIn, probably one of the most significant benefits built up by using lead generation is that of increase in sales of a company or business’ merchandise. Lead Generating can also elevate the profit margins of the business. Businesses that use lead generation programs are more likely to make more sales by turning leads into actual buying customers.

In this post we will talk about a course that will help you understand and work on lead generation. This program is the Power Lead System.

What Is The Power Lead System About? Is The Power Lead System A Scam?

So what are we waiting for? Let’s unearth this program, now.

What Is The Power Lead System About? Is The Power Lead System A Scam header image

The Power Lead System Review Summary

Product Name:  Power Lead System

Founder: Michael Price

Price: $30 a month


Best For: those who would like to try their hand at a lead generation business

Recommended: Not Recommended

What is Power Lead System About: A course on lead generation

Summary: Power Lead System is a Multi-level marketing tool that lies in between the grey area of it being a scam or a legit. To some it’s a scam and to others it’s not, it actually depends on you and how you actually use the product.

Here’s My Top Recommended program >>

What Is The Power Lead System About?

Power Lead System is a custom marketing platform equipped with certain tools. They claim that this helps entrepreneurs that are either starting or want to move to another platform where they can easily create their products website to their liking and expose their product to a large number of people and make money.

It also has an affiliate program in place. So, let’s take the cat out of the bag out here now: At the bottom, Power Lead System About is a Multi-Level Marketing company. It is a subscription based product rather than a service with one time payment. 

It was founded by Michael Price and created by Neil Guess in 2013. 

Inside The Power Lead System

Essentially, here are the following benefits The Power Lead System promises that you’ll get if you sign up for them.

 What Is The Power Lead System About mock ups

Landing pages are essential for lead generation. The first thing that The Power Lead System provides is that you can create an unlimited amount of lead capture pages, complete with personal branding. If you’re not that creative then you can also just choose from the ones The Power Lead System will provide you.

The Power Lead System claims to have a design team that constantly tests and tweaks new landing page designs, to help ensure the best conversions. The Power Lead System even has a video library that is packed with engaging videos that you can easily add to any of your system pages. They also have an effective traffic system which claims to track all of your ads to see what’s working and what isn’t.

Finally, Power Lead System claims to have a powerful contact management system. This supposedly allows you to rate and sort your prospects, take notes, and schedule reminders. You can even see who is opening your emails —or clicking on your links.

What Is The Power Lead System About mock ups 2

Other features included in The Power Lead System:

  • video library
  • tracking
  • contact management system
  • unlimited sub-domains creation
  • sending email broadcasts
  • auto-responder service and third party autoresponder service integration
  • guide to using SEO strategies
  • add social links
  • easy drag and drop website 

The unlimited sub-domains creation helps with your budget, since they give you the option of instead of buying a new domain for each of your funnels, to just create multiple subdomains. You can have these subdomains pointed to any advertisement, webpage, or banner for ad tracking. The Power Lead System can also let you send an email broadcast to your entire subscriber base. With that, they also promise deliverability and functionality. The sales video pages feature also has potential to rank your lead capture pages all over the internet.

The Power Lead System promises to show you exactly where to add SEO keywords and phrases to your website and even ‘Title Tags’ to maximize your online exposure. The Power Lead System also already throws in an auto-responder service with the option to use another auto-responder service if you want to or need to. You can easily integrate with any third party autoresponder service that you want.

Add social links like Facebook, or Twitter to any page in your system. 

Finally, The Power Lead System works with a drag and drop website creation software that allows you to easily create a presentable website, pages and even sales funnels.

If you think about it, if The Power Lead System really works, and if they are truly able to deliver, there is virtually no limit but your imagination. Because of all the available features, you can create incredible looking sales funnels for whatever business you or your client is into. Afterward, you can share that funnel with any person or business you choose since a unique sort of referral or “share code” is generated for every funnel created by you.

 What Is The Power Lead System About benefits

The Power Lead System also has weekly webinars wherein you will learn more about your system, and even be able to ask questions. The PLS training area will walk you through how and where to market your business, including many places not widely known in the industry, that might be getting good results.

How Does The Power Lead System Work?

As  I mentioned in the previous section, The Power Lead System is an MLM.

Same with other Multi-Level Marketing, The Power Lead System uses referral marketing where you’ll get the chance at a 50% matching bonus. This is when a person refers someone to subscribe to the product being sold, that person will be placed under the person who referred them to the product. After this, when that person who was referred receives their first payment, the person who referred (upline) will get a bonus which is half of what the person who was referred has earned.

So ladies and gentlemen it’s actually the typical payment structure used by other MLM’s.

The Power Lead System Costs

To get into The Power Lead System, it will cost you about $30 per month.

But why stop there right? If you want to acquire gold membership then you will have to add an additional cost of $27.97. Let’s add all that up shall we, so all in all it would be:

$30 Power Lead System Costs plus Gold membership of $27.97 makes it $57.97 per month spending on your part. Here’s the deal though, if you refer at least 3 customers, then the gold membership will be free.

A Pixamattic Review for free
$147 Free Ad Secrets 
$497 Social Profit Academy
$1,497 Master Traffic Institute 

Can You Make Money With The Power Lead System

If you are a beginner and you purchase their products to help you with the ropes in the business then —yes, you can make money with The Power Lead System. However, if you have intentions of selling the product, you might not have that much luck. This is because it seems like the learning content is not that substantial.

This will give you the impression that the products are only there to justify the MLM part.

As per the MLM side of things, personally I’m not a big fan as most MLMs have shown to have a very low potential for income.

How to Make Money with The Power Lead System?

You can make money by referring people to use PLS to earn through commission or you have an actual product to advertise or promote in the PL System. 

If you are an owner of any of their final 3 products, you will receive a bunch of compensation benefits. 

Free Ad Secrets which is for $147 will give you the opportunity to get an unlimited $100 frontline commissions as well as unlimited $25 override commission from your downlines.

 What Is The Power Lead System About free Ad secrets

On the other hand, Social Profit Academy can be bought at the price of $497. Phew! It’s actually starting to get expensive from here. But they say it’s okay as long as you get unlimited $400 frontline commissions and $50 overrides from your donwline’s sales, right?

social profit academy

Finally, the Master Traffic Institute opens the door for an amazing $1000 frontline commissions as well as an unlimited $200 override commission.

1 grand from bringing people in and two hundred bucks for every person brought in by your downline isn’t bad at all! But for $1,497? hmmm.

Master Traffic Institute

The problem is, is it truly unlimited? Is sky really the limit of earning from The Power Lead System? Or will you run out of people in the planet to sell to.

Is The Power Lead System a Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not an affiliate of Power Lead System myself and I do not endorse Lead Gen Affiliate in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what Power Lead System genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.

The Power Lead System member’s area is simply a collection of marketing training videos and articles with also a few free tools thrown into the mix. They call this package “a business in a box.” Honestly though, it’s more like a collection of tutorials someone collected from the internet and compiled together for selling. You can probably get as much value getting into the internet and googling.

Is The Power Lead System a scam though? Is it a pyramid scheme? Well the fact that they have product offerings don’t make them a pyramid scheme, but I get the impression that people are joining more in hopes of bringing in recruits and get a hand at commissions rather than for affiliate marketing or lead generation.

Here’s My Top Recommended program >>

What I Don’t Like About The Power Lead System

Nothing new. Power Lead System is unfortunately a low value product. What do I mean by this? What I want to say is that there really isn’t much learning that you can get from the member’s area that can’t be found elsewhere.

Expensive. Ok, there are a lot of other products out there that actually charge a lot more. But the fact that affiliates need to pay the standard membership fee of $30 plus the affiliate fee of $24 per month gives me a feeling that my bank account is getting attacked.

No Refunds. Do you want to hear something weird? So here’s the thing, The Power Lead System says that you can cancel your account at any time you want. Great! BUT —you won’t be given a refund if you want one.

Is 30 Day Success Formula a scam what image

Of course you can stop joining anytime you want. I mean it is a free country. But do you get your money back? Nope. Sorry!

isagenix wheres my money

What I Like About The Power Lead System

Landing pages are gorgeous. The templates are honestly very attractive. It’s pretty much the redeeming factor of this entire schmoosh.

Support. The weekly marketing webinars could really help especially if you’re new in the business. It is essential in the early days of your business to have someone hold your hand and guide you to the right path to business success. My concern is just that the webinars could also be The Power Lead System’s upsell opportunity.

The Power Lead System—Final Thoughts

Running a lead generation business can be very promising since a lot of businesses are now outsourcing their lead generation processes in order to save time and bring sales opportunities their way. However, it is one of the online businesses right now that are highly competitive. If you don’t have active lead generation efforts, it is difficult to grow and scale your business.

The best practice to start making money with lead generation is by creating a high converting opt-in page. This helps grab prospective client’s names and email. A common strategy is to couple this with a free gift that they can access once they submit their contact information. So make sure you have a good sales funnel and email follow up setup beforehand.

However, in my case, I consider affiliate marketing as a more promising business opportunity. 

With Affiliate Marketing you won’t need thousands of dollars just to start with, put your personal relationships on the line in recruitment and sales effort, you have the choice to market any products that you want, and even get started for FREE.

A Better Way To Start A Home-based Business

Thanks for reading until the end of this review to understand what the Power Lead System is about. I hope I was able to help you find out —Is The Power Lead System A Scam.

As I have mentioned, affiliate marketing is the best choice for me.

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based business where affiliate marketers can earn a significant amount of money from revenue-sharing.  This means they get paid a fixed commission when a sale is made to the products they are marketing. 

Affiliate marketers become independent promoters of their chosen product, service or even a range of products where you will have the freedom to choose what techniques or strategies you want to use to reach the most number of customers.

This means that you don’t really have to be an expert or be some guru to succeed.

Sounds like a good opportunity right?

So If you ever change your mind and want to jump into affiliate marketing, you can learn from my #1 recommendation below. 

Check Out My #1 Recommendation Here


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