Thursday, January 21, 2021

Is Dan Henry A Scam: A Review of Dan Henry Courses

Earn From Your Laptop

Have you ever thought of how fast your business could change only if you could reach your target customers faster? 

Businesses using social media are able to find people who need the exact service they offer. This way, you are at the perfect place, at the perfect time —sounds like a romcom, doesn’t it? Day after day, you have a chance to offer your service, with a shot of letting these valued customers come back for more. More satisfied clients, more business —definitely more money!

But before you jump in blind, it’s important to do your research. And as I could see, your research brought you to this article —a review on Dan Henry Courses.

In this post, I’ll be talking about an influencer who turns out to offer various courses especially about making business using social media. However, does he really have the answers for you? Or is this just a Pandora’s box of unnecessary costs?

Let’s’ find out —is Dan Henry a scam? Read more in this Dan Henry review.

Is Dan Henry A Scam_ A Review of Dan Henry Courses header image

Dan Henry Courses Summary

Product Name: Get Clients

Founder: Dan Henry

Price: 1x payment of $997.00 or 2x payments of $597.00

Update: Most of Dan Henry’s courses and programs no longer publish a price and may even vary for every client.

Rating: 26 /100

Best For: Anyone who’d like to earn a significant on an online business

Recommended: Not Recommended

Dan Henry Review Summary: Dan Henry is a textbook rags to riches influencer and seems to be in a habit of making courses and most can be found through his Get Clients website. But an awful lot of Dan Henry courses are now off the radar. Is he a good deal —or is Dan Henry a Scam?

What is Dan Henry Courses About? 

It’s a simple idea.

If you find people who run small businesses on Facebook, you offer to create ads for them on there so they can attract more customers to their business and make more money.

Now what I noticed though is that the type of training this program gives is somewhat familiar. Lately, it has been a trend for people who are really successful at online business to teach people their “secrets” to earning a 6 to 7 digit income. 

Hmmm. But hey, it’s still early in my post so let’s try to find out more shall we?

So Dan Henry also offers a free course (just like the other guys *wink*). 

How Does Dan Henry Courses Work?

Get Clients is an online website asset backed by the brand – Omni Marketing, LLC.

The main course that it has for sale is the 30 Day Agency. This course is complete with pre recorded videos, documented PDF training and sales funnels etc. Depending on your adaptability and commitment level you will either make it or break it —and oh, don’t forget the important aspect of financial capacity. This is quite important for someone who’d like to do business on Facebook.

In this course, you will be taught how to run an online advertising agency. Specialise in Facebook Ads — you will learn how to bring business in for your clientele, whether it’s a local or global business.

Dan Henry Review: Who Is Dan Henry

I’ve been seeing Dan Henry on Facebook a lot. He goes around with his promo video for his Ebooks and it turns out that he’s a pretty big name in the world of internet marketing. Another thing is that Henry seems to be behind some of the more popular PPC ad techniques which are mostly on Facebook. 

Well, I thought —what is this guy about? So, I did some research to find out more about him.

Believe it or not, before becoming the hot shot that he is, he actually got his hands on a lot of different stuff. He was as broke as anyone can be and there are a lot of rumors about the little gigs he did in the past. It is said that he ran an Italian ice cream cart service, did some airbrush tattooing at carnivals, owned two small bars, ran a T-shirt company, until he finally got into affiliate marketing.

Is Dan Henry A Scam dan henry

Wow, this seems like a really hard working guy. This makes me think that Dan Henry has one of those rags to riches stories where he may have even started out as a pizza delivery guy. So how could someone start from that and end up being a digital entrepreneur-millionaire in five months?

IS DAN HENRY A SCAM dan henry book

But Dan Henry has all these tales of hardship that I’m actually confused which one is real (unless it’s all of them). Oh I read that he had to sell water bottles on the streets with his wife just to pay the house bills. He even claimed to have lost a lot of money on a software. His money went down the drain when Google released a similar product weeks before its launch — for free. Yikes! 

He just struggled overall in starting a few businesses here and there until his wife helped him focus on his marketing skills. This is when he started giving his undivided attention in Facebook Advertising. He focused on offering services to local real estate agents and restaurants, where he landed seven clients in 30 days, making over $10,000!

But I can’t help but feel that his story is all too familiar —all too common even. A common tale I have heard of any other Financial influencer. And just like any other “business guru” Dan Henry can’t seem to stop creating courses to spread his great knowledge.

Dan Henry actually offers a free book and all you need to pay for is the shipping.

This book is about digital marketing and focuses on topics such as digital ads. Dan Henry’s book is designed to be part of the sales funnel, but there is some solid information in here, and it certainly will help when it comes to learning more about how PPC ads work.

Dan Henry Courses

In a previous post, I mentioned about how much of a serial course creator Dan Henry seems to be.

He even has a video about creating a course in just one day!

Here are some of his courses and a few information about each of them.

The 5 Keys to Scaling ANY Digital Product Business

IS DAN HENRY A SCAM dan henry free course

Price: FREE

This free training promises that you will learn:

​Key #1: Create or fix an offer. The free webinar promises to help you make an offer that sells, but makes your business easier to run, less confusing and more attractive for your customers.

Key #2: Scale test. Well I thought I’d hear how a scale test is done but all I saw was Dan Henry showing some posts from previous students.

Key #3: Call based High-ticket selling. How to increase profit by 30%, but cut support tickets by 75%, virtually eliminated refunds and disputes, and cut the size of the team in half all by transitioning to high-ticket programs sold over the phone.

​Key #4: Funnels. Dan Henry explains how he doubled his conversion rate, he claims to delete 90% of our funnel for this.

​Key #5: Autopilot. How to create a simple focus system to use to get more done in a month than most people get done in a year.

The catch here is that there is no way to rewind this unless you go back to the page asking for your email before they play the webinar. You can pause anytime you want though.

A good chunk of the video is actually talking about how good he is doing in life, some description of how he got to his income that doesn’t really touch anything deep, and some success stories.

I actually got the strong urge to get to my phone and watch a short video of a dancing cat while waiting for Dan Henry to get started with his “5 keys”. But hey, you can’t be too demanding especially since this is just a free training of course it’s a form of advertising!

I wanted to know more about him and tried to get more information about his other courses. However, a lot of his courses including those that have been noticed and mentioned in other reviews are gone.

Is Dan Henry A Scam Here is My Top Recommendation to Start Your Highly Profitable Online Business Ffrom The Comfort of Your Home e1605150195426

Defunct/Former Courses

30-Day Agency

IA DAN HENRY A SCAM Dan-Henry-30 day agency

Price: $997

30 Day Agency is composed of 4 modules you finish in four weeks. In this course, Dan Henry teaches you how to land local clients who need Facebook and Instagram advertising.

For almost a grand, Dan Henry teaches you how to run your own lead generation agency. You do not need to have any experience in lead generation to understand what is going on here. The course claims to teach you everything from scratch, all within 30 days.

Dan claims that in those 30-days, you will be able to get a high-ticket client. However, You would need to be putting in a lot of work to get results within that period. To be honest if you would be realistic, there might be some doubt with this claim as even getting a client would take you a month, and a high-ticket one at that!

They say this is a blueprint that is virtually impossible to fail at, assuming that you are willing to put in the work to ensure that it actually works. Although, of course, there are a lot of people out there who are simply not willing to spend as much time and money. 

As of this writing, 30-day-agency is no longer accepting new enrollees. You do have an option to access.

IS DAN HENRY A SCAM course unavailable

Sold Out Courses

In Sold Out Courses, you will learn how to create digital products to sell. It also includes large sections on learning how to create sales funnels and upsells. Sold Out Courses also gives  access to weekly coaching calls.

However, as of this writing, I could no longer find the sales page for this course.

Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs

IS DAN HENRY A SCAM dan henry facebook ads

Dan Henry’s Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs course basically teaches you:

  • how to get clients
  • keep the clients on a monthly fee
  • get paid to run Facebook ads for them

One of the ways of ensuring success for any business is getting leads. Most people recommend Facebook Advertising claiming it has low lead costs and you won’t lose money that fast. 

However, if you’re thinking of enrolling to this course, it might have already been too late. I noticed following some Facebook comments that Dan Henry no longer sells Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs.

So which of Dan Henry’s programs is still open? Are any of his courses still out there?

Apparently he now only offers courses through his website There are currently 3 ways to work with Dan to help grow your business and they are all by application only.

Below are the Dan Henry Courses you will find on the website.

Live Courses 

Digital Millionaire Bootcamp

IS DAN HENRY A SCAM dan henry digital millionaire bootcamp

The Digital Millionaire Bootcamp is a 2 Day Virtual Event where Dan will break down concepts in his book. During the event, you will learn how to create a high ticket offer, coaching program, course, or service. There will be a live Q&A and some role playing to practice sales and client objections. Dan promises to bring some people on —probably clients— and work with them live so attendees can see the works firsthand.

Day 1

Is Dan Henry A Scam 4Dd67iKCO 4BJpA5G5zCarDecdgALCqs4zguLHWBACIyXEnrXgFPX5RIMoigldbdyp2mfNPlPNdiq1Ifmj nuYEpdiGt

Day 2

Is Dan Henry A Scam J0D1ZVHLbPyo7jbebQ 2U P3 kyBpuTKtLslN826956dsD 3YnUjE07zJEl76FI vJVGmcXDR7Fahan8UpA1kfJpb76bSjUpC2n9v104AXNPAgW 6LnwRJ9o9DciZ97LgGPTYyM

Sounds decent. But what’s the catch? When you click on Get Your ticket Now, it leads you back to the same page. So this button you see here is just for show.

Is Dan Henry A Scam WfjbNhghRoMSTSCB5pB8WdjbBiM9bO2TthIiv6EKfEalNve IIOJDBypLTrtMovFNSUDPCzW1owI2GO92xRAoCWK ifLuB 3rGfDR1VUoPBfidYGeSJMehUdzXpE qrdZIUSgolK

This was explained during the free webinar. Dan Henry claimed a 30% increase in profit when they shifted to the high-ticket selling over the phone. He mentioned how his business suffered a serious piracy problem in the business where people use fake credit cards and upload his courses without permission.

Digital Millionaire Coaching

IS DAN HENRY A SCAM digital millionarire coaching

Digital Millionaire Coaching is Dan Henry’s main coaching program. Get Clients describe this program as a tool to help people build highly profitable digital product businesses.

This means consulting, coaching, online courses, masterminds and high ticket selling. DMC claims to have helped create several millionaires, and 6 figure businesses. 

It promises to include world class support from Dan Henry and his Team, some DFY marketing funnels, and email sequences. In addition, the program will give you 4 coaching calls per week which are for: Beginner, Advanced, Sales Coaching and Tech.

You can check out this brochure to find out more about this program.

Elite Mastermind

IS DAN HENRY A SCAM dan henry elite mastermind

With Elite Mastermind you will get instant access to all of the courses Dan Henry —FOR LIFE! Elite Mastermind is more of a coaching system. With this course, you get everything you get with the Digital Millionaire Coaching program, weekly coaching calls, and will actually have to go visit Dan three times in a year.

This means that you are going to need to live close enough to where Dan is. This means you’d either have to temporarily relocate or do an awful lot of travelling which will make this program more expensive than it already is. 

Here’s one more catch: you need to be making at least $10,000 a month or more to even be considered. So unless you are making money already, you might like to reconsider spending money on this program because clearly, it’s not designed for beginners.

Millionaire Cruise

IS DAN HENRY A SCAM dan henry millionarire cruise

Price: cost varies depending on location, dates, etc

If relocation doesn’t seem to be enough for Dan, he even made a program where you  spend an entire day with him aboard The Ohana — Dan Henry’s private yacht.

During this boat trip you can expect Dan to give his take on how to scale up on your business. The program promises a deep dive into your business plan, brainstorm ideas, fix problems and cover a lot if not all of your inquiries. Millionaire Cruise is a personal consulting tailored for applicants— and also Dan Henry monetizing his yacht investment. TALK ABOUT SMART!

I guess another good thing about it is the opportunity to build a network with other high level entrepreneurs. If you do not know already, making connections is an integral part of your business.

So when you apply for the program, you need to go through a few questions, like this one:

Is Dan Henry A Scam HpfQRGQppgjPSAmV0 IcW i9BExzLs1sCbfBKYPeNb1uKvcEfykWclVwVpMi1clprprDxb kM8VmyT7JlYjz1ewJJ5wsF gPVtJI4kNiLat3augR6XaTJ5G YujjzLTs8UDo0Kn

If you click the options mentioning that you have an offer or that you have an idea for the offer, then the next step will ask for pertinent details such as name and email then they’ll ask for your number to book a call.

Is Dan Henry A Scam

What if you don’t have anything yet in mind? Well if you clicked “I have no idea what my offer would be”, you will be routed to this page.

Is Dan Henry A Scam QxlIolTTM8O4B8jywD3w9jtqXYFkDIX7kQq3Hk2YJ1Le0Yz4Z0 xr3zsy8cRmR uSrWiU4ItnwYx0s9hca5 H8S8uZZQ6Wn

What makes Millionaire Cruise expensive is that it is looking more like taking a vacation with gourmet meals and craft cocktails.

If you want to kick it up a notch Get Clients also offer the mastermind cruise which will set you up with a small group of 5, as well as a 1-on-1 with Dan Henry himself.

They might have a different arrangement now though with COVID-19 restrictions. Meetings happen 3x per year but due to the pandemic, meetings are now accessible both in person and virtually.

Dan Henry Courses Membership Costs

Originally, Dan Henry’s Courses costs about a grand ($997.00). But now with him transitioning to selling high-ticket programs, it could cost you more. Probably…and arm and a leg? lol

Is Inbox Dollars A Scam?

Can You Make Money With Dan Henry Courses

Honestly, any program can definitely help you out with earning money as long as you are willing to put in the work. What you shouldn’t do is to be dependent on these programs and think that this is your passport to success.

With over a $1,000 starting price and necessary additional costs, to use the training in the real world you’d also have to consider the rising costs of Ads.


Is Dan Henry a Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not an affiliate of Dan Henry or a student of Dan Henry Courses myself and I do not endorse Dan Henry in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what Dan Henry genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.

As I mentioned earlier in this post, Get Clients is an online website asset backed by Omni Marketing, a limited liability company (LLC). 

LLC? To be honest the part that says “limited liability” gives me the hibbie jibbies.

In Layman’s terms, a LLC means you will find it quite a challenge to take legal action against the business if you end up unsatisfied with the product or service purchased — even if you end up getting ripped off.

But is Dan Henry and his courses a scam? No.

His courses are detailed and well-designed, and somehow actually well-produced. He seems to really know his stuff, and his awards and character precede him. Dan Henry’s got over 500 video reviews on his official site, along with links to his successful media presence.

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing Courses? Check out how I make money online here (red button) (amend text as appropriate)

What Does Dan Henry Do Well

Great content. Dan Henry also proves his expertise through stage talks and media appearances. His courses are structured in a way that appeals to both expert and beginning online marketers, with or without the sufficient technical ability to navigate the online business landscape. Dan Henry’s organized course delivery fills in knowledge and skill gaps in concrete and straightforward strategies. 

Great support. The Facebook Private Group you are given access to at purchase of an online course is well updated and buzzing with comments, encouragement and advice from fellow students and online entrepreneurs. But especially for the high-ticket products, one-on-one consultations are definitely helpful.

Facebook Advertising works in targeting ideal customers for businesses. To put it simply, the Facebook Advertising platform is very attractive. If you aren’t too bothered with the fees. You can find ideal customers or highly possible sales by narrowing them down through their location, income level, relationship status, gender, age, hobbies, TV shows, or basically anything that reveal their online habits based on what they post or comment on, the pages they liked, the groups they joined, and the people they follow.

Business potential. There is a huge market for helping businesses grow online and get more leads. If you happen to find a business owner you could build a site for, you can charge them a 1,000 extra leads a month for $5,000 a month which may guarantee you an extra $5,000 monthly.

Reasons why you should avoid Dan Henry Courses 

High costs. High risks. You need to understand that Dan Henry Courses are far from cheap and should be willing to work really really hard to get results. You should put in your mind that it’s not an instant gold mine but is more a learning experience that may eventually lead to success. Remember, this is a high-ticket program.

Competition. Well this should not be news to you: you are not the only person who is entering this same market. You should consider saturation in trying to find business owners to help. Why should they go to you and not someone else. Remember to build an authority in whatever niche you are in, not to mention earn a reputation for yourself.

I personally would think twice doing business with a ‘nobody’. There’s actually more competition than you think and many business owners are probably already drowning in offers from people who are saying they will help their business grow.

Leads are annoying.  Leads can be a pain in the butt to deal with for good reason. Considering you start to accumulate leads, expect to make a lot of effort to make them your customers and keep them as your customers.

This also means you’ll have to answer the millions of questions they have for you. 

Is Dan Henry A Scam Dream Life Lifestyle

My opinion – Dan Henry Courses

If you want to know about lead generation and running ads, then Dan Henry can definitely offer some useful advice.

His courses are always fairly well-produced. Always remember though that these are high-ticket courses. As I mentioned in a previous post, before jumping ship with someone who claims to be an expert you should really think it through and join for the right reasons.

Don’t just join because a course creator makes you feel that he was in the same situation as you are. If he did it, definitely you can right?

Also, how sure are we that they got rich through the methods and techniques they teach and not because of all the courses they keep making?

A Badass Dan Henry Courses Alternative

The big change with Dan Henry’s courses and that a lot of them are now gone is a red flag for me. I mean how reliable or helpful can his courses be if he himself goes through a lot of it? He did say that shifting to high-ticket over-the-phone sales is due to piracy, but this also means that you are getting in blind. 

Is Dan Henry A Scam? No. But the cost can be too overwhelming for a beginner.

Thanks for reading until the end of my post about the Dan Henry Courses —Is Dan Henry a scam.

Who would refuse the opportunity to be able to book a vacation anytime, party with friends, and have family barbecues? If you are still hoping to get a hold of all the good moments in life, at the same time grabbing on to a legitimate and honest way of making money online, wherever you want, then Affiliate Marketing might just be the right business for you.

The reasons are obvious.

  • You can promote anything you want and truly own the business
  • You never need to sell to family and friends
  • You don’t need thousands of dollars to start
  • You don’t need the ongoing and increasing costs of Facebook Ads
  • You don’t have the pressure to find clients then the stress and demands of servicing clients; and
  • It’s FREE to get started.

If you want to discover how I make my lifestyle online and how I can personally help you to also do it – then check out this special video from the link below which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

Is Dan Henry A Scam wronglycropped scaled e1589382108968

Joana is a proud wife, mother, and furparent. As a content specialist, she enjoys researching about different topics and niches. She finds that it is an interesting way to learn and discover new things. Joana still occasionally conducts lectures for aspiring teachers who are reviewing for the Licensure Examination for Teachers, but enjoys working from home to be closer with her family and be a hands-on mom.

This Blogpost is originally from Is Dan Henry A Scam: A Review of Dan Henry Courses


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

What Is Univox Community? 5 Negative Reasons To Avoid

Earn From Your Laptop

Looking for ways to make money online from home and stumbled upon survey sites? You must’ve found Univox Community and wondered, What Is Univox Community? – Is it a scam?

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam?

With so many survey sites out there, you’d begin to look for other sites to earn money from. After all, during quarantine, a lot of us have so much time in our hands staying at home.

Why not multitask and earn as much as you can from all available survey sits out there, right?

Since they do not demand so much time and effort and you can earn even while watching TV, cooking, or doing other things at your comfort.

But why Univox? What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It?

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

With all those questions in our heads, I’ve decided to write a detailed guide with a fair Univox Community Review.

Univox Community Review – All You Need To Know About Univox Community

On the weekends, I had some free time to myself and thought, I should do something productive.

I wanted to look for things I can do that I can make profit from, without having to exert too much time and effort for it.

This reminded me of the existence of survey sites! I searched around for more options, and found out about Univox Community.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
Univox Community Review: What Is Univox Community?

Curiosity strikes me once again – this name is new to me and it could be an interesting site with better opportunities to offer.

So here I am with all the information you need on Univox Community to answer the question, “What Is Univox Community?”

What Is Univox Community?

Univox Community is a survey site that pays you for your output. They will offer surveys or questionnaires that you must complete in order to get paid.

It is more popular on Canada, but as sites grow bigger, they may expand their reach to other places as well.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
What Is Univox Community All About?

But like most survey sites, there are always uncertainties that may leave us doubtful whether it is a scam or not – and that’s why we’re here today, to find out whether it is worth your time or not.

Is Univox Community Worth It?

What is Univox Community and why should you choose this site out of other survey sites out there? Should YOU choose Univox Community?

Here’s a quick summary that can help make it easier for you.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

Product Name: Univox Community

Founders: (No Info) Owned by Market Cube LLC

Rating: 32 out of 100

Best For: Anyone who wants to earn small bucks online.

Recommended: Not Recommended

Conclusion: Univox Community used to be a good place, but all the bugs and errors are making it unstable and full of doubts at the moment. The surveys aren’t very exciting as most parts were quite repetitive and asks for too much personal data. The payout isn’t that good either.

What Is Univox Community About?

What is Univox Community? Is Univox community worth it?

Like what I’ve mentioned earlier, Univox Community is a survey site and they collect information from users to submit or sell it to their partner companies.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

This is done in order to gather consumer output – so the current market can make changes that will appeal to today’s consumers.

I have looked around to check about their partnered companies, but it was not stated anywhere.

This made me wonder, what is Univox Community and what kind of surveys would they give if the partner companies are mostly undisclosed to the public?

Find out how Univox Community works as you read on.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
What Is Univox Community and How Does It Work?

How Does Univox Community Work?

So, what is Univox Community and how does it work? Is Univox Community A Scam? As I wondered, I made an account for myself to check it out.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

Before you get access to their main paying surveys, you must complete a profile survey first. Screenshots taken below.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
Profile survey that you need to take.

As you can see, they will ask personal information like your health, employment details, family background, and more.

Jumping from that to extra details about cars that you own, your health, shopping preferences, opinions on technology, and more.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
Questions are random and all over the place.

Even after completing the personal survey (which claimed to reward me 200 points, it only gave me 170 points for some reason)

And no matter how many times I refreshed the page, it is still saying that I must answer the profile survey to complete my registration.

Due to this, it’s giving me a message that they cannot find a survey that matches my interest. I could only think that I might need to wait a certain time before they fully verify my account.

After all, they would need to review the information I’ve submitted through the personal survey they asked me to go through.

Regardless, it can be a hassle trying to figure out on your own whether there is a waiting time to be verified or not.

Earning Points

Well, let’s say we’ve gone through the registration and we can now start answering surveys. Some of those surveys take a 3 to 5 minutes.

While some other surveys may take up to 10 to 15 minutes (or even more).

You can “sort out” the available surveys on your dashboard to reveal the highest paying surveys to lowest.

This will show you how much points you can earn and that means it may vary.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
36 points for a 40 minute survey

Survey Compatibility

You also need to know that you won’t always qualify for those surveys that you will see on your dashboard. Remember the profile survey you had to complete?

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

Their “system” will use that information to determine whether you qualify for a survey or not.

Well, this is necessary to make sure your answers will be compatible with that specific company that created that survey.

After all, Univox Community need to gather relevant data that wll be useful to their partnered brands.

It is also important to note that you must be consistent with the answers you provide because most survey sites will run a quality check on your responses.

If the check determines that you are not being consistent or untruthful to your answers, then there is a chance that you will become disqualified, not get paid, or worse, get banned.

Can You Make Money With Univox Community?

What is Univox Community all about, can you make money with Univox Community? That’s what most of us came here for.

We want to find out if this site really pays us money and the answer is YES, you can. You will get a $2 sign up bonus once you’ve completed your profile survey (200 points)

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

Like what has been previously stated, Univox Community collects consumer information through the use of surveys.

So, the more surveys you complete, the more points you can earn. For each survey you take, you’ll know how much points it will give you.

How To Make Money With Univox Community?

It is clear now that you CAN make money with Univox Community, but how?

In this Univox Community review, you’ll not only know What Is Univox Community, but you’ll find everything you need to know.

So, here are the ways to make money with Univox Community.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

Qualified Surveys

The primary way to make money with Univox Community is to answer surveys that you can qualify for.

You will get “invited” to answer surveys that are fit for you.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

However, sometimes you need to be fast because those surveys may be limited (only a limited number of people can answer or it has a time limit.)


Other than answering surveys, Univox also have contests at times. It can be like pop quizzes or a short essay competition.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

You can keep an eye out for these contests on their official social media pages or from their forum, or sometimes you get emails or notifications regarding this.

Rewards may vary – but you can’t expect anything big.

Wheel of Fortune & Wall of Fame

You get a chance to spin their “wheel of fortune” once a day, and answering some surveys or contests may earn you extra spins.

The wheel may give you additional points or if you’re unlucky, it stops at “Sorry, try again”. Points earned are immediately credited to your account.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

Wall of Fame rewards your activity and rewards are done daily and monthly.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

On a daily basis, there is only one winner and the bonus points depends on the account level. Basic users get 25 bonus points, verified users get 50, premium gets 75, and ambassadors get 100.

On a monthly basis, there can be 20 winners and the bonus points still depends on the account level.

The monthly basis has 4 ranks, and 3 users get different amounts but here’s what the the top 1 gets.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

Basic users get 200 bonus points, verified users get 300, premium gets 400, and ambassadors get 500.

Rank 4 and the rest of the remaining 20 winners get the same 25-50-75-100 bonus points.

Surprise Me

If you’ve been an active user, you may be randomly selected to win extra prizes or points. Univox rewards users with most contributions by surprising them.

However, this doesn’t happen at all times and you can’t be confident to be chosen as it can be random.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
What Is Univox Community? : Can You Make Money With Univox Community?


You can earn $1 for each friend you refer once they sign up and complete their first survey. If they haven’t completed any surveys, attempting to do 10 surveys will still get you $1

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

How Much Money Can You Make With Univox Community?

So what is Univox Community and how much can you earn from it? Every 100 points is equivalent to a dollar.

Knowing the ways of Univox, I’ll be frank enough to say that you shouldn’t expect anything big.

The chances of you qualifying for surveys all the time is low. Within a day, you can expect to earn 200 points at best ($2)

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

You can’t expect to receive surveys everyday as well. So again ask yourself: What Is Univox Community and is it worth it?

How To Cash Out With Univox Community

The minimum amount you need to cash out at Univox Community is $25 (2,500 points) and the maximum amount you can redeem is $100 (10,000 points)

You can request to be paid through PayPal, a cash card, a gift card or redeem gifts through a Tango card.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

Member Loyalty Benefits

As you become an active user of Univox, your account type “levels” up. There are four account levels in Univox Community.

The more surveys you complete, the more you can level up and as you level up, your minimum cash out amount improves.

  1. Basic User$25 minimum cash out (2,500 points)
  2. Verified User$20 minimum cash out (2,000 points)
  3. Premium User$15 minimum cash out (1,500 points)
  4. Ambassador User$10 minimum cash out (1,000 points)
What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

While this might seem good and motivating, it still means you need to work your way up to be eligible for a $10 cash out.

What Is Univox Community – is it worth putting all your time into it just to reach that benefit?

Univox Community Online Reviews

To further find out more about What Is Univox Community, I dug around online reviews and that is when I have concluded the disadvantages of this site.

Other than my personal opinions, let’s take a look at what other people say about Univox Community – then you can come up with your own conclusions.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
What Is Univox Community? – Univox Community Reviews on TrustPilot

Univox Community Positive Reviews

I did my best to look around for positive reviews.. but the “recent” positive reviews I’ve found didn’t seem credible enough to me.

The most credible one I’ve found was on SurveyPolice and it was dated way back 2019.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

Univox Community Negative Reviews

The number of negative reviews are so much more compared to positive ones. Here’s one of the worst I’ve read so far, from Cat Heffernan on

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

This sounds, very, very terrible! Losing all that time and effort!

Is Univox Community A Scam?

So, what is Univox Community? Is Univox Community a scam?

Univox Community is NOT a scam – however, there are so many problems in the website that became more prominent during 2020.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

In fact, the site may be heading to a completely different reputation.

Judging from the negative reviews, they may end up being known as an actual SCAM site.

But for now, we cannot officially state that they are a scam when they are “openly” fixing the issues and slowly compensating for them.

With the number of dissatisfied people, Univox Community is starting to have a bad reputation that can keep people away, whether it is a scam or not.

Well, to be completely transparent with you. I am not a Univox Community active user nor am I one of their partners. Furthermore, I do not endorse Univox Community or any of their partnered brands in any way.

I have spent a good amount of time researching the website, reading testimonials, and studying information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what Univox Community really does. This is because sites just like this have burned me in the past, and I want to keep others from going down the same path I did. You can learn more here in this article “How to Spot an Online Marketing Scam and Avoid Scams”.

Reasons Why Univox Community Is Good (Advantages)

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

Personally, I wouldn’t spend my valuable time after knowing What Is Univox Community up to. But if I were to list down the things I liked, it would be only a few.

Here are some of the good things I discovered as I dug deeper for this Univox Community Review.

  1. Loyalty Benefits
  2. Random Rewards
  3. Active Community
  4. Live Chat Support

If you’re going to “commit” yourself to this site then you will mostly enjoy the loyalty benefits so you can easily redeem $10 whenever you could.

The fact that it can also give you the chance to win randomly makes it a bit exciting.

Univox Community has a part in their website where their members can open up discussions.

You can even discuss topics that are unrelated to Univox that would fall under specific categories.

Their official site also have a “live chat” feature, but according to some reviews, it isn’t as “responsive” as it should be nowadays.

Reasons To Avoid Univox Community (Disadvantages)

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

But what about the things that would make you avoid it? If the negative reviews aren’t enough to keep you away from this site, here are additional things I dislike about Univox Community.

  1. Poor User Interface
  2. Slow Pages and Bugs
  3. Risky and Unstable Accounts
  4. Low Minimum Payout Amount
  5. Repetitive Questions, Asks Too Much Personal Data

They say do not judge a book by its cover – which is right, but first impressions do matter at times like this.

The first thing I noticed is how poor the user interface is. It doesn’t look too appealing, and can be confusing to use for some.

I used it on desktop, so I cannot say the same for the app or mobile view.

This is a personal preference – but mostly, sites that look outdated tend to be unappealing and give off a “scammy” impression.

Sometimes, their pages load slow and it asks me to complete a part of the survey that I have already done. When I took a survey, it took a while for the page to load.

There is also too much risk with all the issues I’ve read so far up until now.

Missing accounts, lost points, getting disqualified after completing a survey, not being able to redeem points, etc, there are so many excuses piling up. Your efforts may not get paid at all.

Plus, I don’t find that it is worth going through that risk for such a low payout amount. $25 or $100 for all that? I’d rather invest my time and energy into something more rewarding.

The surveys too, don’t look that much fun. After spending a couple of hours, I received about 4-5 survey offers.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
Too many repetitive, personal questions.

Some of them offered 30-160 points at best. I completed one that gave me 36 points for a survey that took me 20-30 minutes to complete!

It is all over the place, and the questionnaires can make you dizzy with the way it was designed.

The questions are WAY too repetitive as well. Not fun at all and not worth the time.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review
Taking surveys on desktop view

Final Thoughts On Univox Community

What is Univox Community – we’ve come this far and we’ve covered everything you must know about this place.

Now, here are my final thoughts on Univox Community.

What Is Univox Community? Is Univox Community A Scam? Can You Make Money With Univox Community? Is Univox Community Worth It? Univox Community Review

In this Univox Community Review, I concluded that Univox is not worth my time due to all the risks and disadvantages of this site.

I could make more money by spending my time on other sites, or better yet, invest in a real business that will make me earn more in the long term.

Univox has been around since 2015 – but they’re going downhill as the years went by instead of going up.

There are a lot of things they could work on and improve – but that is something we’ll have to wait for and see. For now, Univox Community is not that good for me.

A Better Alternative To Make Money From Home!

Instead of spending hours answering surveys that could only be worth only a small amount each month, spend your time more efficiently by learning how to start your own online business.

How? Through Affiliate Marketing!

One of my favorite ways to make money online or from home is through affiliate marketing. What is affiliate marketing? Trust me, it’s way better than answering surveys. So, why affiliate marketing? 

  1. You are free to promote anything you want – you can have your own business
  2. You don’t need any inventory of products to sell, you simply promote other people products
  3. All you need is your computer with internet connection – so you have freedom to work from home or work from anywhere
  4. Your efforts are cumulative – as you put in consistent effort your traffic and income grows and you can continue to earn. Unlike survey sites where you only ever earn pocket change
  5. Your earning potential is unlimited, many people make full-time incomes and you can also outsource and scale your online business
  6. Even complete beginners can do it with the right training – here’s what I recommend and I can personally mentor you to help you earn.

My advice is to invest your precious time into building your own real online business to give you income you can rely on longer term, rather than trying to earn pocket change by playing with mobile apps in your spare time.

In the end, you’ll learn valuable skills and earn more than the time you’d spend on survey sites!

What Is Univox Community Dream Life Lifestyle

This Blogpost is originally from What Is Univox Community? 5 Negative Reasons To Avoid
