Sunday, August 2, 2020

What Is Email Startup Incubator About —4 Reasons to Stay Away

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What Is Email Startup Incubator, What Is Email Startup Incubator About

Probably one of the most common ways we transact over the internet is through electronic mail. An email address is necessary in establishing means of communication with someone, wherever they may be in the globe. So it just makes sense to discover a way to build a lucrative business around it.

But does it make sense to build it within 20 minutes and for it to bring you money within two months?

Anik Singal, founder of Email Startup Incubator, says yes.

Read on to learn the facts about Anik Singal’s Email Startup Incubator.

What is Email Startup Incubator all about?

What Is Email Startup Incubato header imager About

What is Email Startup Incubator About Summary

Product Name: Email Startup Incubator

Founder: Anik Singal

Price: $997

Rating: /100

Best For: Online entrepreneurs experienced in online marketing

Recommended: Not Recommended 

What Is ESI About: an Email Marketing training course best designed for experienced online entrepreneurs

Summary: Anik Sangil designed an eight-module Email Marketing training course, complete with tools, resources and support to help you make your $5,000 within two months.

Looking for ways to make money online from home? I know just the right one for you. Click here!

What Is Email Startup Incubator About?

What Is Email Startup Incubato header logo

Email Startup Incubator (ESI) is version 2.0 of Inbox Blueprint which I wrote about in a previous post. 

True to its preceding version’s spirit, it aims to provide users with a lucrative online Email Marketing business at a “touch of a button.”

The founder, Anik Singal, and his team claims that the course is the fruit of his team’s efforts as well. Apparently they didn’t pull any punches in the creation of all the elements which went into the training course.

Singal claimed to have invested $500,000 into platform building, $15 million spent on ad tests, with continuous development from the input of 30,000 people who went through the program.

Background Info

Email Startup Incubator comes with a heftier price tag, but it also comes with the tools and add-ons which makes the user more powerful in website building and monitoring.

It claims to help you get started on a business in less than an hour using its simple 5-step system — the very same system which Singal claims he used to get out of a $1.7 million debt and make $ 200 million in sales.

Email Startup Incubator is basically the simplest step-by-step blueprint for anyone who wants to generate income within 60 days.

This training course is worth it if you can afford the price tag, and it may have something to do with its creators and founders.

Who Is Anik Singal?

What Is Email Startup Incubator About image

Anik Singal shares in his website that the business model behind this training program saved his life.

He was featured in Businessweek magazine as one of the most successful digital entrepreneurs. As founder and owner of Lurn, Inc., he has consistently brought his incorporation to a lauded spot in 500 Fastest Growing Companies two years in a row. In hopes of sharing his knowledge and expertise, he began offering educational courses that range from digital copywriting to internet marketing. 

It hasn’t always been easy for Anik, almost giving up on the online business once. Earning his first few dollars after 18 months of struggle, he has diving into online business and has not looked back since. He has been transparent about the difficulties and tribulations of being in the digital entrepreneur. His success in conquering  his struggles however earned him over $10 million annually in business and over $100 million worth of his digital products and services worldwide.

How Does Email Startup Incubator Work?

What Is Email Startup Incubator diagram


Sangil gives an overview of how Email Startup Incubator brings in money on his website, claiming five steps are all there is to it. 

  1. Identify The Target Market – And Drive Them As Traffic. Traffic is everything in online business. An entrepreneur who knows how to drive traffic (free or paid) is an empowered entrepreneur.
  1. Create A 1-Page “Website”. You only need one simple page to get the most valuable asset in this Email Marketing business — people’s email addresses. Hopefully, the people directed to your page from the traffic you create will give you what you want.
  1. Thank You Page – The 1st Money-Making Activity. Once people give you their email addresses, they need to know they registered successfully. The Thank You Page (T.Y.P.) does just this, yet it also brings in money for you by offering them something they might be interested in buying. You don’t really need to create the product; you just need to sell other people’s products, for a commission.
  1. Autoresponder – The 2nd Money-Making Activity. We also give attention to people who don’t buy the product, by sending them options until they buy from you. This creates trust and provides subscribers with their information, until they buy from you. That’s why we’re using autoresponders as tools to send automated emails to people on your list at times you choose. Singal’s system automatically makes these emails for you.
  1. Broadcast Emails – The 3rd Money-Making Activity. These emails are sent to all your subscribers, regardless of when they registered, with the sole purpose of taking them to a page where they can purchase products.

According to Sangil, you need three elements to start an online business – system, technology, and support. All of these are addressed once you purchase an Email Startup Incubator.


Email Startup Incubator provides users with what they claim to be a “Tried, Tested, & Proven Step-By-Step System” through providing Full Video-Based Training, Assignment Based Training and Live Examples. The course is information-packed, detailed and relevant as well. 

Addiction Meter Selecting the right niche for your businesness is imperative. The first module assists you in finding the approipriate niche for you. If selecting is hard, you are provided with over 30 options of the top niches based on metrics and research.
The Bait The second module is all about attracting people to your website and the procedure involved in the creation of an opt-in page. This is basically good copywriting and ebook (PDF) creation.
The TYP Method This module demonstrates how to create a Thank You Page to create revenue using paid advertising.
The Email Machine This module is all about using your autoresponder, which is SendLane — coming in highly recommended by the company.
Emails and List Relationship This module outlines lead nurturing or creating a relationship of trust between you and your subscribers. The content demonstrates the three tiers of a product, and just another run-of-the-mill email writing tips.
Payday Secrets This module reveals the secrets in moving up your online business to 7 figures, which may require more work (duh) but also let you reap more rewards. More work may mean webinars, product promotion, product launches, etc.
Easy Traffic This module teaches you to distinguish between Free and Investment traffic to increase profitability, which touches on social media platforms and paid advertisements.
Unlimited Success The last module demonstrates how to increase your conversion rates and what to do if things are not going well, based on your LaunchPad metrics.

Users get full access to the step-by-step training and utilizes a day-by-day assignment method to reach maximum retention. Throughout the course, you are also given examples from the trails of Lurn, Inc., as well. Of course, you are reminded that great actions should also accompany great learning.


Out of all the technological options that Email Startup Incubator provides, LaunchPad takes the cake. As an all-in-one tool, LaunchPad allows users to create, monitor and control their online business in one platform. The platform makes the application of learned content from the modules and training engaging and real. The Opt-In and PDF or Email Content options also come with the tool. It is also automatically integrated to SendLane as an Autresponder. As a technological tool, LaunchPad gives you complete control of your business. 


Email Startup Incubator provides 24/7 support through the Lurn community. With purchase comes free 12 month unlimited support from Lurn community coaches, as well as 12 month all-access Lurn VIP membership. In terms of support, Email Startup Incubator is one of the best out there in terms of Email Marketing. 

Money Back Guarantee

What Is Email Startup Incubator About refund policy


Email Startup Incubator does not offer refunds as stated and highlighted in Lurn, Inc. official website.

How Much Does Email Startup Incubator Cost?

What Is Email Startup Incubator About cost

You get a choice of a one-time fee of $997. If you can’t pay one time, you have the option to split payments for 3 months of $397. However, this would bring this to a total of $1,191.

Can You Make Money With Email Startup Incubator?

You can make money out of Email Startup Incubator.

Studies have shown that a considerable percentage of internet users prefer to use email in business transactions. This somehow proves that as an email marketer, there really is a niche for you. Of course, provided that you can build the right list of clientele you will be emailing.

If there’s a reason why few internet marketers forgo the building a list for the past 15 years, it would be because of their utilization of websites and blogs.

With this said, this area has also been covered in the course training, specifically how to lead traffic into your landing page to build your subscriber list.

Is Email Startup Incubator Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a student of Email Startup Incubator myself and I do not endorse any of Anik Singal’s in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what the Email Startup Incubator genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.

For what it’s worth, Email Startup Incubator is NOT a scam.

In fairness, it is a well-made and informative Email Marketing training course that directs all energies in providing you with the resources, tools and support you may need to see your business succeed. 

With that said, if you are a beginner starting out in online business, you may do well to research other training course options. Given its efforts to make the program modules as simple as possible for its users, some beginners may find the material challenging and confusing. 

I recommend enrolling in simple yet relevant online marketing courses that do not break the bank.

Tired of these crappy courses that just don’t deliver? Click here for a better option!

Email Startup Incubator: 4 Reasons To Stay Away

Additional costs. There are some financial responsibilities that come with the setting up of the business, putting aside the hefty price tag on the course.

There are fees for the cost of your own domain hosting which may come from $30 to $40 per year, or your registration to the integrated SendLane (which expires after a 14-day trial) that comes from $20 to $30 per month, or costs for paid traffic, etc. You do the math.

No refunds. Lurn, Inc. has made it repetitively clear in their site just how non-refundable their courses are, claiming that originality of the content and tools accessible to you upon enrollment justifies the non-refundability.

So, there’s no way around it. If you plan to purchase the course, you have to do your own extensive research and actively assess whether this course will make you and your bank account happy… or not. Because there were some users who were definitely  not happy.

What Is Email Startup Incubator About complaint

Source: Better Business Beureu

This is just one of the calmer complaints regarding the non-refundability of the Email Startup Incubator course. Purchase with caution and absolute certainty. Though these complaints were resolved successfully, buyers have narrated their stories in detail and the process is tedious., to say the least.

Weak system for free traffic. The course, despite its sense of completeness, is lacking a tried-and-tested system of generating steady free traffic.

As mentioned, traffic is important in email marketing. Choosing from a set of predetermined options of niches based from what does well is underwhelming because of the competition of expert marketers ahead of you, and hence the difficulty in getting traffic. 

Beginner-UNfriendly. As mentioned, you may find the material complicated and confusing if you’re just starting out in the business. The torrent of information may be too overwhelming or the strategies too complex for beginners.

What I Like About Email Startup Incubator

Powerful tools. LaunchPad, as an inclusion to the training course, exhibits the creators’ hopes that their users create successful businesses of their own. The control that the tools provided to you by the course gives room for development and growth.

Good training and content. Email Startup Incubator leaves no detail unattended. Content is delivered comprehensively and completely. In a way, it reflects the work ethic and creativity of Anik Singal and his team.

Support. The students are not left in the dust during the training course. The coaches are active, the Lurn community is enriching, and the entrepreneurial environment you are exposed to focuses on growth and success. These are good unlimited things to have for 12 months.

My Opinion On Email Startup Incubator Program

All in all, Email Startup Incubator reflects the effort and insights that went into its conception. It’s a good Email Marketing training course, complete with the content, tools, and support you need for starting in the business. It still stands, that patience and persistence are required in order to build a list that brings in revenue for you. 

Beginners are not recommended to take on this course, and the non-refundable scheme bugs me. But if the tools and content you get bring you your money’s worth then it’s up to you to decide the next course of action.

If you want, I can actually recommend a program to you that provides unlimited support, more valuable training, and affordable membership.

Personally, I highly recommended Affiliate Marketing as my top business model before all else for anyone to make money online.

Here are a few of my reasons:

  •  You don’t have to strain friendship in recruitment effort just to make money
  •  You don’t need thousands of dollars to start
  •  You are free to promote any products that you want; and
  •  It’s FREE to get started.

Now, aren’t free stuff the best?

How I Make Passive Income Online

Are you still hoping to find an opportunity for a legitimate and honest way of making money online and in the comfort of your own home? 

Thanks for reading until the end of my post about the Email Startup Incubator by Anik Singal. Because of that, I’d like to share with you my preferred way to earn a sustainable passive income.

If you need to work from home because of a health problem, or you’d rather be with your children…or maybe just REALLY hate your day job, then an online business is what you want.

All the same, learning where to start and to be pointed in the right direction, to put all the pieces together is what you really need to be able to get what you want.

Now, I am giving you my free and systematic guide to making money online for beginners—and you can get it by clicking the text below.

I’m convinced that Wealthy Affiliate is a more cost-effective and coordinated option than Anik Singal’s Email Startup Incubator.

To be fair, the program has a lot of good points for those willing to put the hours in, however the lack of more authentic material is emphasized when stacked against costs. The offered technical support and personalized materials makes every cent worth it in Wealth Affiliate. 

Discover my secrets>>>

Joana is a proud wife, mother, and furparent. As a content specialist, she enjoys researching about different topics and niches. She finds that it is an interesting way to learn and discover new things. Joana still occasionally conducts lectures for aspiring teachers who are reviewing for the Licensure Examination for Teachers, but enjoys working from home to be closer with her family and be a hands-on mom.

This Blogpost is originally from What Is Email Startup Incubator About —4 Reasons to Stay Away


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