Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How to Create a Free Website for Affiliate Marketing 2020 – step by step & free training!

Earn From Your Laptop

Trying to find how to create a free website to earn money? I can help.
Your website is the single most important marketing tool that you have, like your “online storefront”. Whether you’re looking to make money affiliate marketing or have products of your own, having a great website is the most important step. You’ll need to know how to build your own website free and give your readers the best possible experience without the costly hiring of web designers.

Creating a website can be daunting if you’ve never done it before. With over 1.8 Billion websites out there and when you think of a “free” website, do you visualise a basic cheap site that would hardly get any traffic? Like a signpost in the desert?

But what if I showed you how to build your own website for free? Better still, with top hosting on the best platform and also linking you to the same training I use that shows you how to build traffic & turn that traffic into regular income as well?

how to create a free website for affiliate marketingIn this post I’ll show you how to create a free website for affiliate marketing step by step, using the best training and mentoring community you’ll find online for building your successful affiliate marketing business: Wealthy Affiliate. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to create a professional affiliate marketing website with great user experience and also give your content the traffic it deserves.

How to Build Your Own Website Free 2020

Taking the first step can be hard if you don’t feel like you’re “tech savvy” enough to build a professional website. Don’t worry, I’ll guide you exactly how to create a website for free step by step.

What are the most important aspects of a professional website?

Your website will be your “web presence”, but then you have hosting, the place that stores your website and ensures it serves efficiently and quickly to people visiting your site. You want your website to create the best possible user experience when people visit your site. These are the most important aspects making the difference between a quality site and a poor one:

  1. Speed and time it takes your site to load
  2. Professional look and design
  3. Easy to navigate around
  4. It utilizes a CMS (Content Management System, I will explain below)
  5. Quality website content (your most important task)

If you can accomplish these five aspects, you will be on your way to running a very successful and profitable website. In order to do this simply and efficiently, you need to leverage the right system from the beginning. Hands down, I recommend using WordPress because it is the most user-friendly and robust platform. Also, Google loves WordPress because they are a great choice for SEO. There are thousands of SEO-optimized free templates to choose from too.

So Where Do You Build Your Site? Hosting Matters

This is really important! There are many platforms providing Free WordPress websites, which one should I choose? Search the internet and you will stumble on many free website builders, this is an option but not necessarily the right option. Let me explain why.

One of the key factors you are trying to build with people is TRUST. Many of the “free” website builders give you just a basic website with their branding all over it – and when you want to start adding features to it, you need to pay.

Hands down, none compare to the security, speed and features you get when you build your website through Wealthy Affiliate. The guys behind Wealthy Affiliate have built SiteRubix as a great website building and hosting platform.  SiteRubix is the best free website builder you could possibly find to learn from. It’s easy to use, cutting edge, secure, stable and works seamlessly for creating your WordPress website.

Why Wealthy Affiliate? The way Wealthy Affiliate integrates with WordPress makes your life easy. It takes any ‘guesswork’ and technical challenges out of the picture and helps you get the job done. It’s so simple you can build a site in less than a minute.

SiteRubix best free website builder

Clicking on ‘Websites’ and ‘Site Builder’ is where you build your own website. This opens the window (see steps below) with easy options and awesome features you can use at Wealthy Affiliate to optimize your website.

Full Domain Websites hosted on Wealthy Affiliate’s SiteRubix benefit from:

  • Site Speed – Their hosting allows websites to be 20x the speed of usual websites
  • Free SSL Certificates (HTTPS, usually around $100 per website)
  • Site Protect (Spam Blocker) – Others use a plugin to stop spam but this slows your site down. They do it at the server level, blocks ALL spam and importantly it doesn’t slow your website down
  • Site Security – Suite of extra website security features to stop hacking, malware and bot-net protection.
  • Daily Website Backups – They always run 2 versions of your site to ensure it doesn’t go down.

Here’s the rest of the options and features you can use:

Site Manager

Site Manager is your central hub; where you find all the websites you build at Wealthy Affiliate. As a free member you can build up to 2 free SiteRubix sites with free hosting. While as a premium member you can create all the websites you want with up to 25 free SiteRubix sites and up to 25 websites on domains you own.

In addition to having all the cool features that happen for you behind the scenes with the best hosting, what I love most is the Site Health visibility. When you click on this you see easy to understand indicators of what you’re doing well and what you can improve on. Metrics include:

  • Publishing frequency
  • Content Quality & Variety
  • Visitor Engagement (Comments)
  • Plugins (too many slows your site)
  • Site Trust

Site Health helps you keep track of your site’s overall progress. Having easy visibility of these metrics allows you to focus on what can improve your website and traffic. Site Manager at Wealthy Affiliate easily helps you ensure your website is running at its best.

Site Builder (FREE Hosting)

This is the place where you’ll be building your website. I’ll show you how in the 4 easy steps below.

Site Domains

What is a domain? It’s basically the name your website calls its home. Registering your own .com .org .net etc domain name is so simple. I love this tool, not only because it’s the cheapest in the market due to all the features included (e.g. SSL certificate, Privacy protection, premium DNS and email accounts). Also, it works seamlessly with Wealthy Affiliate Hosting, you simply buy and register domains right within Wealthy Affiliate for price of a few cups of coffee at $13.99 per year.

Tired of upsells? With Wealthy Affiliate there’s no more to pay with your paid domains. Just take a look at the comparison table below and see how WA includes many features that other big Domain Name companies charge for:

Wealthy Affiliate Domain Comparison

Site Content – a Writer’s Perfect Platform

Wealthy Affiliate is much more than a platform to build and host your websites. This training guides you through every step to building a successful online business. A massive part of this is understanding and teaching you how to build consistent and quality content.

When you make quality content, you’re able to get ranked highly in Google search results. This is the pinnacle = free traffic. TONS of free traffic. How to build that all important traffic comes from a combination of creating relevant content for your site, what the readers want, and making the reader experience a good one. Traffic is vital to building consistent income online, and Site Content is the best way to get your content optimized to get the traffic it deserves.

How? Site Content is an amazing tool that allows you to centralize and organize all your writing activities. It offers some incredible features as a writer that will lead to more efficiency, accuracy, and speed with your content creation. What I love most is that you can access over 1 Million free, beautiful and fully optimized images. Plus it optimizes everything so your posts are as fast as possible creating a great user experience. Some cool features you can do with Site Content:

  • Check your spelling and grammar
  • Plagiarism checkerWealthy Affiliate Site Content
  • Direct publishing to your site
  • Content structure analysis
  • Suggests better vocabulary
  • Build a template and use it for future posts for efficiency

Site Comments & Site Feedback

Google loves engagement and even more it loves relevant content. Comments, “good comments” or third party endorsements help to make your content relevant.  A huge reason for using the Wealthy Affiliate Site Comments tool is it helps make your content more relevant.

Also, as a writer, you want engagement with your posts.  You need some comments for the post you just wrote?  No problem.
Site Comments brings other members of the Wealthy Affiliate community over to get readers of your posts and start the engagement process.

No automated comments or bots to trick your way to the top. This is real feedback from real people. Wealthy Affiliate has got you covered.

Engagement on your website is so important to not only help with building trust, validity, and legitimacy with your content, but also how discussion plays a huge role in the world of SEO! Yes, google LOVES engagement.

Want some feedback on your site’s design? Your website is important, you want subscribers, conversions, sales and to make money right?

SIte Feedback brings the experience and generosity of the Wealthy Affiliate community to offer suggestions on where you can improve your website.

You can use Site Feedback to ask for feedback about anything and everything on your website. You can ask for specific types of feedback, such as the following:

  • How your website looks – design, layout, use of images and media
  • Check if your content is engaging
  • How your website is performing
  • Look for any suggestions on how to improve your site

So from fresh perspectives of your peers, you can get inspirational ideas to create the best website possible.

Site Support 24/7/365

Site Support is exactly that – it helps you with any issues you have. Maybe you’re having problems with your site speed after uploading a plugin or logging in. Log a support ticket and the support team gets your site back better than before. The coolest part is Site Support works 24/7/365 so if it’s 1am or breakfast time, you are in good times with average response times of less than 5 minutes.

Here are the categories of the problems you could be getting:

Wealthy Affiliate Site Support

How to build your own website free – step by step

Now this is where the fun begins. Let’s begin with building your web site around any interest (niche) you choose. This can be the key first step towards being your own boss and an entrepreneur, and Wealthy Affiliate guides you towards success here. Getting your website up and running couldn’t be easier.

It’s easy to setup and as quick as thirty seconds you’ll have your website live and online. The easy steps are:

SiteRubix best free website builder

1. What type of website do you want to build?

Choose between a free website or create one on a domain you own. As you read earlier, free members can create one free SiteRubix websites with free hosting. Premium members can create up to 10 on free domains or domains you own.

You can start with the free SiteRubix website, do the training, learn and apply it to your website.  Then when you are ready to go professional you can easily transfer all the content to your own domain.

2. Choose a domain name for your website

You’ll want to choose something that goes with your niche. My niche is creating an online business I can do anywhere and spend more precious time with family, all while helping others do the same. So I chose EarnFromYourLaptop.com. You get the gist of this, right? Just don’t spend hours trying to choose the perfect name. Select a name you like that’s relevant to your niche, make sure you spell it correctly, and then go to the next step.

3. Enter a title for your website

To keep it simple you can make this EXACTLY like the domain name. Otherwise, this should simply reflect your domain name. Anyway, you’ll be able to change this at any time, so don’t overthink this for now.

4. Choose a design for your website

Wealthy Affiliate builds their sites using WordPress themes. This is great because WordPress because is the most user-friendly and robust platform. Also, WordPress is the most widely used platform across the internet and great for SEO!

As a free member you can select from 12 theme designs to suit your needs. They’re chosen by the experts to be responsive, look awesome on mobile, and create a great user experience for your readers.

As a premium member you can select from thousands of theme choices to suit whatever you like. Here too, don’t try to look through them all of them to sift out the perfect one. Choose one you like and march on. You can easily change this later on.

Bonus tip: In many cases a simple looking theme that can be customized is better in my opinion and here is why. Better rankings in Google. User Experience (UX) is a ranking factor and I always consider how my website looks on a mobile device to my visitors. Part of Google UX is speed to the users, so you can easily choose the lightweight lightning fast theme called GeneratePress or another theme of your choosing.

Clearly you’ll have to install your theme first before seeing how it looks on mobile. So start with choosing a simple theme first, and you could always change it later to another theme you like. Just make sure you do this early on in your website development.

SiteRubix best free website builder Pressing the green button “Click Here to Build This Site” at the bottom the screen will install WordPress and your website is live on the internet.

How to Create a Free Website for Affiliate Marketing

And just like that you’re done! Your site is live, ready to customize, and set to launch with CONTENT!

Can I build my own WordPress website for free, right now?

Here’s a great sample of the Wealthy Affiliate training showing you how easily you can get a website up and running, quickly. So you’re ready? Great!

So now I’d like you to watch the video in full. That way you can learn how to do this for yourself and see just how easy it is. In this step-by-step video it shows you exactly how to build a completely working, search engine ready WordPress website in about 30 seconds and all for free. Click video below…

Wealthy Affiliate create a website in under 30 seconds

Take a look at this VIDEO: Create a Website in Under 30 Seconds

I’m happy to help you…but only if you are willing to take action from this help here. You can build you own affiliate website and be up and running in less than 5 minutes from now if you do the following three steps:

1. Get started creating your website, choose a professional design for $0 at SiteRubix.com

2. Create a Free Account

3. YOU get ONE free websites, free hosting and access to the best Training Platform online

How easy was that? In just minutes you’ve created a new site, using the free affiliate marketing website builder, that you can now earn money from if you wish.

How to create a free website for affiliate marketingSummary

To reiterate, your website the essential foundation for any online business you build. So it’s essential to create it on the best platform to boost your success.

Where you build your website really matters. Wealthy Affiliate is clearly the Ferrari of training platforms and supreme hosting for building your own successful business online. You get the best training and mentorship platform you’ll find online, one-on-one coaching from someone who’s walked the path ahead of you successfully, and have access to training laid out by experts, in a clear, structured way that sets you apart from any competition.

Sure there are other training platforms out there, but which other course provider or ‘guru’ system has powerful, fast and secure hosting included?

Sure there are other hosting providers out there, but what about the cost after after the initial hosting discount period they use to lure you in?

I recently cancelled my Siteground GrowBig hosting, which is comparable quality hosting.  This was going to US$312 a year after my initial hosting honeymoon term expired.  Similarly Bluehost Choice Plus has lesser features and not as fast as Wealthy Affiliate or Siteground. This would cost US$156 a year before upsells like SiteLock security for malware protection at $96 to $504 per year.  Can you see how much money you can save with Wealthy Affiliate just for the hosting alone?

I’ve had a wonderful experience, and I would love to help you to have success too. Create your own free starter account and you’ll also get me as a personal one-on-one support coach and mentor. See you on the inside!



So do you now have a better awareness of how to build your own website free? What’s the goal of your website and how can I help? Are you excited to have learned How to create a free website for affiliate marketing? Do you have any questions for me? Please leave them in the comments below.

Have you always wanted to learn how to build a website but did not know where to start? What interest or passion do you want to build your website around? Feel free to share what your passion is and what ideas for your online business could be. I look forward to hearing what you have to say, will always respond and would love to hear your story.

About Jоhn Stanley John J Stanley

Jоhn іѕ a Fаthеr, Huѕbаnd, Entrерrеnеur аnd Intеrnеt Mаrkеtіng Suрроrt Cоасh. Evеr ѕіnсе hе ѕtаrtеd hіѕ Onlіnе Buѕіnеѕѕ hе lоvеѕ wоrkіng frоm аnуwhеrе аnd thе lарtор lіfеѕtуlе. Thіѕ mеаnѕ bеіng сlоѕеr tо оur сhіld аѕ ѕhе grоwѕ uр. Whеn hе’ѕ not buіldіng wеbѕіtеѕ, hе’ѕ ѕреndіng рrесіоuѕ tіmе wіth оur lіttlе gіrl аnd fаmіlу, еxеrсіѕіng аnd еnjоуѕ trаvеlіng. Fоllоw me: Webtalk· Twitter· Instagram· Facebook

This Blogpost is originally from How to Create a Free Website for Affiliate Marketing 2020 – step by step & free training!

source https://earnfromyourlaptop.com/how-to-create-a-free-website/

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