Friday, May 29, 2020

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About

Hi! This is the Blue Sky Amazon Course review that you are looking for!

In this post, I spent a good amount of time answering the question — What is Blue Sky Amazon Course about?

When you are passionate about something you most likely want to give it your 100%. Whether you are into direct selling, buy and sell, or making money online you want to make sure you are fully equipped to succeed.

Being involved in eCommerce, you definitely are looking to invest in not only great training but in the best tools that will equip you to earn and be successful.

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About header image

Blue Sky Review Summary

Product Name: Blue Sky

Founder: Sophie Howard

Price: $3,500

Rating: 30/100

Best For: Those who’d like to try their hand at dropshipping

Recommended: Not Recommended

What is Blue Sky About: a platform that offers courses on dropshipping

Summary: Sophie Howard started dropshipping on amazon. It was only as a part-time gig in 2014 while she was on maternity leave from her job. Blue Sky is a Course on Dropshipping, especially on Amazon.

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What is Blue Sky About?

So, what Is Blue Sky about and what does it offer?

These Blue Sky courses are anchored on the concept of dropshipping.

Sophie promises to: 

  • help you and other entrepreneurs find profitable products
  • aid in building premium brands and sell their online businesses
  • provide a step by step process to follow in selling fast on Amazon 
  • offer done-for -you services so you get results quicker

Dropshipping is a business style that allows entrepreneurs to start an online business and sell products without stocking the items themselves.

What is dropshipping?

The idea of dropshipping is that instead of spending a lot of money in stocking up on products to sell, when you sell a product, you need only to purchase the item from a third party and have it shipped directly to your customer.

You don’t need a lot of money to launch a drop shipping business. Nonetheless, it will require a huge amount of hard work. Some of the things you have to do when you get into dropshipping is to select a niche, perform competition research, secure a supplier, and build your ecommerce website.

These are some of the concepts that you will learn in the course. 

The Founder

Sophie Howard started dropshipping on amazon. It was only as a part-time gig in 2014 while she was on maternity leave from her job. 

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About Sophie howard

Aside from being a 7-figure Amazon seller, Sophie Howard has now become an online business coach. Sophie helps business people source profitable products, build premium brands and sell their online businesses. She has sold two Amazon businesses already and is currently building her third global brand.

Blue Sky Amazon Course

So what are the things you’ll find in the Blue Sky Amazon Course? Are they worth it?

Module 1

For module 1, you will learn the basics of starting your Amazon business.

It starts with a usual welcome. It gives an overview about how Amazon works, source automate and scale, as well as how to develop the right habit and mindset to be successful in the business.

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About Module 1

Module 2

For module 2, you will learn about how to find the right product and assess demand, competition, and the statistics of the business. You will learn to analyze which niche will work for you, how to generate product ideas, product assessment, and using a price and profitability spreadsheet.

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About Module 2

Module 3

For module 3, you will focus a lot about suppliers. What are the things you need to know about suppliers, how to find suppliers to work with, and effective sourcing practices.

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About Module 3

Module 4

For module 3, you are learning about barcodes and what to expect on your first shipment, delivery, and Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About Module 4

Module 5

For module 5, you will learn the basics of sourcing and private labeling, creating a point of difference for an Amazon product, and branding your product.

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About Module 5

Module 6

For module 6, you will learn about creating a listing, listing walkthrough, and an introduction to keywords as well as keyword listing. 

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About Module 6

Module 7

For module 7 you will learn how to launch your product and employ Pay Per Click (PPC).

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About Module 7

Module 8

For module 8, you will learn how to run your Amazon business. Discover how to set up an account, what is growth phase, how to grow your profits, entrepreneurial decision making, and how to keep your business resilient.

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About Module 8

Module 9

For module 9, you will learn how to regularly check your account (daily, weekly, monthly), discover the tools you will need and use, and the different lessons you need to learn about the dropshipping business.

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About Module 9

Module 10

Finally, for module 2, you will learn outsourcing, and handling a team to manage your Amazon business.

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About Module 10

There are a lot of other things that Blue Sky offers too, such as Advanced Modules, cash flow method, and drop flipping.

Below are the modules covered in these courses.

How Does Blue Sky Work?

When I signed up for the free webinar, I was brought to a page that invites me to upgrade to VIP and get 2 of Sophie Howard’s bestselling Amazon Books. It will also include an Audio Book as well as her “Top 10 Hot Amazon Product Niches Cheat Sheet” all for the price of $37. 

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About webinar

If you ever get enticed to sign up, this is the page you’ll be seeing:

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About enrolment page

Background Info on Blue Sky Courses

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About courses

Sophie Howard is a 7-figure Amazon seller and online business coach.

Sophie helps entrepreneurs source profitable products, build premium brands and sell their online businesses. She has sold two Amazon businesses, one for 7-figures USD and currently building her third global brand.

Sophie created the Amazon Blue Sky Training Program formerly known as Amazon navigator. This online training aims to aid online sellers source profitable products. It includes a step by step process for you to follow and get up and selling fast on Amazon. She also offers some done-for-you services so you get much faster results.

Sophie and her team offer coaching as well as invite students to join her on Trade Show trips around the world to source unique products for online selling. She teaches a very different approach to product selection, sourcing and making sure that your Amazon business is profitable, sellable and stands the test of time.

What else is covered in the course?

Sophie covers these topics regarding dropshipping, as well as others:

How to deal with international suppliers
Techniques to product selection
Best practices in sourcing
How to sell on Amazon
Creating an Amazon account

Blue Sky Costs

According to the result of my research, the Blue Sky course cost around $3,500.

If you go to the BlueSkyAmazon website, you won’t find the price advertised anywhere.

You won’t even really find much details about the course either unless you pay. The only way I found the information within this post is through researching and reading a few reviews from those who spent to be members.

On the page, you will be asked to register, or sign up for a free webcast.

Can You Make Money With Blue Sky

When you sign up for Sophie’s course, you should be ready to do some work upfront, conduct intense research, spend ample time in the market and prepare a fair amount of capital. These are the things you need to be ready to give when you get into dropshipping.

Like any business, there are lots of upsides to selling on Amazon, however, there are also quite a few downsides too. This particularly when it comes to the required capital.

Basically, you’ll need around $5,000 to $10,000 just to get started and place your first order. Amazon is a capital-intensive business model. Unfortunately, if you are someone rubbing pennies together, dropshipping might not be the business model for you. You can be as hardworking as you want but if you don’t have dough a loan might just be such a big risk.


How to Make Money with Blue Sky?

To make money with Blue Sky is to really do your best to follow what the course tells you. If you can’t go all out with what the course is teaching you might just be wasting precious money.

Another idea with the dropshipping business is how to score some good products. Sophie was able to do this during her early years on Amazon, but cheaper retail products are starting to be very hard to find nowadays due to an extensive competition at the bottom end of the marketplace.

Is Blue Sky Amazon Course a scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a student of Sophie Howard myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.

So, is Blue Sky Amazon a scam? It isn’t. It is a legit company based on a real and working business model.

Perhaps, what bothers me most is how they advertise dropshipping as a somewhat get rich quick scheme. Well not really that shady but they make dropshipping so easy when in reality, it could be so darn hard.

Blue Sky Amazon Course on Trustpilot that has a LOT of negative reviews, and at the time of writing a lot of them were really pretty recent. They have a 50% bad rating.

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About teaching style trustpilot

Here are reviews with accusations that the course is a scam, probably because they feel it does not deliver.

Here are some reviews about a manipulative sales strategy:

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About manipulative sales
What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About manipulative sale2

Some of the reviews call the course a scam.

Here’s My Top Recommended program >>

What I Don’t Like About Blue Sky Amazon Course

Expensive compared to other courses. At 4 figures, this course is really quite heavy on your pocket. Also they seem to have a manipulative sales process that doesn’t really deliver.

What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About rip off
What Is Blue Sky Amazon Course About teaching style

Short refund policy. Aside from being expensive, Blue Sky has a very short money-back guarantee which lasts only 7days. This leads to the rip-off accusation above. They seem to have a very bad record on refunds.

Focused on the cheap stuff. The students who signed up on this course often focus on the cheaper items to sell. Probably, because this is what the course introduced as this is also

Overpromises results. It’s great that you can sell to a lot of people without having to pay for and keep a huge inventory, but the course tends to make it sound like a walk in the park and that’s a big downside for me. 

More isn’t always better. The modules and lessons in the courses seem to be a LOT. but does it really take that much? Some of the lessons and topics seem to actually be redundant across the lessons. 

What I Like About Blue Sky Amazon Course

Legit Business Model. Blue Sky teaches you important concepts in relation to dropshipping. It is a legit business model where quite a few people have been successful such as Sophie Howard.

Speaking from Experience. The good thing about the course is that it is created by someone who made it big through the business she is teaching you about. Real experiences can be of high value.

Coaching and support group. You need all the help you can get and having a coach and regular calls as well as an active support group is quite valuable. Everyone can share which works and which don’t.

Beginner -Friendly. Because of the presence of coaching, as well as topic contents, this course is ideal for those who have little idea about dropshipping.


My opinion – Blue Sky Amazon Course

As I mentioned about the Blue Sky Amazon Course and the concept of dropshipping, it speaks of a legit business model.

However, here are some of the few things you have to worry about if you pursue this venture:

  • With increasing competition, you’ll find you spend more and more time in your day just to try to turn a profit.
  • More time and effort to find products worthwhile to promote as well as quality product photos and detailed descriptions
  • The cost of ads on various platforms is increasing with the competition.  If no one is looking at your online shop, you will be burning cash.
  • Shortages of Stocks can be a big headache for you. You are the face of your product, and even if the shortage isn’t your fault, you will have to pay for the consequences
  • Customer Service Issues (returns, payments, shipping issues and customer service issues can give you headaches).
  • Increasing Cost of Goods is another thing you have to worry about, you might have picked a cheap product now, but prices could increase in the next few months or even days.
  • You have to deal with Higher Fulfilment Costs
  • Niches can be so saturated already. Everyone seems to be selling the same thing.
  • You will have to learn selling trends and timing, will you be on the right side of the fad as the trend is rising or falling?
  • Overall low net profit after all the rising advertising costs and increasing competition.

A Better Way To Start A Home-based Business

Thanks for reading until the end of my post as I answer the question “What is blue sky amazon course about?”

As I have mentioned, affiliate marketing is the best choice for me. And if you can’t afford to spend around $5 to $20 a day on ads for the dropshipping business model, affiliate marketing is a better choice for you too.

All you need to do is create your own affiliate website which will generate a good amount of traffic for you every day. There are many ways for you to monetize this specific type of traffic. 

But if still have your heart set on dropshipping you can learn how to get FREE traffic and other traffic sources for your dropshipping biz from my #1 recommendation below. 

Check Out My #1 Recommendation Here


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