Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Biaheza Dropshipping Course Review [What Is Biaheza About]

You must have seen the teenage wonder boy who is already earning his six-figures.

Now he’s offering you a course and claims to teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to replicate his success and even the step-by-step process he took to reach his early success.

But hold-up! Before you take out your wallet, let me offer this article for you.

In this post, I will give you a full-on Biaheza Dropshipping Course Review and find out whether this course is worth your money — or not.

Biaheza Dropshipping Course Review header image

Biaheza Review Summary

Product Name: Biaheza 

Founder: Biaheza 

Price: $294

Rating: 32/100

Best For: Those who’d like to to explore the dropshipping business venture

Recommended: Not Recommended

What is Biaheza About: This course promise to help you make your break at your very first drop shipping. 

Summary: Biaheza is a course that intends to give you information about the ins and outs of the dropshipping business. What is Biaheza about? it is a course brought to you by a teenager who made it big through dropshipping.

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What is Biaheza?

So, what Is Biaheza about?

It is a course that intends to give you information about the ins and outs of the dropshipping business. If you visit their website, it is actually quite simple. If you go to their “store” the only thing you’ll find is the Biaheza’s Full Dropshipping Course for $294. If you try to click “course” you’ll be asked to log in, but this is only for those who already signed up.

If you hit enroll now or the course in their store it would lead you to a sign-up page.

Biaheza Dropshipping Course Review sign up

The Biaheza Founder

In May of 2019, Biaheza a young teenager is quite a YouTube sensation. In fact, one of his videos has over 1.3m views. Who is Biaheza? 

Biaheza is a Belarusian-born American who offers some eCommerce tips. His YouTube has 473K subscribers. His YouTube content is a plethora of topics on making money online. What he talks about range from dropshipping, to day trading and rental properties.

Biaheza Dropshipping Course Review YouTube page

He started at 14 with side hustles such as flipping bikes on Craigslist. He also got into buy and sell with kendama toys and graphic design on Fiverr.

If you don’t know what a Kendama is, this is it right here:

Biaheza Dropshipping Course Review kendama

According to Biaheza website, he will reveal in the course exactly how he started his dropshipping store and how he duplicates his results with new stores that he opens.

How Does Biaheza Work?

Biaheza offers a course on eCommerce and especially dropshipping.

What is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment process where a store doesn’t keep the goods it trades in stock. Alternatively, when you sell a product using the dropshipping business model, you purchase the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to your customer.

Inside Biaheza

As Biaheza claims on his website:

Biaheza Dropshipping Course Review course content

Here is the Biaheza Dropshipping Course curriculum:

What Products ACTUALLY Work for Dropshipping
The Software I Use to Find Winning Products
​Five Winning Product Examples + Revealing Products I Have Personally Dropshipped
​Creating a Brand New Shopify Website From Scratch Step by Step
Where to Get Content for Your Store
​Setting up the Shipping and Legal Pages
​Building a Proper Instagram Company Page From Scratch
Where to Find Content for Your Company Page
​What is the Facebook Pixel and How to Install it
​My FULL Instagram Theme Page Marketing Strategy 
Choosing the Right Pages to Advertise on
​How to use Facebook Ads
​How I Target and Scale my Facebook Ads (Full Strategy)
​How to Deal With Taxes
​Setting up Customer Support

Biaheza Dropshipping Course Price

How much does the Biaheza Dropshipping Course cost?

The Biaheza’s Full Dropshipping Course as a sign-up fee of $294.

Can You Make Money With Biaheza Dropshipping Course

After taking the Biaheza Dropshipping Course, don’t expect to get the same results as he did.

Yahoo Finance made a great article about Biaheza. You’ll see how much work he exerted to get where he is now.

The course may teach you a lot of significant courses but don’t believe for a second that he’ll tell you everything he knows or show you his cards. The dropshipping business is pretty saturated and I highly doubt that when he says he’ll tell you the products that made him bucks will also make you bucks now.

Personally, I won’t tell you such pertinent information that is the lifeblood of my business. And if he does, imagine how many of you who enrolled will now be using the same techniques and sell the same products. Chances are he is giving you the list of products that are already having a downward trend and won’t mean anything to him at all.

So, consider those facts. The course may not be expensive, but it could still be money wasted.

There could still be other opportunities for you out there.


How to Make Money with Biaheza? 

As I said, the courses are pre-tty basic, so unless you are willing to spend more time with some hit and miss but also willing to get up and do it again, don’t expect this to be a life-defining course.

But the business model this course is anchored on is a legit way to earn money online.

Dropshipping is partnering with a wholesale supplier to cater to customer orders.

This saves you from having to buy your products yourself and keep them all in your own garage or spend for storage.

Here is a comprehensive explanation from Shopify about the concept of dropshipping.

In his first month, Biaheza earned $33,488.90 in sales all the while expecting a profit of $1,000. He profited more than $25,000 and were all probably the result of Biaheza advertising mostly through his own pages.

Dropshipping isn’t a walk in the park though. Here are only a few things you have to worry about if you pursue this venture.

  • Shortages of Stocks
  • Customer Service Issues.
  • Increasing Cost of Goods
  • Higher Fulfillment Costs

Sudden stock shortages are one of the most frequent predicaments sellers have with drop shippers. Your income could be hampered by scammy dropshippers and this will also have an impact with your customers. You can’t just tell your customers that it’s not your problem if their item is damaged, or why it isn’t at their doorstep yet.

Dropshipping can be a big logistical nightmare. And oh my god the cost of Ads is crazy!

Biaheza Dropshipping Course Review meme

Is the Biaheza Dropshipping Course a Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a student of Biaheza myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.

Now that we have made that clear, I would say that Biaheza Dropshipping Course a Scam is not a scam. The kid is really talented if not lucky. And he has a good business track record too. I think he’s actually quite hardworking.

So what is my Biaheza Dropshipping Course Review?

Biaheza isn’t perfect, and some of his lessons aren’t really that consistent. Some of the things Biaheza tries doesn’t really work out and he just shrugs it off and move on to the next one.

It seems as if his content is a mixed bag of make-money-online topics such as dropshipping, day trading, Forex, and even a video titled “Day Trading Bot Doubled My Money?!”

His website doesn’t look anywhere near a decent landing page that would even make you want to sign up. It only has a domain authority of 17 and a page authority of 25.

If you don’t know, Page Authority (PA) is a metric to predict the capacity for a specific page to rank in search engines while Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score that forecasts how a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs).

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What I Don’t Like About Biaheza

No Refund-Refund Policy. Biaheza page claims that due to the nature of the product all of the sales are final. According to their Refund Policy, the first module reveals a lot of sensitive information that can’t be “unseen or unlearned.” And that the policy is in place to protect the intellectual property contained within the Biaheza Dropshipping Course. Oh, realllllly? 

Website looks like a High School ICT project. Knowing that Biaheza is into dropshipping got me disappointed with his website. If you think about it, of all people, he should know how important it is to have an attractive landing page. It doesn’t look appealing and if you are thinking of signing up, you would really think twice if you are on the right page. C’mon he doesn’t even have a logo! I’m thinking this course isn’t really a priority to him. 

Course does not provide information on SEO. Biaheza’s success can be attributed greatly on his Facebook Ads and Instagram. Not everyone can do the same or has the talent for making Ads, so this is one of its greatest downfalls.

What I Like About Biaheza

Legit Business Model. Dropshipping is a legit way to earn online. A lot of people attribute their success from dropshipping and that is what Biaheza shares to you in his courses.

Speaking from experience. How many of us can say that they are successful at the age of 18? I could remember still breaking curfew. This boy on the other hand is already making his own money. And not just a few dollars but thousands!

Camera Friendly. Biaheza clearly has a knack for making videos and speaking in them. So his videos are quite interesting presentation-wise much like the course.


My Opinion – Biaheza

As I’ve said numerous times on this course, the Biaheza Dropshipping Course is anchored on a legit business model which is dropshipping. 

Personally, I find affiliate marketing a much better way to make money online. Affiliate marketing allows me to earn a passive income to earn from my laptop. And I know where you can learn some really good stuff.

The Biaheza Dropshipping Course is legit, and the course creator is a legit success story, but buying the course is not an assurance that you can replicate the same amount of success that he made. He also doesn’t seem to really prioritize the course as much as his YouTube channel, and because of this, I don’t recommend it.

A better way to start a Home-Based Business

In this Biaheza dropshipping course review, I gave you all the information I can find about what Biaheza is about, how much the course, cost, and if it is worth your money.

Dropshipping is a legit way to earn a legitimate income online. However, it also has its share of nightmarish downsides.

Namely, logistics, customer service, availability of products, and the huge cost on ads.

As I have mentioned, affiliate marketing is the best choice for me.

All you need to do is create your own affiliate website which will generate a good amount of traffic for you every day. There are many ways for you to monetize this specific type of traffic. 

Sounds great right?

Check Out My #1 Recommendation Here



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