Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Is Jono Armstrong A Bad Scam?: Ministry Of Freedom Review

Earn From Your Laptop

Half of us adults who have lost our jobs due to the COVID19 pandemic are still unemployed. During the first few months of the dreaded outbreak, around 22 million workers in the U.S. lost their sources of income.

As more and more consumers seek contactless shopping experiences to avoid contracting the virus, online sales have gone up within the e-commerce industry. Traditional physical stores are rethinking their strategies and questioning if going digital is the answer.

Similarly, the pandemic has normalized remote work and I figure that is the reason you found this post. In this post let’s investigate: Is Jono Armstrong a scam?

Let’s find out in this Ministry Of Freedom Review.

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam header image

Is Ministry Of Freedom Review Summary

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam logo

Product Name: Ministry Of Freedom

Founder: Jono Armstrong

Price: $1,497

Rating: 38/100

Best For: Those who’d like to promote stuff to people for a commission

Recommended: Not Recommended

What Is Ministry Of Freedom About: A Program that offers to teach affiliate marketing

Summary: Ministry of Freedom is Developed by affiliate marketer Jono Armstrong. Most of us are still unemployed when the pandemic started, In this Ministry of Freedom review let’s investigate if it is a solution to our financial problems or is Jono Armstrong a scam?

Ministry Of Freedom Review: What is Ministry Of Freedom About?

Developed by Jono Armstrong, an affiliate marketer, the Ministry of Freedom their website described this to be a detailed and comprehensive training program. The entire Ministry of Freedom program consists of nine modules that last for nine weeks, which includes training and mentorship.

The program claims to serve as a walk-through for internet marketers to earn significant earnings from affiliate marketing. 

Is Ministry Of Freedom A Scam: Background Info

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam website

When you get to the website, the first thing you’ll find is a banner about generating $160 thousand monthly by outsourcing work to others.

This makes you think that it’s going to be easy to replicate Jono’s success since you’re just following the exact things he did right? Well….

Let’s talk about that later and see what else his website has in store for us.

This website oozes with all these other marketing tactics every marketer has probably used.

Extreme discount trick. Seeing the Ad you might say gosh! 66% off? What a deal. But when you check the sales page —again you’ll find out that the program is in an eternal state of discount.

Fake scarcity. One other marketing technique I see all the time is that timer you see at the bottom of the page. It makes you go uh-oh if I don’t buy this now I won’t be able to use this coupon, or then I won’t be able to access this class. However, when you go online on a different device or go incognito the timer magically starts over. Sometimes, it even gives you this never-ending “extended promo.”

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam discount

I think it’s also important to note that when trying to look for the actual website I came across 3 more similarly named websites selling the product.

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam search

My best guess is that these other websites are from other affiliates trying to sell the same Ministry of Freedom program.

But wait, isn’t affiliate marketing about promoting various products online? This is a good question. The great thing about affiliate marketing is being able to promote various products online and take advantage of this opportunity to earn.

However, if you end up selling just one product —this might just limit you from reaching your full potential and end up looking like you are in a multi-level marketing setup. I’ll explain more about affiliate marketing in a jiffy.

So going back, the Ministry of Freedom is a 9-week training and mentorship program. Jono Armstrong’s affiliate might say that this program is designed for the sole purpose of “getting from zero to 7 (figures).” I don’t know about you but that sounds like a pretty tall claim.

The program promises a “quick and realistic” way of income using a basic “rinse-and-repeat” affiliate marketing strategy. Uh-oh, but let me warn you right there, cookie-cutter programs are something you should be wary of. The good ‘ole internet rewards those who are original and punishes copycats —harshly.

Anyway, the nine modules allow you to learn something each week. With one module per week, you have enough time to learn the new material, absorb it, and apply it in your own business.

Ministry Of Freedom Founders: Is Jono Armstrong A Scam

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam advertising

Jono Armstrong claims to once be a struggling marketer who built his entire affiliate marketing career from scratch. According to Jono, he also had to deal with certain frustrations and failures before getting to where he is now.

A tale like this isn’t new to me though. Most gurus and “influencers” out there will first attempt to connect with you on a “personal level.” They do this by saying that you’ll be learning from someone who walked the same road that you do and perhaps lived your life too.

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam jono armstrong

The story goes, it took Jono a fair amount of trial-and-error to get things right. 

How Does Ministry Of Freedom Work?

So what Jono claims is that MOF stands out from other affiliate marketing strategies out there, with its program being comprehensive and pretty much standalone. This means that you don’t have to look for supplementary patches or solutions anywhere else.

Ministry Of Freedom is claimed to apply a new spin on an old business model. Here, they bring new customers to a company, and in return, they provide a commission on the sale.

Err, fundamentally —affiliate marketing.

What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is basically looking for ways to sell other people’s products on their behalf.

It has two key points:

  1. discover products or services you want to promote online
  2. Find a way to get your special affiliate links to post on the internet (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or website)

Affiliate Marketing is a ludicrous opportunity for anyone, especially during these times. If and when you get the hang of affiliate marketing you’ll realize that it can actually be quite a promising venture to someone like you. Once you are all set up with your affiliate marketing system, all that is left to do is just follow up on your essentials, such as your following, site speed, etc., and wait for your income. 

There is one thing that we should be clear about though, that affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Just like any business, it needs a lot of effort and perhaps creativity to take off.

Affiliate marketing needs the following:

  • A solid online traffic
  • An engaging online content that is able to bring lots of viewers and traffic in your direction

What is apparent about affiliate marketing is that it is an inflexible type of passive income. With Affiliate Marketing, you earn repeatedly over a job you performed at one time. Affiliate marketing has proved to be one of the most lucrative ways to earn a passive and stable income online. 

If you want to know more about affiliate marketing, click the button below.

Want To Master Affiliate Marketing?

Build your own successful online business in any niche you choose. Take a look into what is considered the best training platform & mentoring community

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam New CTA button 2 edited

Now how could this program be different? According to Jono most popular affiliate programs only pay between 1 and 10% commission. So instead of settling for Amazon or Commission Junction, you can promote software and digital products, which offer 50 to 100% commissions. 

Claims Jono, this way, you can make bigger money with fewer clicks and without a large following, he adds. According to him, you simply need to bring free traffic to an “incentives page” that rewards people to buy a software or course from your affiliate link.

He said that with this technique, he was able to bag more than a million dollars in profit. This is actually the technique he is trying to sell you right now. You wanna learn his proven process? Then you better pay him the big bucks.

Ministry Of Freedom Course

Here are the modules you’ll find in Jono Armstrong’s Ministry Of Freedom course. As per Jono Armstrong, this is where he shares his fool-proof technique.

Module 1 – Mindset, Commitment, and Success.
This module is about placing the proper mindset. It’s about knowing the difficulties to expect, and how the negativity in your mind makes it impossible for you to bounce back.But honestly, to me this sounds more like air in your Cheetos. It makes the bag look big, but doesn’t mean you get more chips. 😉 
Module 2 – Tools and Applications.
This module is set for learning all the necessary backend tools and apps that make Ministry of Freedom program work.
Module 3 & 4 – Organic Launch Jacking.
Launch jacking is finding a new product about to be launched, and be one of the first people on the Internet to write a review about it. So your audience get attracted to this new shiny thing and would be really eager to find out more about the new products. Given that only a few people have reviewed these products, you’ll attract more visitors to your review and generate more leads. This is where you get more income.This is actually a basic element of SEO and not something unique to this course. Wealthy affiliate uses a tool called Jaxxy that helps you search for great topics out there based on this concept.
Module 5 – Advanced Launch Jacking with Paid Ads.
Enduring the 5th week, you’ll go deeper into the launch jacking concept. According to Ministry of Freedom, this is a way of maximizing your revenues and optimizing your endeavours.But when they say that you can generate organic traffic with little to no investment at all, better believe that this is not entirely true. It is not easy to gain traffic especially as a beginner but to say that it would cost you little is a big fat lie. Paid Ads can get quite expensive.
Module 6 – Soft Launching.
Ministry of Freedom claims that Soft Launching is what sets it apart from other affiliate marketing programs. While most programs out there focus solely on promoting products and services from other people, Jono wants you to launch a product that is originally yours.Soft Launching aims to teach you how to design and create your very own products and services.
Module 7 – Email Marketing and List Building.
The 7th week in this course recognizes how email marketing is a good and valid strategy when it comes to a strong Return on Investment (ROI). This actually makes sense since a study done by McKinsey & Company claims that Email marketing is up to 40x more effective than social media.Science folks!
Module 8 – Product Launching.
In this module, you will be taught how to launch the products you decided on during module 6. 
Module 9 – Paid Traffic.
The last module claims to teach you how to generate a ton of traffic.Well, just like what I said about module 5, relying on paid traffic can get really pricey.

When you purchase the Ministry of Freedom program, you’ll also get a few bonus items.

Bonus #1 – I Personally SEND YOU SALES 2X Per Week
Bonus #2 – DONE FOR YOU Super Funnel – Make $1200 Commission Per Sale
Bonus #3 – FREE $100 Promo Campaign Credit
Bonus #4 – DONE FOR YOU Program Setup From A-Z
Bonus #5 – 2-For-1 Program Access
Bonus #6 – The Ultimate Launch Booster
Bonus #7 – Joint Venture Profit Accelerator

Okay, so what do I think about the bonuses? First, someone throwing a client your way can be a way too good to be true. And don’t even get me started on that DFY funnel and program, as I always say, Google rewards you for your originality.

Here’s one more thing, the “super funnel” Jono brags about is actually for Ministry Of Freedom. So yes, you can clone and drive traffic to that funnel, earn $850 commissions, and ….you are giving money back to Jono. Wait —what?

Money-Back Guarantee

Does Ministry of Freedom offer a money-back guarantee? 

Jono Armstrong does.

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam return policy

However, the trouble is in the fine print. Claiming your refund is not just a bunch of steps but is actually a friggin marathon.

How Much Does Ministry Of Freedom Cost

Jono Armstrong advertises the Ministry Of Freedom for $4,997 or 3 payments of $2,000 each.

But hey, lucky you he is giving it for just $1,497 or 3 installments of $797.

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam price


Remember what I told you about their fake scarcity strategy?

Can You Make Money With Ministry Of Freedom?

Affiliate marketing is a legit and effective way to earn passive income. You only need to do the work once, make sure you do it really well and wait for the fruits of your labor. You can earn an income for 

So yes, definitely, you can make money with Ministry Of Freedom as long as you are willing to do the work. How much you earn depends on you and how much time you can put in the business.

And oh, as long as your business doesn’t end up revolving around selling Ministry of Freedom.

Ministry Of Freedom Review [How to Make Money]

Ministry Of Freedom includes teaching you strategies for email marketing, this is one of its few unique features. 

This is one of the most promising aspect of this program. You get to increase your .

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam New CTA 5 edited

want to master affiliate marketing

Take a look into what is considered the best training platform & mentoring community

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam?

No, it’s not a scam.

Well, to be completely transparent with you. I am not a student of Ministry of Freedom nor am I one of their affiliates. Furthermore, I do not endorse the Ministry of Freedom program or any Jono Armstrong products in any way.

I have spent a good amount of time researching the Ministry of Freedom website, reading testimonials, and studying information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what Ministry of Freedom really does. This is because programs just like this have burned me in the past, and I want to keep others from going down the same path I did. You can learn more here in this article “How to Spot an Online Marketing Scam and Avoid Scams”.

It is quite overpriced though and is more like an MLM. I think it’s a bit misleading telling you you can make your own product and all when they actually tend to push you into selling Ministry of Freedom in the end.

Ministry Of Freedom Review [Ugly Truths Revealed!]

Misleading promises. Yeah, affiliate marketing is a great opportunity to earn a passive income. But the numbers Jono Armstrong is showing you is 

Is Jono Armstrong A Scam

Program is Expensive. The total cost of the investment being roughly two-thousand dollars —enough for you to take a solid step back. In reality this an amount might not be easy for a lot of people especially now.

Marketing game too strong. As I mentioned earlier, the fake scarcity techniques, the eternal discount, the “bonuses” that should be a regular part int he service, all of them combined just shows a marketing tactic based on some form of misinformation. They may not be a scam but I find that a red flag.

Cookie-cutter program. You are more likely to succeed in doing business online if you are original. Consequently, when you use programs copied from others, the internet would punish you for it and you might even end up getting blacklisted.

What I Like About Ministry Of Freedom

Business Is Viable. I would say that, one of the most significant advantages in this Ministry of Freedom review is that the program doesn’t need anything else to work – it’s comprehensive, wholesome, and practical.

Active community. You’ll also find something that few other strategies will give you: a sense of belonging and an active online community. Not only you’ll get access to the course and the training, but you’ll benefit from the community support from the get-go – especially when you’re about to launch your own products!

My opinion — Is Jono Armstrong A Scam

For a one-time fee of $1,497 or two installments of $797, you can join Jono’s Ministry Of Freedom program. Together with his “expert coaches,” Jono claims to teach you everything they know to reach 7 figures.

Honestly, this is another one of those programs offering big opportunities for a big price. They would tell you that if you don’t put in the work then don’t expect to be rewarded with the money. Although this is true, “the work” doesn’t have to be a full grand of cash.

Is Jono Armstrong a scam? No, he is not. Shady? He isn’t either. But I still don’t recommend his Ministry of Freedom program.

In a way, Jono wants you to pay him money for the privilege to “ do the work” while he earns even more money. Remember the DFY funnels? So every time you make $850, he’d keep the rest. Imagine he gets $650 plus upsells and affiliate commissions while you use that funnel for him as a “free gift.”

There is nothing better than selling your own product or enjoying the fruits of your own creativity. Jono’s right, you only succeed when you do the work. He probably spent a lot of time getting to where he is now, so what makes you think you can see results within a month if you buy his program?

How I Make a Passive Income Online

Many are spending more time than ever inside their homes, as remote work, distance learning —all in the effort of social distancing. This makes business such as affiliate marketing a great opportunity for anyone.

Thanks for reading until the end of my Ministry Of Freedom Review: Is Jono Armstrong A Scam. COVID-19 has affected all industries locally as well as globally. On the other hand, opportunities have emerged even during the crisis. As a result, I’d like to share with you my preferred way to earn a sustainable passive income.

I am lucky to come across a great program that doesn’t break the bank and guides you every step of the way.

So If you are looking for a way to earn a sustainable income at home then this program is for you —plus, it’s free to get started.

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Joana is a proud wife, mother, and furparent. As a content specialist, she enjoys researching about different topics and niches. She finds that it is an interesting way to learn and discover new things. Joana still occasionally conducts lectures for aspiring teachers who are reviewing for the Licensure Examination for Teachers, but enjoys working from home to be closer with her family and be a hands-on mom.

This Blogpost is originally from Is Jono Armstrong A Bad Scam?: Ministry Of Freedom Review


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