Sunday, December 27, 2020

Is Google Opinion Rewards A Scam? 100% Truth About Google Revealed!

Earn From Your Laptop

If you’re a Google user, you’ve probably come across Google Opinion Rewards and wondered: Is Google Opinion Rewards A Scam?

Is it worth your time? As questions arise in your head, I applaud you for taking the time to research this Google feature as it is an important step to every business!

Is Google Opinion Rewards a Scam?

So, is Google Opinion Rewards a good way to earn money?

Not everyone knows about this yet, but it is basically Google asking you for your opinion and rewarding you for it as the name implies.

That doesn’t sound so difficult, does it? But more importantly, is it worth your time? Find out in this 100% unbiased review that I will share with you.

Is Google Opinion Rewards A Scam? 100% Unbiased Review

Being a popular company, you’d expect biased reviews for Google. However, that isn’t my goal. My purpose is to share honest reviews with my real honest opinions.

So, let me give you a brief summary about Google Opinion Rewards. Driven by my own curiosity towards this app, I wanted to make sure of the facts myself.

I wanted to find out the answer to the question: “Is Google Opinion Rewards A Scam?” and so I did – now I fully understand the pros and cons of this app.


Google Opinion Rewards is a Google app that lets you take surveys and pays you for it. As its name implies, it wants your opinion and you get rewarded for sharing it. 


Is Google Opinion Rewards A Scam gop logo0

Product Name: Google Opinion Rewards

Founders: Google

Price: FREE to use (Available for both Android and iOS Users)

Rating: 4.4 out of 5 Stars

Is Google Opinion Rewards A Scam zNrEscEVWElN4OeAiBmM5tViGLhhHEM0xrk5eAJVrDOqpLCv1KMzjSF2egblAHhrJ0ogQlhc1JX9UIIwj0S4Nr AiLseY6b0KrPwLL8MwE9mSUtt0 M1af7AcP2DqwePD3EjEvCi

Best For: Anyone who wants to earn small amounts during spare time

Recommended: Yes

Conclusion: Google Opinion Rewards is a legitimate way to earn small amounts of money online. Little by little, you can gain enough money and redeem it through various means. It is a good side hustle to do when you’re bored or have spare time.

What Is Google Opinion Rewards About?

Now, time for a more, highly detailed explanation about Google Opinion Rewards.

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As a continuously growing business, Google needs more than just the opinion of their employees and leaders.

What is the best way to learn about your target market? Ask them directly yourself! By giving out surveys, you see the point of view of your customers.

Thus, Google developed a genius idea that will reward their customers for giving them the feedback they want.

It was first officially launched in 2016, making it available to Switzerland.

Unlike other survey sites and apps, Google Opinion Rewards is much easier to use and very reliable for its users.

However, since it is similar to other survey sites, it is common for people to still wonder about its legitimacy. A lot are asking, “Is Google Opinion Rewards a Scam?”, when obviously, it isn’t.

Google, in the first place, is a legitimate company that will definitely pay you. As soon as you download this app, you can start taking surveys right away.

Users can expect to receive at least one survey a week, or more. Meanwhile, other survey sites and apps may leave you dry for a long time.

The app is designed in a simple way and can be used on different devices without a problem. You can multitask while answering surveys from Google! 

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How Does Google Opinion Rewards Work?

Let me further explain how this app operates and how you can earn money from it. 

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Generally, you’ll receive one survey or more per week. There is no fixed number, sometimes there could be more, sometimes there could be less.

You could earn $0.25 to $1.00 for each survey that you complete.

With that said, there could be a time when you will earn more. The key with this app is to be patient. It doesn’t make you rich, but it doesn’t give you money instantly either.

This is partly another reason why people ask if Google Opinion Rewards Is A Scam.

You have to wait for your points to rack up so you can redeem a good amount of money. Therefore, you need to constantly answer surveys per week (which is not a difficult task to do).

Founders of Google Opinion Rewards

There is no information regarding the actual brains behind Google Opinion Rewards, but all we know is that the mind behind Google is an innovative team.

We can trust this business and their apps.

Is Google Opinion Rewards A Scam

Perhaps, the fact that information about who exactly is behind this app make people a little bit skeptical about this.

Even I would wonder and question myself.

Why should I give my information to somebody I don’t really know? Makes you ask yourself: Is Google Opinion Rewards A Scam?

To clear this suspicion, let’s move forward to the policies which most of us already know, but some may still need clarification.

Google Opinion Rewards Policies

When it comes to the policies, we are well aware that Google stores the information to use for their own development. 

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However, what about privacy? Google will not share your personal details such as your name, address, and other valuable information to protect your privacy.

This should show you that Google Opinion Rewards is NOT A Scam and it’s not just selling your data without your consent.

There is a common misconception that Google sells your data everywhere. This is not true, rather, they protect our data so we can feel safe.

The only reason they require specific information from us is in order to differentiate the categories of their consumers.

To put us in the proper age group, gender group, or such. 

Can You Make Money With Google Opinion Rewards?

Let’s answer this part direct to the point: YES, you can make money with Google Opinion Rewards.

But here’s the takeaway: It’s not as fast as you’d expect it. If you are looking for a fast way to earn money, then this app is not for you.

However, if you’re patient or not in a rush, then this is a good app to slowly earn money online without having to do much.

All you need to do is simply respond to simple questions and you earn from it.

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How To Make Money With Google Opinion Rewards?

Where to use these credits? If you are an Android user, you can use the credits for in-app purchases within Google Playstore.

If you are an iOs user, you can redeem your credits through PayPal and convert it to cash or transfer it to your bank account.

According to Google, the amount you earn may vary depending on the number of the questions in the survey.

Normally, you can earn $0.25 to $1.00. But, if you are lucky to get more questions, then you will get more!

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Some surveys may have one to five questions each. Meanwhile, there are parts of the survey that won’t be paid.

Questions that are used to help find the right surveys for you are not to be paid, it is used for Google user optimization.

So, don’t expect that every question you answer will be paid. If it is a business related survey, it is more likely to be a paid survey than a user optimization one.

Every time you earn $2.00 with Google Opinion Rewards, they will send a payment to the email address you used with Google Opinion Rewards using PayPal.

Therefore, you need to make sure that your Google Opinion Rewards account has the same email as your PayPal email account.

Is Google Opinion Rewards A Scam?

NO, Google Opinion Rewards is NOT a scam. It is a legitimate way to slowly make money online. 

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Then again, it is only good as a side hustle, not a real part time job you should focus on. This is ONLY recommended for people who want something beneficial to do during spare time.

After all, answering the surveys would mostly only take a minute off your time.

What I Like About Google Opinion Rewards (Advantages) 

Now, there are plenty of things I would like to say about this app, what are the best things about it that I liked. Before I do that, let me share some of the positive reviews I’ve seen from their app page itself.

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Reading these positive reviews, you already have an idea how much better this app is compared to other survey sites.

Now, let me highlight the things I like about Google Opinion Rewards. 

  • Easy to use 
  • Pleasant, clean and organized user interface 
  • Earn small amounts of cash weekly 
  • Good redeem options (PayPal)
  • Surveys only take 5 minutes or less
  • Legitimate and secured
  • Gives you suitable surveys

Now, comparing it to other survey apps, a 5 minute survey from Google Opinion Rewards would pay you $0.25 to $1.00 while a 20 minute survey from other apps or sites will give you the same amount.

See the difference? If you are going for a pay for a survey app, better choose this one instead!

What I Don’t Like About Google Opinion Rewards (Disadvantages)

Now, let me tell you about the things I do not like about this app. Let me show one of the potential disadvantages to this app, according to one of the official user reviews. 

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There you have it, it isn’t guaranteed that you will receive surveys all the time. All the negative reviews have similar concerns. 

However, this doesn’t mean that Google Opinion Rewards Is A Scam.

Without further ado, let me highlight the things that may make you consider whether Google Opinion Rewards is right for you or not.

  • There is no guarantee that you will always receive surveys to answer.
  • It takes time to get a bigger amount of money. 
  • Only good to do during your spare time.
  • Surveys expire within 24 hours.
  • Uninteresting surveys.

Truth be told, the surveys may be too business related and some people do not like this. Some people like answering surveys that involve spice and gossip in them.

Some people like longer surveys that keep their mind occupied.

The worst part is, not all users are guaranteed to receive surveys every week. Though, Google did say that they try to send out a survey to everyone at least once a week.

With that said, this makes it an app that is only good to be used during your spare time.

Final Thoughts On Google Opinion Rewards

Throughout this short, unbiased review, let me tell you my final thoughts about this app. 

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This app is only good for you if you are NOT in need of huge cash. Many people come to money making sites and apps in hopes of being rich overnight.

Sadly, this is not the case for Google Rewards App. Even other survey sites will not make you rich, or earn money instantly.

Most of the time, you need to wait and be patient until your points grow.

Overall, it is a nice, legitimate app that you can rely on for slowly making money online on the sidelines.

For example, there might be a product or an app that you want to buy – your Google Opinion Rewards credit will come in handy.

You are a dollar short? Every $2.00 you earn can be sent to your PayPal account and you know that every dollar counts.

Being a reliable company, Google Opinion Rewards is definitely not a scam and you can count on this app to earn real money online.  However, you will only earn little bits of money here and it will “cost” you a lot of your time.

A Better Alternative To Make Money From Home!

The reality with Google Opinion Rewards is that when you calculate how much time you spend trying to make money with this app, it only works out to be a few dollars per hour. 

So most months you will only make a couple of dollars per month.  Personally, I think both your time and my time is worth a lot more than that!

With Google Opinion Rewards you will only earn a little extra pocket change, so let me offer you a better alternative to make real money from home.

My favourite way to make money online from home (it’s far better than Google Opinion Rewards) is called affiliate marketing.  I like affiliate marketing for many reasons, including:

  1. You are free to promote anything you want – you can have your own business
  2. You don’t need any inventory of products to sell, you simply promote other people products
  3. All you need is your computer with internet connection – so you have freedom to work from home or work from anywhere
  4. Your efforts are cumulative – as you put in consistent effort your traffic and income grows and you can continue to earn. Unlike survey sites where you only ever earn pocket change
  5. Your earning potential is unlimited, many people make full-time incomes and you can also outsource and scale your online business
  6. Even complete beginners can do it with the right training – here’s what I recommend and I can personally mentor you to help you earn.

My advice is to invest your time into building your own long term online business to give you income you can rely on, rather than trying to earn pocket change by playing with mobile apps in your spare time.

In the end, you’ll learn and earn more than the time you’d spend on survey sites!

This Blogpost is originally from Is Google Opinion Rewards A Scam? 100% Truth About Google Revealed!


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