Saturday, October 31, 2020

Top 5 SEO Tips That Can Make You Win or lose Very Quickly

Earn From Your Laptop

When a user writes a query, your website should ideally be at the top of the search engines. Do you want to learn how to get there?

This is only possible if your website and posts are fully optimized with the factors that Google and other search engines use to rank the sites.

Remember that Google has not published the ranking factors. Not even a single one, but advanced marketers usually expect some of these factors given their experience and knowledge . In this regard, knowledge is power and if you want to learn how to get started right to give your content the best chance of getting on page one of the SERPs with minimal effort, read on…

Top 5 SEO Tips that can make you win or lose very quickly

Basic SEO Tips For Beginners – What Are The Key SEO Factors?

Firstly, let me introduce you to SEO factors. When we talk about SEO factors, you should know that these factors never stay the same, but change with almost every update of Google.

For example, the following are some of the popular changes introduced to the ranking of websites:

  • HTTPS as a ranking fact came in 2014
  • Mobile phone friendliness became a ranking factor in 2015
  • The Content and Rank Analyzer Rank Brain Google’s algorithm came out in 2016

Now, whether or not websites are indexed before this date, they won’t stay at or get to the top of search results unless they meet these guidelines. For example, older web content is not yet compatible if they have not updated them following these guidelines.

But even these factors did not remain the same, because they are still factors with different algorithms and Google is constantly changing.

Bear in mind that there are more than 1 billion websites on the Internet and you need to think about how you can be at the top of those billions of websites.

Although there are more than 200 ranking factors for Google, below we have explained some of the most important ones that would help you to get a higher ranking in the SERPs.

1. High Quality and Optimized Content

If you are not concentrating on the content of your website, do not try to get a better place in the search engine.

The reason for this is that the majority of users come to your site to read some informative content, but what if they do not find the content to their liking?

Of course, they will usually click the “back” button or close the tab when it doesn’t meet their search intent and this can create a poor impression to them. This would not only interfere with the user experience but also your bounce rate.

Top 5 SEO Tips That Can Make You Win or lose Very Quickly - High Quality and Optimised Content

If the bounce rate rises, this would have a bad impact on the search engine for your site. Why? it makes it look like your content does not match the searcher intent – meaning why people came to search the internet. As a result, Google’s RankBrain says, “Maybe this page should not be so high in the search results.”Here are some of the factors you should consider when planning and writing the content of your website:

  • Using Keywords

First, focus on placing the keywords you have researched for your website or web contribution. Start with the title and insert the primary keyword into your title.

This would help you to get compatibility with the search intention. RankBrain works to find the best result for the user’s search query, and if the keyword entered matches your title, then your page would appear.

Here is a handy guide to follow for How to best use Keywords and Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

  • Keyword in Post Title
  • Keyword in Meta Title
  • Keyword in Meta Description
  • Keyword in Social Meta Title
  • Keyword in Social Meta Description
  • Keyword within First Paragraph
  • Keyword in Image Alt Tag (i.e. Alternative Text)
  • Keyword in Image Alt Title (i.e. Image Title Attribute)

The keyword should otherwise be used naturally throughout your content.

The primary keyword should only be placed about 3-4 times during the article, otherwise, your content would be considered as keyword stuffing and Google does penalize people for over-optimizing their web content.

It is not obvious, but it is recommended to add the secondary keywords throughout the content to gain relevance. A great place is in the headings as this helps meet searchers intent too.

  • Research Content and Audience

The content you write should have the authentic information that is possible by researching your keyword and subject.

Well, the researched content is not enough for your optimization, but you need to have researched about the audience and how your content can help them.

This is because content integration depends on the interest of the users. To increase the interest, one has to research the audience that reads or reads.

  • Plagiarism-Free Writing = No Duplicate Content

Uniqueness is the love of the search engine for a better user experience as well as the appreciation of the efforts of the original writer.

If you write any copied content on your website, the original author may penalize your writing with a legal notice.

But that’s not the end, because if Google detects you are using duplicate content, it will send your site down the depths of of the search engine results pages. Remember that these pages are not normally visited. There’s the joke in SEO, “what is the best way to hide a dead body?”

“Put it on page 2 or lower in Google.”

Before publishing your content, you should make sure that your content is 100% original. You can use plagiarism checker for free, which would compare your writings with the published content on the Internet.

2. Keyword Research

Keyword Research is one of the most important factors for getting your content to appear in the search engines. Keywords are the words or phrases that people search for in the search engines.

If your keyword research and selection is not optimized, then you would not win the “contest” of getting your content seen on the SERPs.

The keyword is not only helpful for to meet the searchers intent in search engines, but you also focus on the keyword when writing content.

So your keyword research should be for your website and individual articles.

I focus on keyword research and SEO for each and every article. But it is also worth noting that when you look at your entire website strategy, the primary keywords are those that are common to your entire site, while the secondary keywords are those that support the relevance of your site.

When searching for keywords, if you are doing basic tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest, the following factors should be taken into account:

Volume: The volume of keywords you select must be high. It is the number of entries the user makes for searching the Internet. If it is high, there is more chance that you will appear in the SERP.

CPC: The cost-per-click is the value of the keyword, which should always be high. In terms of revenue and impact, the CPC is very important to be high.

Difficulty: If you select the keywords that have the greatest difficulty, it can take years to rank them. However, always select the keywords that have the least difficulty in finding a rank quickly. You can increase the number of keywords to find relevant and less difficult keywords.

For my advanced and detailed keyword research strategy, you can read more on how I delve deeper to find even more profitable keywords in how to find profitable keywords with low competition.

3. Focus on Increasing the Speed of Your Website

Not only Google but also users want the best experience when visiting your site. User experience comes first and speed is a key part of that.

The speed of your website should be optimized to make the experience fast. There are several factors behind the slowness of the website, some of which are explained below:

  • The images could not be optimized
  • The elements must not be minified
  • The response of the server is bad – this is your web hosting
  • Additional images, elements, pages, and other material that is not useful
  • Poor Content Delivery Network

If your site does not offer a high speed, then users would not come back to your site, they will simply click away or close the tab.  Think about it, imagine looking for something online and it takes you more that 3-4 seconds for that post to appear on your screen.  Pretty irritating, right?  So what would you normally do?

Top 5 SEO Tips that can make you win or lose very quickly - website speed

Not only that, but they also would not recommend visiting your site again.

Pro tip: Aim to get your website load time for both mobile and desktop under 3 seconds. Ideally in the 1-2 second range if possible.

4. User Experience on Your Website is Crucial

We all know that Google uses artificial intelligence for different algorithms and your website is automatically judged for that.

The central algorithm of the Google RankBrain automatically scans your website using their machine-learning artificial intelligence to know what content you are posting.

This algorithm scans your website and knows what your website is talking about. In this way, the algorithm also gives you the ranking position according to how well your content meets the users search intent.

Here are some of the factors that are directly associated with the ranking signals to the algorithms of this user experience:

  • CTR: The click-through rate is the ratio of people who click on your website compared to the impression your website gets when it appears in the search engine.
  • Bounce Rate: The bounce rate is the percentage of people who click on your site and leaves your site without interacting further with your website. It should be increased to have a better impact on the search engine for your site.
  • Session time: The session time is the time that indicates how long a visitor spends on your website, which can be increased by providing the best experience and the most informative content. So the better the content the more time people spend on your website. You can see this as “time on page” in Google Analytics.

To give you and your readers the best user experience, you can try out various tools and strategies on your website to improve our website.

You can use tools such as Hotjar, Crazy Egg and others, which are integrated into your website, to know the experience of each user. Once you integrate, it tells you the sessions of all users who have spent on your website.

How it tells where the user clicks and which part of the site the user uses more.

One of the other factors to improve your user experience is the friendly layout, which includes easy navigation to your website.

For example, if a user wants to know more about a particular topic that you can provide, you should set the internal link to another post or page.

Similarly, if you do not have your own reference material, you may provide the outgoing link to other websites that provide the information about it.

5. Adding Graphics and Links to Your Content

Top 5 SEO Tips that can make you win or lose very quickly - adding graphics

People are visual, so the visuals are a key factor for the best experience, as they are also beneficial for the SEO of your website.

The visuals help to enhance the user experience and deliver the authenticity of the content you have written to the users who read your content.

You can add any type of graphics that can support your content, such as screenshot, videos, or tutorials steps. It is great to embed a YouTube Video on a topic related to your content.

The visuals are a great way to increase customer appeal and connect the user to your website.

On the other hand, just like internal links, backlinks are also important. Backlinks are the links that come from other websites to your website.

According to the marketers, the backlinks are considered the most important factors for SEO of your website in the eyes of the search engine.

The backlinks not only bring in the referenced traffic but also increase the relation and reference for your website from other websites.

I cover How to get backlinks for your website: The Good, the Bad, and The Shady here.

Top SEO Tips – Final Thoughts

TheSEO tips and SEO factors covered in this article are very important, as they can be measured by the right analysis tools. So in terms of basic SEO tips for beginners, I suggest you start with these. Ensure you focus on making all these practices efficient and part of your routine.his will greatly increase your chances of your web content appearing in the search engines and on the coveted Page 1 of Google.

How I Make Passive Income Online

Are you looking for an opportunity for an honest and sustainable way of making money online and from the comfort of your own home?

Thanks for reading until the end of my post about where I aim to answer your question about the “Top 5 SEO Tips That Can Make You Win or Lose Very Quickly.” Because of that, I’d like to share with you my preferred way to earn a sustainable passive income. I can point you in the right direction where you can learn where to start getting what you want and the right ways to get it.

I highly recommended Affiliate Marketing as my top business model before all else for anyone to make money online. For starters, you’ll learn more in depth SEO and how to get your content ranked on search engines. This gives you the traffic and from traffic you can make income.

So, if you need to work from home you’d rather be with your children, or because of a health problem,…or maybe just sick of going to work every day, then an online business allows you these freedoms.

Here are a few of my reasons:

  • You don’t have to strain friendship in any recruitment or effort just to make money
  • You don’t need thousands of dollars to start
  • You are free to promote any products that you want; and
  • It’s FREE to get started with the training.

This Blogpost is originally from Top 5 SEO Tips That Can Make You Win or lose Very Quickly


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