Saturday, October 31, 2020

Top 5 SEO Tips That Can Make You Win or lose Very Quickly

Earn From Your Laptop

When a user writes a query, your website should ideally be at the top of the search engines. Do you want to learn how to get there?

This is only possible if your website and posts are fully optimized with the factors that Google and other search engines use to rank the sites.

Remember that Google has not published the ranking factors. Not even a single one, but advanced marketers usually expect some of these factors given their experience and knowledge . In this regard, knowledge is power and if you want to learn how to get started right to give your content the best chance of getting on page one of the SERPs with minimal effort, read on…

Top 5 SEO Tips that can make you win or lose very quickly

Basic SEO Tips For Beginners – What Are The Key SEO Factors?

Firstly, let me introduce you to SEO factors. When we talk about SEO factors, you should know that these factors never stay the same, but change with almost every update of Google.

For example, the following are some of the popular changes introduced to the ranking of websites:

  • HTTPS as a ranking fact came in 2014
  • Mobile phone friendliness became a ranking factor in 2015
  • The Content and Rank Analyzer Rank Brain Google’s algorithm came out in 2016

Now, whether or not websites are indexed before this date, they won’t stay at or get to the top of search results unless they meet these guidelines. For example, older web content is not yet compatible if they have not updated them following these guidelines.

But even these factors did not remain the same, because they are still factors with different algorithms and Google is constantly changing.

Bear in mind that there are more than 1 billion websites on the Internet and you need to think about how you can be at the top of those billions of websites.

Although there are more than 200 ranking factors for Google, below we have explained some of the most important ones that would help you to get a higher ranking in the SERPs.

1. High Quality and Optimized Content

If you are not concentrating on the content of your website, do not try to get a better place in the search engine.

The reason for this is that the majority of users come to your site to read some informative content, but what if they do not find the content to their liking?

Of course, they will usually click the “back” button or close the tab when it doesn’t meet their search intent and this can create a poor impression to them. This would not only interfere with the user experience but also your bounce rate.

Top 5 SEO Tips That Can Make You Win or lose Very Quickly - High Quality and Optimised Content

If the bounce rate rises, this would have a bad impact on the search engine for your site. Why? it makes it look like your content does not match the searcher intent – meaning why people came to search the internet. As a result, Google’s RankBrain says, “Maybe this page should not be so high in the search results.”Here are some of the factors you should consider when planning and writing the content of your website:

  • Using Keywords

First, focus on placing the keywords you have researched for your website or web contribution. Start with the title and insert the primary keyword into your title.

This would help you to get compatibility with the search intention. RankBrain works to find the best result for the user’s search query, and if the keyword entered matches your title, then your page would appear.

Here is a handy guide to follow for How to best use Keywords and Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

  • Keyword in Post Title
  • Keyword in Meta Title
  • Keyword in Meta Description
  • Keyword in Social Meta Title
  • Keyword in Social Meta Description
  • Keyword within First Paragraph
  • Keyword in Image Alt Tag (i.e. Alternative Text)
  • Keyword in Image Alt Title (i.e. Image Title Attribute)

The keyword should otherwise be used naturally throughout your content.

The primary keyword should only be placed about 3-4 times during the article, otherwise, your content would be considered as keyword stuffing and Google does penalize people for over-optimizing their web content.

It is not obvious, but it is recommended to add the secondary keywords throughout the content to gain relevance. A great place is in the headings as this helps meet searchers intent too.

  • Research Content and Audience

The content you write should have the authentic information that is possible by researching your keyword and subject.

Well, the researched content is not enough for your optimization, but you need to have researched about the audience and how your content can help them.

This is because content integration depends on the interest of the users. To increase the interest, one has to research the audience that reads or reads.

  • Plagiarism-Free Writing = No Duplicate Content

Uniqueness is the love of the search engine for a better user experience as well as the appreciation of the efforts of the original writer.

If you write any copied content on your website, the original author may penalize your writing with a legal notice.

But that’s not the end, because if Google detects you are using duplicate content, it will send your site down the depths of of the search engine results pages. Remember that these pages are not normally visited. There’s the joke in SEO, “what is the best way to hide a dead body?”

“Put it on page 2 or lower in Google.”

Before publishing your content, you should make sure that your content is 100% original. You can use plagiarism checker for free, which would compare your writings with the published content on the Internet.

2. Keyword Research

Keyword Research is one of the most important factors for getting your content to appear in the search engines. Keywords are the words or phrases that people search for in the search engines.

If your keyword research and selection is not optimized, then you would not win the “contest” of getting your content seen on the SERPs.

The keyword is not only helpful for to meet the searchers intent in search engines, but you also focus on the keyword when writing content.

So your keyword research should be for your website and individual articles.

I focus on keyword research and SEO for each and every article. But it is also worth noting that when you look at your entire website strategy, the primary keywords are those that are common to your entire site, while the secondary keywords are those that support the relevance of your site.

When searching for keywords, if you are doing basic tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest, the following factors should be taken into account:

Volume: The volume of keywords you select must be high. It is the number of entries the user makes for searching the Internet. If it is high, there is more chance that you will appear in the SERP.

CPC: The cost-per-click is the value of the keyword, which should always be high. In terms of revenue and impact, the CPC is very important to be high.

Difficulty: If you select the keywords that have the greatest difficulty, it can take years to rank them. However, always select the keywords that have the least difficulty in finding a rank quickly. You can increase the number of keywords to find relevant and less difficult keywords.

For my advanced and detailed keyword research strategy, you can read more on how I delve deeper to find even more profitable keywords in how to find profitable keywords with low competition.

3. Focus on Increasing the Speed of Your Website

Not only Google but also users want the best experience when visiting your site. User experience comes first and speed is a key part of that.

The speed of your website should be optimized to make the experience fast. There are several factors behind the slowness of the website, some of which are explained below:

  • The images could not be optimized
  • The elements must not be minified
  • The response of the server is bad – this is your web hosting
  • Additional images, elements, pages, and other material that is not useful
  • Poor Content Delivery Network

If your site does not offer a high speed, then users would not come back to your site, they will simply click away or close the tab.  Think about it, imagine looking for something online and it takes you more that 3-4 seconds for that post to appear on your screen.  Pretty irritating, right?  So what would you normally do?

Top 5 SEO Tips that can make you win or lose very quickly - website speed

Not only that, but they also would not recommend visiting your site again.

Pro tip: Aim to get your website load time for both mobile and desktop under 3 seconds. Ideally in the 1-2 second range if possible.

4. User Experience on Your Website is Crucial

We all know that Google uses artificial intelligence for different algorithms and your website is automatically judged for that.

The central algorithm of the Google RankBrain automatically scans your website using their machine-learning artificial intelligence to know what content you are posting.

This algorithm scans your website and knows what your website is talking about. In this way, the algorithm also gives you the ranking position according to how well your content meets the users search intent.

Here are some of the factors that are directly associated with the ranking signals to the algorithms of this user experience:

  • CTR: The click-through rate is the ratio of people who click on your website compared to the impression your website gets when it appears in the search engine.
  • Bounce Rate: The bounce rate is the percentage of people who click on your site and leaves your site without interacting further with your website. It should be increased to have a better impact on the search engine for your site.
  • Session time: The session time is the time that indicates how long a visitor spends on your website, which can be increased by providing the best experience and the most informative content. So the better the content the more time people spend on your website. You can see this as “time on page” in Google Analytics.

To give you and your readers the best user experience, you can try out various tools and strategies on your website to improve our website.

You can use tools such as Hotjar, Crazy Egg and others, which are integrated into your website, to know the experience of each user. Once you integrate, it tells you the sessions of all users who have spent on your website.

How it tells where the user clicks and which part of the site the user uses more.

One of the other factors to improve your user experience is the friendly layout, which includes easy navigation to your website.

For example, if a user wants to know more about a particular topic that you can provide, you should set the internal link to another post or page.

Similarly, if you do not have your own reference material, you may provide the outgoing link to other websites that provide the information about it.

5. Adding Graphics and Links to Your Content

Top 5 SEO Tips that can make you win or lose very quickly - adding graphics

People are visual, so the visuals are a key factor for the best experience, as they are also beneficial for the SEO of your website.

The visuals help to enhance the user experience and deliver the authenticity of the content you have written to the users who read your content.

You can add any type of graphics that can support your content, such as screenshot, videos, or tutorials steps. It is great to embed a YouTube Video on a topic related to your content.

The visuals are a great way to increase customer appeal and connect the user to your website.

On the other hand, just like internal links, backlinks are also important. Backlinks are the links that come from other websites to your website.

According to the marketers, the backlinks are considered the most important factors for SEO of your website in the eyes of the search engine.

The backlinks not only bring in the referenced traffic but also increase the relation and reference for your website from other websites.

I cover How to get backlinks for your website: The Good, the Bad, and The Shady here.

Top SEO Tips – Final Thoughts

TheSEO tips and SEO factors covered in this article are very important, as they can be measured by the right analysis tools. So in terms of basic SEO tips for beginners, I suggest you start with these. Ensure you focus on making all these practices efficient and part of your routine.his will greatly increase your chances of your web content appearing in the search engines and on the coveted Page 1 of Google.

How I Make Passive Income Online

Are you looking for an opportunity for an honest and sustainable way of making money online and from the comfort of your own home?

Thanks for reading until the end of my post about where I aim to answer your question about the “Top 5 SEO Tips That Can Make You Win or Lose Very Quickly.” Because of that, I’d like to share with you my preferred way to earn a sustainable passive income. I can point you in the right direction where you can learn where to start getting what you want and the right ways to get it.

I highly recommended Affiliate Marketing as my top business model before all else for anyone to make money online. For starters, you’ll learn more in depth SEO and how to get your content ranked on search engines. This gives you the traffic and from traffic you can make income.

So, if you need to work from home you’d rather be with your children, or because of a health problem,…or maybe just sick of going to work every day, then an online business allows you these freedoms.

Here are a few of my reasons:

  • You don’t have to strain friendship in any recruitment or effort just to make money
  • You don’t need thousands of dollars to start
  • You are free to promote any products that you want; and
  • It’s FREE to get started with the training.

This Blogpost is originally from Top 5 SEO Tips That Can Make You Win or lose Very Quickly


Is Bossless Forever A Scam [6 Facts About Bossless Forever]

Earn From Your Laptop

If YouTube algorithm cooperates, you may have had to sit through a 30-second commercial advertisement of someone showing off a newly bought car, adoring squad of friends over drinks in a villa somewhere far from the noise of the city, overlooking a blue expanse of ocean.

The random person has a drink in one hand, gushing over gratefulness to have found this one way of being rich, of excitement to share this one way with whoever is watching. And if the commercial is effective, you would notice (maybe to the point of slight annoyance), that repeating anecdotes of gratefulness and excitement over this “one way” is not getting you nearer to the actual disclosure of the method until the 30-second end mark. 

More often than not, this “someone” is a guy.

So seeing a woman do the same, may be empowering somehow. 

In this post, let’s discuss Aimee Ball’s Bossless Forever course. This is the Bossless Forever review that will give you a complete understanding.

Is it worth a dime? Or just another scam?

Is Bossless Forever A Scam [6 Facts About Bossless Forever] header image

Is Bossless Forever A Scam Summary

Product Name: Bossless Forever

Founder: Aimee Ball

Price: revealed after phone call

Rating: 32/100

Best For: Online Marketing Pros or Beginners ready to drop big dollars

Recommended: Not recommended

What Is Bossless Forever About: an SEO and lead generation course designed for beginning or experienced online entrepreneurs

Summary: Aimee Ball presents a five step process discussed in through an initial free webinar, and a business model to be followed as she offers personalized training and one-on-one mentorship. 

What Is Bossless Forever?

Can you think of several local businesses, such as fashion boutiques, restaurants, or health studios, which you are convinced would make it big if they launch their services online? I’m sure you can think of one or two who would gain unthought of income when given the opportunity to reach a global customer base. 

Bossless Forever Background Info

There is great income to be had when services or products are made available online through screen. Aimee Ball helps online entrepreneurs make a difference in the operations of local business owners who are still unaware of the opportunities lying in wait when their services or products are accessible online.

Bossless Forever is a lead generation course that facilitates marketing options online for businesses that do not have them. The online course is available in her official website and open to anyone who is willing to learn for whatever purpose – be it starting their own business’ SEO team to take care of lead generation, gaining more knowledge on the local marketing trends, conceptualizing a business venture, polishing acquired expertise skills, or adapting their own SEO services in order to withdraw subscription from overcharging companies. 

Aimee presents a comprehensive blueprint for effective digital marketing tailored for beginners and experts alike. 

Bossless Forever Scam: Who Is Aimee Ball?

aimee ball is bossless forever a scam

Amiee Ball is a woman of many talents. She is founder and speaker of Bossless Forever, and forefront ambassadress of the course. In her journey to acquiring her MBA from Southeastern Louisiana University, she served as a Key Wholesale Account Executive, a Regional Sales Service Representative, and Business Development Manager for various companies. 

JAB Webconsuting LLC is six years old, and having founded the agency, she still serves as its Chief Executive Officer. The Calibr8 Technology and the Tech Leverage are the other two companies she founded later in her career.

With this track record, it is safe to assume that Aimee knows her stuff more than enough to start her own digital marketing course for interested entrepreneurs. 

How Does Bossless Forever Work?

More so in recent years, there has been an influx of digital marketing gurus promising business success in their pitches for their original, self-produced online digital marketing course.

I have had the pleasure of reviewing some of these courses. Some of the most legitimate courses I have reviewed come across as credible at first impression. This may be because of a professionally created website, the high quality images, the visual information of the process to be undertaken under the advertised course, the anecdotes of success from previous students, or the transparency in terms of cost and pricing of the course. 

bossless forever logo

These things may seem trivial at first, but I would like to think that I am not alone when I say this. It’s a crucial first step to proving your ability to attract potential customers online and making a sale, which is ultimately what these digital marketing courses are all about. 

This may be why I was taken aback when trying to learn more about Aimee Ball’s Bossless Forever course. Granted, there were a couple of substantial reviews online. Yet, some of these reviews integrate broken links, and the official webpage really did not attract or entice me to learn more about it so much. Well, we’ll get to those things soon.

So, how do you get started with Bossless Forever?

First, attend Aimee’s 20-minute online webinar which reveals the 5-step blueprint to be followed throughout the course.

Second, engage in a scheduled call with a representative from Bossless Forever, who would discuss with you the financial opportunities and goals you and the company can work on, should you go through. This is a chance they offer for you to reflect on the compatibility of the program and your business goals. 

Is Bossless Forever A Scam: Courses

Is Bossless Forever A Scam: Courses

The free webinar discusses the 5-step process that Aimee followed which resulted in business success. 

Step 1 – Niche Selection

Attending to clients who need your services the most ensures the growth and development of your business. It also promises the greatest probabilities for success. Finding and choosing the right clients is a critical step towards effective digital marketing. Searching and choosing the right clients can make or break your business.

The local business sector is rich with potential clients if you know where to look. Contract workers, gardeners or painters are usually a good choice as a need for their services almost always require quotation and further information.

Step 2 – Proper Due Diligence

A businessperson  always takes into consideration his/her clients’ character and nature to ensure a healthy business relationship moving forward. For this, Aimee suggests “pre-qualifying” clients. Before offering your services, find the clients’ contact information and relevant background through simple Google search. Then, make contact pretending to be a customer.

After establishing a company’s courtesy and professionalism, you may approach the client with lead generation and promotion.

Step 3 – Traffic & Lead Generation

Probably the most important step in this process is probably traffic and lead generation, simply because it may be the most time consuming and energy sapping.

But here Aimee jumps over technical hurdles that go into website building by using -a free website builder that makes website making easy through its drag and drop interface. 

Spending less time on website building means you can focus more on revenue growth and lead generation efforts.

Step 4 – Prospect Clients

Most lead generation courses recommend using a whisper system that would inform business owners that the prospective client they’re about to talk to on the phone is someone sent their way through your lead generation efforts.

Aimee suggests doing this for a week before you meet with your local business client face-to-face. Doing so would take the weight off of hard selling your service and set the tone of “success” in your discussion.

Step 5 – Monetize Business Owners

Let’s talk about money!


They’ve seen what you can do. If they like what you offer, it’s the right time you make a living off of it. 

Once clients are convinced of your skills, Amiee recommends placing a monthly fee for results, as opposed to a price of $10 to $15 per lead. Having a fixed price for your services monthly makes it easier for the business owner to place in the business financial plan. 

After the webinar, you will be invited to a mentorship and coaching program. The mentorship and coaching program consist of expert guidance and advice from Aimee herself, in each step of the way towards establishing your very own lead generation business. 

Bossless Forever Scam: Support

There is little support, though you are emailed notifications about your reservation up until the start of the free webinar.

When availing of mentorship and coaching program would afford you guidance and personal discussion and answers to your business from Aimee herself.

Aimee Ball has a Youtube account if you wanna go and check it out. She also addresses some questions and covers business relevant topics through her official Facebook page and account

Bossless Forever Scam: Money Back Guarantee

It is unclear whether or not they have a refund policy.

However, Bossless Forever are on the phone with you to discuss the program and pricing. So by having this phone contact and answering any questions you have directly, at least you are getting some personal Bossless Forever customer service.

How Much Does Bossless Forever Cost?

Bossless Forever calls interested buyers for pre-qualification – to see whether or not the program is a good fit for them and their goals. 

Pricing varies depending on the situation or goals of the interested buyer. 

Some interested buyers who DID get in touch shared that the program costs a whopping $4,000 dollars, payable in monthly instalments of $299.

Can You Make Money With Bossless Forever?

The good thing about the Bossless Forever course is it brings all involved the merits they deserve, if done right and well. 

The opportunities to utilize the SEO and lead generation strategies that Aimee Ball herself applied for local businesses are endless. 

At the beginning of this post, you were asked to think of one or two businesses right now in your hometown who could use a wider customer base. 

The truth is these owners KNOW that a social media or internet presence is crucial to a thriving and long-lasting business. Some of them who don’t have the presence just do not know where to begin or how.

With Aimee Ball’s Bossless Forever course, you will be given the know-hows to reach out to these local businesses that deserve the fanfare, improve their sales, and ultimately help the local business scene thrive… while still paying the bills or more.

Is Bossless Forever A Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not an affiliate of Bossless Forever or a student of Bossless Forever Courses myself and I do not endorse Bossless Forever in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and other Bossless Forever Reviews on the Internet to get to the bottom of what Bossless Forever genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.

Bossless Forever is NOT a scam. 

The founder, creator, speaker and coach has a record of success in digital marketing and lead generation. As proof, she’s juggling her three companies. 

Her success led her to create this course that would empower anyone to do the same or have greater success in the online marketing scene. Because of this, Aimee created the course in a manner that beginners would find easy to follow. 

Despite its attempts to be beginner-friendly and several published reviews online, however, there is a noticeable lack of reviews from students who have taken the course, or testimonials from course takers that have succeeded in lead generation. 

6 Facts about Bossless Forever

Is Bossless Forever A Scam Is Bossless Forever A Scam 6 Facts About Bossless Forever header image 2

Bossless Forever: Ugly Truths Revealed!

  1. Lack of transparency in pricing. Some courses offer a fixed price for their information-packed course, and confidently assure potential buyers of its quality. Bossless Forever assures you of quality, but does not reveal the price. Third party information regarding price only lessens momentum. 

2. Refund Policy Unclear. Unlike other online courses offered, Bossless Forever does not have a clear refund policy. 

3. Lack of Student Reviews and Success Stories. Feedback is a powerful thing online, especially for courses that demand payment from students who expect quality instructions. One of the ways to assure quality is to present reviews and feedback from successful students who are able to launch their careers with the help of your course.

What I Like About Bossless Forever

4. Income potential high, competition low. As a digital entrepreneur, you have the options for offering services to businesses in a place familiar to you, with little to no competition.

5. Inspiring coach. Aimee Ball knows her stuff. Some comments on her Youtube videos say things about her delivery, it takes knowledge and persistence to get to where she is currently, being an established business woman. Her willingness to share her knowledge is commendable.

6. The business model works. The 5-step process Aimee shares may be simple but it works. She is practical in reminding not to be impatient in achieving results and honest about the struggles of succeeding in this particular business marketing niche. 

My Opinion On Bossless Forever

The Bossless Forever training course was made with good intentions – to help local business, improve aspiring or expert entrepreneurs’ practice, and thrive financially as a community. 

The methods are simple, straightforward and practical. For what it’s worth, she remains practical in terms of expectations and results to students. She means well in respect to the one-on-one call and tailoring of the training and mentoring program to best suit the needs of the student.

The basis of her service charge kinda bums me out. But I would understand if a scale or criteria in terms of conditional pricing is revealed only to the students themselves.

I wouldn’t stop anyone from enrolling in her course, if they are comfortable with the lack of reviews from students who have personally taken the course or student-turned-successful-entrepreneurs themselves. 

But if you want, I can actually recommend a program to you that provides unlimited support, more valuable training, and an affordable membership.

If you’re still reading, and I hope you are, for the same time and effort at a way lower cost, Wealthy Affiliate offers students the same amount of attention and technical and business knowledge as Ammie Ball’s Bossless Forever. 

You’ll never know just how far the Bossless Forever course would burn holes into your wallet and mental energies. Wealthy Affiliate is transparent in its cost and pricing with reviews from students who have done well. 

It is more value for cost, coordinated and respectful to your time than Aimee Ball’s Bossless Forever course. For all its good points, the uncertainty of revenue in the long run just isn’t worth the time and money you’ll put into the course. 

How I Make Passive Income Online

Who would refuse the freedom to book a vacation anytime you want? Or have more drinks with family and friends? Or being present when life happens right in front of you? No excuses, just living the best way you know you should.

Are you still hoping to grab all the good moments in life, at the same time grabbing on to a legitimate and honest way of making money online, wherever you want?

Thanks for reading until the end of my post about the  Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs (FAFE) by Dan Henry. If you’re still on the lookout for that perfect way to earn passive and sustainable income that does not involve dishing out a lot of startup costs, I will happily share mine. 

No matter the reason – be it time to focus on your health, to improve yourself, to spend more time with the people who deserve it the most, or to have the freedom of being your own boss… then online business is the way to go. 

Obviously, you have to grow through the ups and downs of the digital market before you can start making money. Just like starting and running your own business, it goes a long way if you know the right steps to take, the right people to ask, and the business decisions to make. 

Operating your online business successfully would mean being confident in your direction, making the best decisions, and getting help from the qualified people. When you have someone you can learn from and backing you up, you increase your chances of success. 

I am convinced that you won’t find a better way to make money online than Affiliate Marketing… and the reasons are obvious.

  •  You don’t have to strain friendship in recruitment efforts just to make money
  •  You don’t need thousands of dollars to start
  •  You are free to promote any products that you want; and
  •  It’s FREE to get started.

Now, aren’t free stuff the best?

You are just a click away from a FREE step-by-step guide to making money online, tailored for beginners. 

Is Bossless Forever A Scam wronglycropped scaled e1589382108968

Joana is a proud wife, mother, and furparent. As a content specialist, she enjoys researching about different topics and niches. She finds that it is an interesting way to learn and discover new things. Joana still occasionally conducts lectures for aspiring teachers who are reviewing for the Licensure Examination for Teachers, but enjoys working from home to be closer with her family and be a hands-on mom.

Is Bossless Forever A Scam [6 Facts About Bossless Forever]
Is Bossless Forever A Scam Is Bossless Forever A Scam 6 Facts About Bossless Forever header image

If YouTube algorithm cooperates, you may have had to sit through a 30-second commercial advertisement of someone showing off a newly bought car, adoring squad of friends over drinks in a villa somewhere far from the noise of the city, overlooking a blue expanse of ocean.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: Bossless Forever - Aimee Ball

Course Provider URL:

Editor's Rating:

This Blogpost is originally from Is Bossless Forever A Scam [6 Facts About Bossless Forever]


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

What Is Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs? A Look into Dan Henry Courses

Earn From Your Laptop

It’s hard to imagine a world without Facebook now. Everyone, no matter the age, has Facebook. This makes it safe to say that potential customers around the world who have Facebook, 2.7 billion users as of June 2020 to be exact, are potential income waiting to happen. 

How fast would your business change if you could reach customers who need the exact service you offer, at the perfect place, at the perfect time. Everyday you have a chance to offer your service, with a shot of letting them come back for more. More satisfied clients, more business, more income. 

It’s very rare to find a successful business without a Facebook page or official website nowadays. It’s no surprise then, how easy it is for Facebook to launch an advertising platform, and how aspiring online entrepreneurs jump at the chance to master it. 

Facebook Advertising is not rocket science, but succeeding consistently with it just may be. 

Enter Dan Henry Facebook Ads for Entrepreneur (FAFE) course. From humble beginnings, Dan Henry earned a million on the first five months of FAFE’s launch. Dan Henry’s courses has since been noted in online advertising and business.

In this post, let’s discuss Dan Henry courses, specifically Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs (FAFE). 

Is it worth it?

What Is Dan Henry's Facebook Ad For Entrepreneurs (FAFE)? header image

What Is Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs (FAFE) Summary

Product Name: Facebook Ads for Entrepreneur (FAFE)

Founder: Dan Henry

Price: $127 (version 1) / $138 (self-help)

Rating: 48/100

Best For: Online Marketing Pros or Beginners who have a budget set aside

Recommended: Recommended

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge AMA About: a Facebook Ads course best designed for beginning or experienced online entrepreneurs

Summary: Dan Henry designed a five-module Facebook Ads training course, complete with tools, resources and support for beginning and expert online entrepreneurs to help you possibly set up an online Facebook Ads agency.

What Is Dan Henry’s Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs (Fafe) All About?

Dan Henry Facebook Ads huhuh min

Dan Henry assures that, through his Facebook Ads online course, you would know the best advertising and targeting for your business, how to use the Facebook Pixel to lower advertising cost, how to create a winning advertisement in 10 minutes, and how to package Facebook Advertisement consultation and management services for $1,500 per month to business owners.

What Is Dan Henry’s Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs: Background Info

Dan Henry’s Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs (FAFE) is an online course which delivers what is says by the name.  It is an online training program that teaches its students how to deliver successful Facebook Advertising. The online course teaches you how to find clients who would pay you to run Facebook ads for them and their businesses. It gives you insights on how to get results from your Facebook advertising for clients, hopefully generating higher income that would allow them to keep on paying you. In short, if we are to put our trust in what their website says, “show anyone how to run successful Facebook Ads!”

As of this writing, the online Facebook Advertising course offers four modules that walks you through the ins and out of bait, building funnels, Ads and client relationship. The FAFE online course comes highly recommended in certain digital business circles, with Dan Henry’s prestigious Two Comma Award for his digital product creation efforts. 

If you want to know more about the Dan Henry’s Facebook Ad for Entrepreneur course, read on. 

What Is Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs: Who Is Dan Henry?

You may have encountered a person like Dan Henry. We all know that one person with a rags to riches story, and Dan Henry has that story. He started out by delivering pizzas to doorsteps, to being a digital entrepreneur-millionaire in five months. 

Things weren’t always so pretty for Dan Henry at first. He was dead broke, had to sell water bottles on the streets with his wife just to pay the house bills, lost a lot of money on a software only to have Google give away a similar product for free weeks before its launch, and just over all struggled starting a few businesses here and there. 

It was not until his wife helped him focus on his marketing skills that he started giving his all in Facebook Advertising. Focusing on offering services to local real estate agents and restaurants, Dan Henry landed seven clients in 30 days, making over $10,000 from charging clients for the results he was raking in.

From then on, he basically ran away with it.  Earning six figures in one month isn’t a small thing; so, needless to say, a lot of people were extremely interested in how he is making such a large amount of money. As a response, he created an online course of his expertise in Facebook Advertising – thus, the Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs (FAFE). The course earned a million dollars in sales within five months.

He has since appeared on TV and on stage, delivering highly engaging talks and interviews in CEO National Convention,  CBS Tampa,  NBS Orlando, and Huff Post Live among others. In his own words, he inspires people by “showing them how to increase sales with Facebook ads that actually work”, “how to create an online course/product that actually sells”, “how to create a brand that attracts raving fans” and “getting them off their asses”.

What Is Dan Henry's Facebook Ad For Entrepreneurs Dan Henry award

He added affiliate marketing that drove users to ClickFunnels in his online course after he won Two Comma Club Award from Russel Brunson of ClickFunnels. He was the fastest online entrepreneur to nab the coveted award in the digital business landscape. Dan Henry’s Facebook Ad online course currently boasts of launching dozens of 6-figure earners and companies through Facebook advertising and marketing. 

How Does Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs Work?

One of the reasons why you’re probably reading this is because you have heard stories about friends who quit their 9 to 5 jobs after setting up their Facebook Ad agencies successfully. They are either snuggled comfortably at home or, even better, at some tropical island paradise with a drink, tapping away on their laptops and earning way more than you do every month. Heaven!

If you were regaled by their tales of online business adventures, you are probably now on the hunt for that perfect step in the right direction towards setting up your own Facebook Ads agency. And it makes sense that you stumbled upon Dan Henry and his millionaire story. 

One of the ways of ensuring success for any business is getting leads. Most people recommend Facebook Advertising claiming it has low lead costs and you won’t lose money that fast. If you want to earn money generating leads for businesses, read on to know what Dan Henry’s Facebook Ads course has to offer.

What Is Dan Henry’s Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs: Courses

It’s one thing to get leads, and another thing to convert them into sales. FAFE covers Dan’s effective sales process, delivered in a manner that anyone would understand. They are all completely self-paced, and each lesson is packed with high-quality content. 

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Here is a peek at the offered online lessons in the course. The online course is 5 modules long and offers more than 20 online lessons, with bonus materials. In summary, the student will be taught how to handle online marketing situations such as making an offer, producing a funnel, creating successful Facebook ads, and running your own Ads agency. You’ll be offered relevant bonus topics, all practical and delivered well. 

Module 0 : The Nutshell

  • Webinar Replay
  • Will I Succeed
  • The Value Scale
  • Facebook Ads in a Nutshell
  • Example Ad Funnels

Module 1 : The Ins And Outs Of How To Create Bait.

  • The purpose of BAIT
  • The definition of value and desie
  • Types of bait and how to sell it
  • Customer Research: Ho to figure out what your bait should be
  • How to run a simple customer research ad
  • How to create a great bait headline
  • BAIT examples
  • How does bait work if you are a…
  • The badass bait checklist
  • How to create a simple Cheat sheet

Module 2 : The Ins And Outs Of Building Funnels

  • Intro and how to choose the right funnel for you
  • How to build a cheat sheet funnel
  • How to build a discount funnel
  • How to build a value video funnel
  • How to build a value video for coaching
  • How to build a webinar funnel
  • How to instal your pixel
  • How to create a custom conversion

Module 3 : The ins and outs of the Ads

  • How to choose the best ad type for you
  • Copy and dialogue strategy
  • How to create ads
  • Retargeting ad and copy strategy
  • Examples of retargeting
  • Creating a retargeting campaign from scratch
  • How to target your dream customer
  • How to get even more ideas for targeting
  • How to manage ads with the split test equation
  • How to scale a winning ad

Module 4: The Agency

  • How to choose the right clients
  • 3 Easy ways to get clients
  • How to explain Facebook Ads for clients
  • How to choose a funnel for your client
  • How to manage multiple clients easily
  • Sample client proposal
  • How to send lead info to clients
  • The billboard challenge
  • How much to charge your clients and how to justify it
  • How to choose the right offer for your FB ads client

Like most online courses, Dan structures his lessons on real-life business situations. You also get to listen to Dan himself through live call successfully closing a sale. He delivers materials in simplistic and reassuring ways that give students confidence to explore their online advertising options. 

Dan personally defines online business success as generating effective leads at low cost. He emphasizes how the course is for anyone from any occupation – entrepreneurs, coaches, or small business owners – that would want to generate more income through online marketing without the techie know-hows.

What Is Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs: Support

His course comes with membership to an exclusive Facebook group for premium students. Most online courses offer this option, but FAFE Private Facebook Group offers a lot of action. Members are active, constantly posting little and big successes, offering useful and practical advice, and overall just keeps you motivated throughout the online marketing experience.

What Is Dan Henry’s Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs: Moneyback Guarantee

Dan Henry’s Facebook Ad course does not come with a moneyback guarantee. They have a Return Policy that is not disclosed in the official site. 

However, there have been numerous sites offering a FREE 14-day trial for ClickFunnels and a FREE Webinar on his official site. 

How Much Does Dan Henry’s Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs (FAFE) Cost?

I will break this part down as best as I can. 

A particular site offers two versions of the same online course. Dan Henry’s Facebook Advertising for Entrepreneurs cost $127.00 from its original price of $997.00.

You will find the same course in the self-help version at a price of $138.00.

Can You Make Money With Dan Henry’s Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs (FAFE)?

This is a question you have thought of starting work online and done a bit of Googling to have an idea of how to get started. I don’t blame you, a lot of gurus have been popping and a lot of invested members have been disappointed. 

Fortunately, albeit some cons that would be discussed later in the post, Facebook Advertising is a solid way of making money through online marketing.

You may have to put in the time to understand the Facebook Ads platform, which is relatively simple to understand. But once you get the hang of it, you will appreciate how easily you can narrow down high potential clients through a few clicks. The client targeting somehow makes it easy to justify the spending that goes into the traffic generation.

Potential clients for this kind of service may include, but are not limited to independent healthcare providers, such as dentists and chiropractors; law practitioners; and local contracting services, such as electricians, plumbers, window washers, movers, etc. These are clients who may be in need of customers and who you can readily offer your services to.

So if you are willing to put in the money, you may be relieved to know that yes, you can make money through Facebook Ads. Which leads us to the answer to the next question…

Is Dan Henry Courses A Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not an affiliate of Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs or a student of Dan Henry Courses myself and I do not endorse Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.

No, it is not. 

And so are all the Dan Henry courses he provides in his site. Courses are detailed and expertly designed, which shows the great effort of different people that went into its creation. They are well-produced, backed with solid real-life experiences of an inspiring online entrepreneur known for his positivity and dynamism on stage. 

Dan Henry knows his stuff, and his awards and character precede him. He’s got over 500 video reviews on his official site, along with links to his successful media presence.

More than all of this is the results he really brings to the game.

Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs (FAFE): Ugly Truths Revealed!

Click = cost. Facebook advertising costs money. Just be prepared and have a budget set aside for the whole process. Dan recommends a “scale test” to get an idea of your return of investment on a certain advertisement. This is perfectly sound advice – you don’t want to be spending a lot of money and effort paying for an ad that does not rake in eight times the required cost. 

Price tag. It was a bit difficult to find the price range for this online course. Make sure that you do your research on what course fits your budget, or if the Dan Henry courses are the financial fit for you.

Inconsistent Ad Performance. A lot can happen in a day, and this is especially true in the cases of Facebook Ads. Make sure you are paying attention to your Ad performance and that it’s actually doing what it should do – a high return of investment. Unless you want to forget that it’s eating away at your budget. 

Facebook Ads is NOT a cure-all solution. To be fair, Dan admits Facebook Advertising is not the answer to absolute business success. Though, I would have appreciated a variety in the course material – maybe branching out to Youtube and Instagram – that would somehow address the fact. 

Maybe it’s because of Dan’s energy and professionalism in teaching or the high quality of material, but the whole process leaves an effect of guaranteed success if you faithfully follow everything instructed. 

Very rarely true. There is a lot of time, effort and money that goes into the maintenance and monitoring of Facebook Ads.

Facebook Ad Fatigue. The reason why a lot goes into the maintenance and monitoring of Facebook Ads is because of something called Facebook Ad Fatigue. 

If you do your work, and you do it well, you will find your one ad out there that ACTUALLY does very well. You would think that it would do great, staying up, and keep on bringing leads for a very long time, as long as it’s there, right? Wrong. 

Facebook Ad Fatigue happens when a once income-generating Facebook Ad gradually loses its effectivity in terms of reach and result. This is a common event, but not absolutely always. Depending on the quantity and speed of reaching the Ad’s desired results, the price for your running ad can increase… fast. This is where monitoring and maintenance of your Ad performance come in.

What I Like About Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs (FAFE)

Great content. Maybe it’s because of the courses’ focus on affiliate marketing, but 500 reviews is a big thing. This is great support that can only come with effective instruction and persuasive delivery. 

Dan Henry also proves his expertise through stage talks and media appearances. His result-driven approach in all his online platforms and success mindset enrich the quality of his courses and other digital products.

Flexible, easy to follow lessons. Dan Henry courses is structured in a way that appeals to both expert and beginning online marketers, with or without the sufficient technical ability to navigate the online business landscape. Dan Henry’s organized course delivery fills in knowledge and skill gaps in concrete and straightforward strategies. 

Great support. The Facebook Private Group you are given access to at purchase of an online course is well updated and buzzing with comments, encouragement and advice from fellow students and online entrepreneurs. It’s always a sense of relief to find people who can relate with the frustrations of starting a business independently.

Facebook Advertising works in targeting ideal customers for businesses. To put it simply, the Facebook Advertising platform is too tempting, putting aside the fees. You can find ideal customers or highly possible sales by narrowing them down through their location, income level, relationship status, gender, age, hobbies, TV shows, or basically anything that reveal their online habits based on what they post or comment on, the pages they liked, the groups they joined, and the people they follow.

There is a lot of customization in terms of choosing the users that have interacted with an ad you ran on various platforms. This freedom that comes with Facebook Advertising makes it more favorable over the nitpicky work which SEO demands. Which isn’t surprising, considering the effort it takes to understand Google search algorithms and knowing exactly what it takes to make it up the Google Search results.

Compared to the long, hard battle that SEO demands, Facebook Advertising promises immediate results (for well-designed, effective Facebook Ads) for less time and effort. 

My Opinion On Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs

You will find very few people saying NO to an opportunity to live life on one’s own terms – not shackled to a company, being one’s own boss, running a successful business which generates your enough income to meet your financial responsibilities and helping other businesses as well. If all these come with effort and smarts from you, anyone would jump at the opportunity. 

Dan Henry offers just that. 

To be fair, he is transparent about the effort and money that would go into this. He is also transparent with the support that students would have in the expected business situations. The lack of variety in the course material gives little in the way of concern, and there were only minimal complaints on the WordPress platform he uses on some of his courses. 

The complexities and inconsistencies of Facebook Ads Performance may be a bit daunting at first, especially to beginners, but the curricular design of the online course makes the materials easy to comprehend and apply. If you are willing to put in the money, spend the time, and commit the effort that goes into monitoring and maintenance, then learning from Dan Henry’s Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs is good. 

If you’re still reading —and I hope you are—for the same time and effort at a way lower cost, I can recommend a program that offers unlimited support, high value training and affordable membership. 

Following through what is instructed in Dan Henry Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs course can burn a hole through your wallet and mental energies, but I can vouch for Wealthy Affiliate.

It is more value for cost, coordinated and respectful to your time than Dan Henry courses. For all its good points, the uncertainty of revenue in the long run just isn’t worth the time and money you put into Facebook Ads. 

Wealthy Affiliate gives the same amount of attention to its students’ needs and offers technical support and business knowledge anytime you need it. 

How I Make Passive Income Online

Who would refuse the freedom to book a vacation anytime you want? Or have more drinks with family and friends? Or being present when life happens right in front of you? No excuses, just living the best way you know you should.

Are you still hoping to grab all the good moments in life, at the same time grabbing on to a legitimate and honest way of making money online, wherever you want?

Thanks for reading until the end of my post about the  Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs (FAFE) by Dan Henry. If you’re still on the lookout for that perfect way to earn passive and sustainable income that does not involve dishing out a lot of startup costs, I will happily share mine. 

No matter the reason – be it time to focus on your health, to improve yourself, to spend more time with the people who deserve it the most, or to have the freedom of being your own boss… then online business is the way to go. 

Obviously, you have to grow through the ups and downs of the digital market before you can start making money. Just like starting and running your own business, it goes a long way if you know the right steps to take, the right people to ask, and the business decisions to make. 

Operating your online business successfully would mean being confident in your direction, making the best decisions, and getting help from the qualified people. When you have someone you can learn from and backing you up, you increase your chances of success. 

I am convinced that you won’t find a better way to make money online than Affiliate Marketing… and the reasons are obvious.

  •  You don’t have to strain friendship in recruitment efforts just to make money
  •  You don’t need thousands of dollars to start
  •  You are free to promote any products that you want; and
  •  It’s FREE to get started.

Now, isn’t free stuff the best?

You are just a click away from a FREE step-by-step guide to making money online, tailored for beginners. 

Dan Henry Facebook Ads wronglycropped scaled e1589382108968

Joana is a proud wife, mother, and furparent. As a content specialist, she enjoys researching about different topics and niches. She finds that it is an interesting way to learn and discover new things. Joana still occasionally conducts lectures for aspiring teachers who are reviewing for the Licensure Examination for Teachers, but enjoys working from home to be closer with her family and be a hands-on mom.

This Blogpost is originally from What Is Dan Henry Facebook Ads For Entrepreneurs? A Look into Dan Henry Courses


Friday, October 2, 2020

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge About? – Now Affiliate Marketing Academy

Earn From Your Laptop

Four Percent is an expensive online academy that offers different courses on online marketing and entrepreneurship. It considers itself “the #1 fastest growing community for digital entrepreneurs”, inviting website visitors to become a “world-class entrepreneur, marketer and human” through their offered courses. So what is What Is Four Percent Success Challenge about? in Summer of 2020, it is now included in Vick Strizheus’ Affiliate Marketing Academy.

World-class entrepreneur and marketer? Possible with hard work. World-class human? In my opinion, it requires much more than facing several online lessons and launching your own affiliate marketing business. Let’s learn about What Is Four Percent Success Challenge in this post and if it is a good idea to sharpen your affiliate marketing skills.

But hey, goals don’t hurt, right? In this post, let’s discuss what is Four Percent Success Challenge about and how their offered services help you become a world-class entrepreneur, marketer, and… uhm… human.

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge About header image

What is Four Percent Success Challenge About (Affiliate Marketing Academy) Summary

Product Name: Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Academy (AMA), formerly Four Percent Success Challenge, now marketed inside Affiliate Marketing Academy.

Founder: Vick Strizheus

Price: $997

Rating: 60/100

Best For: Pro online entrepreneurs

Recommended: Not Recommended

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge AMA About: A three-tiered affiliate marketing program

Summary: Vick Strizheus, online marketer pro, offers an affiliate marketing course stellarly reviewed over 3,600 times by students, many of whom generated 6 to 7 figure incomes with their online businesses.

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge (Affiliate Marketing Academy)?

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge About website

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge about?

Four Percent Success Challenge as an online educational platform offers a lot in the way of modern entrepreneurship through shows and events, aside from their courses, programs, and tools and resources. If you’re wondering about the name, have you ever heard of the Pareto Principle? The principle, when applied in marketing, would imply that only four out of a hundred people persevere to succeed despite all odds and get the results they work four. Hence, the Four Percent Success. 

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge About: Background Info

As of this writing (1 October 2020), Four Percent Success offers ten programs: namely, Traffic Generation, List Building, Sales & Conversions, Marketing Strategies, Money & Finance, Influence & Persuasion, Outsourcing & Leverage, Tech & System, E-Commerce, and Success Mindset.

They also offer two classes on Traffic Generation and Affiliate Marketing, offering more than fifteen tools and resources. 

The platform’s Affiliate Marketing Academy boasts of more than 3,600 five-star rave reviews from their students as proof of the academy’s effectiveness and power. The academy is founded by Vick Strizheus, also a Four Percent Success expert.

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge about—Who Is Vick Strizheus?

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge About

Interesting facts about Four Percent co-founder Vick Strizheus appear when you look him up.

On one hand, he is lauded as a world-class internet marketer and Four Percent Success CEO who started an online academy to provide “world-class” education for ordinary folks. His refreshing profile in the Four Percent website shows him with sunglasses on, with his goals of building a company for entrepreneurial empowerment emblazoned on white background. He is experienced (12 years experienced, to be exact) and influential (having created Four Percent Success) – an expert in online marketing.

On the other hand, you’ll see YouTube videos of him in court facing charges of insurance scam amounting to $30,000. He revisits the mistake as a learning experience in some of his videos. But then, he was recently involved in another issue concerning the product Big Idea Mastermind, when he allegedly switched people’s affiliate links in order to gain more money for himself. 

This article, however, shall focus on the Four Percent Success’ affiliate academy, so let’s get right into it.

How Does Four Percent Success Challenge Work?

The Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Academy (AMA) teaches you to set up a successful affiliate marketing business step-by-step. The course offers its users the “science to success” and multiple sources of income by promoting products advertised and recommended by AMA.

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge About?

You may have also heard about the Four Percent Success Challenge, as I had. It was one of the things I immediately looked into upon free registration in their Four Percent website, and have had no luck finding. My search led me to the fact that the mentioned $10k Success Challenge had been integrated into the Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Academy (AMA) itself.

The Affiliate Marketing Academy model, also dubbed AMA model, is holistic and proactive in its processes, so the platform says. It explains how most affiliate marketing trainings utilize the “transactional business model” which overlooks financial pitfalls because of the marketer’s passive stance in the process. AMA model is then described as effective because of its uniqueness.

Four Percent Success Challenge: Courses

There are 30 sessions to the program, all self-paced. Much like any course, you’ll be given video lessons, assignments to complete and tasks improve engagement. Everyday, you are taught the importance of the right mindset to succeed. There are also sessions that highlight how to scout the right in-demand product, to whom you should be advertising products to, and how to make your visitors buy through the use of specialized content and high-quality product offerings.

What Is Four Percent Success Challenge About course

Specifically, purchasing the course means getting the following:

  • The 6-Figure Fundamentals: How to position yourself to win before you even start
  • How to activate your inner success mechanism so you become magnetic to money
  • Strategic product selection and how to align yourself with great companies in booming industries and sell products that people already want to buy
  • Strategic and unique positioning in the marketplace.
  • Magnetic & irresistible messaging and communication.
  • Core skillsets in affiliate marketing for immediate and massive success
  • Multi-channel prospect acquisition
  • Systematic (and almost effortless) sales and customer conversion
  • How to set up and create multiple streams of income where you can get paid from 5, 7, 10, or more sources without any extra work
  • How to create your own central HUB

With these, you will be guided on how to transform your $0 to your first $10k, as an affiliate marketer. Of course, your progress lies on how well you push your product to the online market. 

You also get to access “success pill” videos as Vic calls them. As a user, you get to watch only one video a day, as the next video only gets unlocked 24 hours after finishing your latest one. There are also shows as advertised on their page which you can access unlimited. 

Once you have successfully signed up, you get access to the tools and resources for your chosen course. 

Four Percent Success Challenge: Support

The online course includes an all year, seven days a week, around the clock support, either through email, chat or snail mail. The transcription option is a cool option for post consultation reviews. Email support is active, so expect replies for anything you drop on the line within two days. 

They also offer support through their private AMA community, guaranteed to satisfy all questions and celebrate your successes with you.

How Much Does Four Percent Success Challenge (AMA) Cost?

The 7 Figure Core Training System, Implementation Mastermind, Advanced Success Mindset, Private AMA Community, and 24/7/365 Priority Support comes at a price of $997 from its “original price” of $9,988.00.

Four Percent Success Challenge: Moneyback Guarantee

Four Percent AMA offers a 30-day 100% Money back Guarantee for all programs and courses, beginning on the day of purchase.

Can You Make Money With Four Percent Success Challenge (AMA)?

You can make money with Four Percent AMA if you’re willing to put the hours in and invest in the tools. For this course, the money is in the products that you promote. These are products you have to buy, on top of the payment for the course, before you start promoting in the first place. But seeing as how the course materials lean more towards generating traffic through paid advertising (which I’ll get too very soon), you may want to keep a close eye on the money you’re dishing out than the ones coming in.

For affiliate marketing, free traffic is the way to go. This may be the reason why you’ll encounter a TONS of YouTube videos and blog reviews about Four Percent. Making YouTube videos and writing about experiences demands little money, if you disregard the effort it takes to make and maintain.

Is Four Percent Success Challenge (AMA) A Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not an affiliate of Four Percent Success Challenge or a student of Vick Strizheus myself and I do not endorse Four Percent Success Challenge or Vick Strizheus in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what NetDivvy and Vince Reed genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.

Four Percent Success Challenge is NOT a scam, but there were too many red flags for me to waste my precious money and time on this course and his tiered affiliate programs. 

The products he is advertising are legit. The course you will purchase provides you input on advertising, mindset, niche, and target audience. There are instructors to teach you and help you on your track. 



What I Don’t Like About Four Percent Success Challenge (AMA)

The School Of Hidden Knowledge—Ronnie Sandlin eyeroll gif

Hidden charges. Aside from the quite big price tag, there are fees you still have to pay attention to. Though Vic presents you product options to promote, some of these options require subscription fees to be paid monthly or annually, which may reach as much as $97 per month.

Cost. If you’re a beginning digital entrepreneur in affiliate marketing, you may want to search more courses online that would suit you without the price Four Percent tags. There are bound to be more cost-effective training programs out there that would fit the bill.

What I Like About Four Percent Success Challenge (AMA)

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Good training and content. For an affiliate marketing course, Four Percent AMA holds promise in this detail-orientedness, content and delivery. Vic is dedicated and passionate in his production of timely and relevant materials for his subscribers. The content and landslide of reviews speaks of the course’s effectiveness. 

Supportive. You have got to admit the year round, 24 hour, chat support is something. Affiliate marketing is no easy skills to develop. Naturally, feedback and support is required in terms of skill building and development. The AMA community helps as well. For everything this course stands for, the more, the merrier is better.

Varied options for improvement. I see this as a good thing, even with the additional cost it entails on the user’s end, in my opinion. This may be subjective, but in order to be truly successful, it is important to continue finding avenues to improve your results and return of investments. The plethora of options in Four Percent website offers its users just this.

Final Thoughts: Vick Strizheus’ Four Percent Success Challenge (AMA)

A lot of time and money went into the making of this training program and its components. The facts show it’s a good training course with all the right tools, resources and support to help you along. It does not leave you hanging or wondering where your money went.

Don’t expect money back anytime soon within the training, of course, since it may take time to create your traffic. Choosing the right product to market would require foresight and wisdom from you as well, which may make this a less desirable option for entrepreneurs just starting out online. 

The expenses bum me out. If you’re just starting out, letting go of that amount of money is not just worth it. If you want, I can actually recommend a program to you that provides unlimited support, more valuable training, and an affordable membership.

I’m convinced that Wealthy Affiliate is a more cost-effective and coordinated option than Vick Strizheus’ Four Percent Success Challenge (AMA). To be fair, the program has a lot of good points for those willing to put the hours in, however it just falls short when stacked against towering costs. The offered technical support and personalized materials makes every cent worth it in Wealthy Affiliate. 

How I Make Passive Income Online

Thanks for reading until the end of my post about What Is Four Percent Success Challenge About (AMA). Because of that, I’d like to share with you my preferred way to earn a sustainable passive income.

If you want to free yourself from the drag of timebound work hours,

or focus on improving your health without compromising your career opportunities,

Warning: Shaw Academy A Scam —is It?

or just place more importance in the time you spend with your family, then an online business is what you want.

Obviously, you have to grow through the ups and downs of the digital market before you can start making money. Operating your online business successfully would mean being confident in your direction, making the right decisions, and getting help from the right people.

I am convinced that you won’t find a better way to make money online than Affiliate Marketing… and the reasons are obvious.

You don’t have to strain friendship in recruitment efforts just to make money ,you don’t need thousands of dollars to start You are free to promote any products that you want; and It’s FREE to get started.

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Joana is a proud wife, mother, and furparent. As a content specialist, she enjoys researching about different topics and niches. She finds that it is an interesting way to learn and discover new things. Joana still occasionally conducts lectures for aspiring teachers who are reviewing for the Licensure Examination for Teachers, but enjoys working from home to be closer with her family and be a hands-on mom.

This Blogpost is originally from What Is Four Percent Success Challenge About? – Now Affiliate Marketing Academy
