Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Is EmpiresX a scam? | 7 Red Flags You Need to Know

Earn From Your Laptop

If you’re here because you’re asking “is EmpiresX A Scam?”, you have to brace yourself as we go through the seven major red flags that you need to know before saying yes to the “opportunity”.

Through out this investigation I really thought I would just end with a conclusion that it’s just your typical MLM, little did I know that there was more to uncover….

is empiresx a scam empiresx review featured image

EmpiresX Review Summary

Product Name: EmpiresX

Owners :Emerson Pires, Flavio Goncalves

$200 for leaders
$400 for investors

Rating: 1/100

Best For: None

Recommended: Not Recommended

What is EmpiresX  About: EmpiresX presents itself as an investment opportunity about trading and cryptocurrency.

Summary: Without any associated company mentioned in their website, EmpiresX remains to be a risky investment platform especially as non of the foudners or personas associated with the brand are recognized in regulated finance and trading institutions.

What is EmpiresX About?

EmpiresX claims to have their monthly growth of 30% with expectation of 6000% for 2023. But is it true or is EmpiresX a scam?

According to their EmpiresX catalog, they have officially existed since 2017 and then only launched EmpiresX last 2020. They also claimed that hey have not lost money in the stock market during the pandemic as they have been strategizing with their “head trader” to get “exponential profit”. So to sum it quick EmpiresX offers a trading bot that you can choose to just invest into or sell as an affiliate from which you can get commissions.

They offer two options which is detailed below:

Option Capital Indication Bonus Everyday Generation Dividend to 20 Levels above Eligible Downline Members
Investor 10% 1% 0.2% Investors only
Affiliate 10% 0.6% 0.2% Affiliate, Investor
Private Investor 10% 1% 0.6% Investors only

Sounds promising right? But it is a good investment opportunity, or is EmpiresX a pyramid scheme.

Let’s get on to that on the next section.

What is a Pyramid Scheme

Most investment opportunities that gives you incentives for recruitment can either be a an affiliate opportunity, an MLM or a pyramid scheme. Let’s try to go over the three and i’ll let you on what I think later in this article.

An affiliate marketing opportunity lets you enjoy perks when you have referred people to buy the brand’s products or services as a direct benefit of your effort. An MLM on the other hand is a marketing strategy where you also refer people to buy products or services but you become their upline and those you have recruited are your downlines which you can profit from depending on level perks by the company.

A stark difference between an affiliate and an MLM is that an affiliate can freely choose the brand they want to partner with plus there is no pressure on letting people on in their recommendation, on the other hand, an MLM will focus on endorsing only the company’s product and they are aggressively recruiting to get perks. Although some MLM products and services are actually good, it’s not for everyone.

Why is it not for everyone?
1. You may need good connections and influence to recruit people to become your downline
2. You need to take care and maintain your downlines so you can also maintain you level perks
3. Not all MLMs are profitable, some are promising guaranteed income when in fact their income disclaimers say otherwise.

While you may think that we’ve come far to our original topic, well a pyramid scheme is actually like an MLM, only that it’s illegal and unregulated. On another hand, a Ponzi scheme is an investment venture that offers unrealistic gains and and high returns with no risk.

When I initially heard of EmpiresX and read its offer I actually thought that it’s the typical MLM! But here’s what I found.

Is EmpiresX a Pyramid Scheme? Or is it a ponzi?

Well for us to see if EmpiresX is a pyramid scheme or if it’s a ponzi we will have to first look for its registration. Why? Because all investment and financial trading businesses are required to be first be registered under the Securities and Exchange Commission and no business is exempted even if it’s dealing with cryptocurrency. Some people may tell you that it doesn’t have to be registered because cryptocurrency is supposed to be a a decentralized system.

But think about this, what if a company decided to rug pull all the assets… who will turn to if it’s not a registered business?

If a business isn’t registered and it decided to just take every investment of its members one day, a business with a registration PLUS a recognition from Securities and Exchange Commission will make them be liable for everything that could have been stolen. Now I hope you realize how important a registration is to every trading and investment venture that you may come into.

TIP: It’s not enough that a business claims and shows you documents of its registration. It’s your due diligence to make your own research as most business registration details are public and most states and countries will likely have websites for your to verify their registration.

Now let’s start.

Most of the time you can learn about which company a website is under through its Terms and Conditions/ Use or sometimes under its Privacy Policy too.

Well, our first red flag would be: EmpiresX website doesn’t have those pages!

Now think about it, who would be liable if they would take all your money away? Would you risk investing in something that’s not associated to any company? But wait here’s another claim that they have on their Telegram, this was posted last July 6, 2021:

is empiresx a scam empiresx review telegram pinned post about registration

It would be unfair to claim that they are not registered just because we can’t find any mention of a company on their website. So let’s dig deeper…

But before we go into that did you know that they have two websites? Here’s what I found about them:

Website Date Created Backlinks
empiresx.org June 2021 51
empiresx.com December 2019 554

Now why are the website’s date of creation and backlinks important?

A websites date of creation can let us know if the website is new, and if they claim that they are established for XX years we can easily verify it. In the case of EmpiresX their .com website was acquired December 2019 which if we cross check with their claim is quite consistent as they mentioned that they only launched it last 2020. This is what’s inside their presentation:

is empiresx a scam empiresx review presentation vs domain details

I tried to look into both websites and there was no mention of any company in them so to try and associate them with one, we’ll look at the people behind EmpiresX.

People Behind EmpiresX

Inside their presentation in the .org website, they mentioned two people who we will further look into for this article. Here’s what they say about them:

is empiresx a scam empiresx review founders

Emerson Pires

When you check this name on LinkedIn you’ll find a handful of Emerson Pires, but there’s only one that is connected to an Empires X Corp and an Empires Consulting. With this information we now have a lead. But we’ll probe this after we have investigated the personas associated with EmpiresX.

is empiresx a scam empiresx review emerson pires

Now that we have a state related to our persona, we can then try to look if they are registered in the state. And here’s what I found:

Well it seems like the Empires X Corp has been inactive/dissolved since last year!

is empiresx a scam empiresx review dissolved empires x corp

But their consulting firm is still active and look who’s signed up as their VP: FLAVIO GONCALVES!

is empiresx a scam empiresx review active empires consulting corp

Flavio Goncalves or Gocalves

In my attempt to find a proof (or otherwise) of their business registration for this EmpiresX review I tried to find the other business that they are venturing together so I can check later on Florida’s LLC directory and hopefully find them too on SEC. I found two businesses which they are in it together:

But if you look closely… You’ll see that it’s two different Flavios! A Gocalves and a GoNcalves. Now we wonder if they are two different people…

And here is a list of companies which are under his name… or names.

Under Goncalves he’s associated with EMPX and 2U Business Consulting.

is empiresx a scam empiresx review flavio goncalves

On the other hand, he’s had different positions under Empires Consulting Corp under Gocalves

is empiresx a scam empiresx review flavio gocalves

It’s quite alarming that the name of the registered officer they had for their corporation under Florida may have had a misspelling for years! Now we’re not sure if it’s the same person but we do know for sure that they are venturing together in businesses in Florida.

Joshua David Nicholas “Josh Gregg”

Now here’s another name that comes up whenever EmpiresX is Josh Gregg which they like to call as their master trader.

They claim that Josh works for Goldman Sachs and true enough you can confirm it through FINRA’s Broker Check there is indeed a Joshua Gregg… but previous reviews has already exposed that HE IS NOT THE JOSHUA GREGG REGISTERED IN FINRA because his real name is Joshua David Nicholas who had a history of financial blunders on his late firm (JDN Capital LLC) and was banned by National Futures Association for 8 years.

For a full document here’s the link and below is an overview of the decision.

is empiresx a scam empiresx review banned joshua David nicholas

Despite being banned and even when his real identity has already been exposed, it seems like EmpiresX is continuously using his Josh “Gregg” persona as he is still posted in a video in their EmpiresX Global Facebook page some three weeks ago:

is empiresx a scam empiresx review joshua nicholas impersonating

It’s very alarming.


Now that we have a list of business names and people, we can now cross check their registration. I checked on the following platforms the names associated with EmpiresX and the businesses handled by the “founders”:

FINRA Broker Check: No Result
SEC Registration: No Result
Division of Securities (Florida): No Result.

With these information alone, what do you think, is EmpiresX a scam? I would’ve run if I were recruited just knowing these!

How Does EmpiresX Work?

When you check their website and cross-reference it to their presentation, you might see a disjunction of one’s reality and expectation.

Claims or Expectation

Here are the things that they claim to to attract members.

is empiresx a scam empiresx review why choose empiresx
is empiresx a scam empiresx review why easy start steps

Well is it really? Let’s check it out.


This page alone about withdrawal already debunks the Withdrawal with Automatic Payment and Freedom With Your Capital.

is empiresx a scam empiresx review why withdrawals

As much as they claim that they offer instant withdrawals, they mentioned in the earlier part of their presentation that they require emailing for each withdrawal request with a “secondary security password”. Plus you can read from above that capital withdrawal can only be done three times and they have percentage fees on the first three months. So there isn’t really much freedom with your capital right?

No monthly charges? Yeah right, but the company gets 20% of each profit from the trading bot everyday!


I looked inside their platform and scourge through their websites and there was no mention of any refund. That’s understandable because they are an investment platform.

Can You Really Make Money Through EmpiresX ?

The viable ways you can do to money through EmpiresX would be through:

  1. Becoming an Investor or Affiliate then ranking through the network levels through recruitment
  2. Actual profiting from the trades.

But has anyone actually profited from it?

Surprisingly, their Trustpilot reviews abounds with positive reviews with a 4.3 rating. But the load of positive comments are quite unjustifiable as they were mostly flooded last August:

is empiresx a scam empiresx review flodded trustpilot reviews

Here’s some of the positive and negative EmpiresX reviews on the platform:

is empiresx a scam empiresx review flodded trustpilot rnegative reviews
is empiresx a scam empiresx review flodded trustpilot positive reviews

But here’s a more convincing review straight from their Telegram community. It seems like people were having a hard time with their withdrawals. Take notice of the dates:

is empiresx a scam empiresx review telegram november 5
is empiresx a scam empiresx review telegram november 11
is empiresx a scam empiresx review telegram november 17

And just recently they posted something on the Facebook Page about a “back office issues”:

is empiresx a scam empiresx review EmpiresX global

Source: EmpiresX Global Facebook Page
(December 1, 2021)

Is the system collapsing? Or are they paving new ways to take advantage of people?

How Much Does It Cost to Join EmpiresX ?

You have to options for your membership:
1. Affiliate – $200
2. Investor – $400

7 Red Flags of EmpiresX

  • No mentioned associated company which could be held liable in case of fraud
  • Not registered on SEC, FINRA and Division of Securities
  • Co Founder has inexplicable misspelled surname on registered company details
  • Master Trader, Joshua David Nicholasm is continuously impersonating “Josh Gregg” and is actually banned by NFA
  • 20% of any trading profit goes to company
  • Suspicious flooding of positive reviews last August 2021 on Trustpilot
  • Users reports being unable to have their withdrawals and use the platform itself.

The EmpiresX Scam [Is EmpiresX a Scam?]

I really thought at first that EmpiresX will be just the typical MLM with aggressive recruitment tactics, but with all the red flags that I found during my investigation, it’s likely that it is a pyramid scheme or a Ponzi scheme or both. While it’s okay to recruit people into investment opportunities, it much safer and would be best if an investment firm, company or platform are registered on finance, trade and securities organizations.

Since the website and the companies related to its owners are not registered in SEC, FINRA and the Division of Securities in Florida, it’s fair to say that they are illegally operating. Business, corporation and LLC registration is different from the act of registering a firm or company as a regulated firm or broker. Additionally, as Joshua David Nicholas continues to impersonate Josh Gregg and with the possibility of him handling the trades, it’s quite alarming that EmpiresX continues to recruit when Joshua himself is deregistered from the National Futures Association.

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not an affiliate or investor of EmpiresX myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what EmpiresX genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text. 

Pros and Cons of EmpiresX 

EmpiresX Pros


EmpiresX Cons

  • Website is not associated to any company
  • Website and companies handled by founders are not recognized by SEC, FINRA and Division of Securities in Florida
  • Master trader is impersonating an actual trader with a good track because he himself is deregistered by the NFA
  • Suspicious flooding of positive reviews last August 2021
  • Users can’t withdraw and use platform

Final Thoughts – EmpiresX

I don’t see the point of going on with the impersonation of Josh Gregg. If EmpiresX is indeed an honest and truthful company, they would not trick people into believing that their “master trader” is actually the Josh Gregg in FINRA. For reference here is the FINRA details of the Joshua Nicholas, real name of EmpiresX Master Trader.

Instead of putting out bland community statements about their legitimacy, they should show verifiable evidences of their registration, not just for transparency but it could also double as good marketing strategy.

If they continue to dodge Ponzi and pyramid scheme allegations by just flooding positive reviews or hijacking comments on a defensive mode, they will continuously be branded as a fraud and a likely scamming venture that’s most likely to collapse anytime. However if you, reader, would still wish to try their platform… I hope you won’t stake an amount that you can’t bear to lose.

Yep. We already warned you.

How I Make a Passive Income Online

People would love to have an all-winning portfolio in trading. But the harsh truth is, it’s not possible.

In stocks, ForEx, and cryptocurrency trading, there is a very big chance that the money you may put in could be washed out. There is no guarantee, so whenever an investment opportunity presents itself and mentions that they are a 100% profit and no losses, beware.

While trading would be a profitable passive income, it’s a venture that requires discipline, dedication and financial resources. I suggest that while you’re still learning the ropes of trading, find profitable investments that are sustainable in the long run.

I’ve been trading for years now and I don’t do it full time! I make sure that I have other income generating ventures so I can fund my experiential learning.

I find affiliate marketing as one of the most flexible passive income opportunity like trading because:
1. You can do it in your own time
2. You learn different things by doing it
3. No deadlines to beat

It’s a bonus that I was able to find the Wealthy Affiliate community from which I learned tons of things that I wouldn’t have learned on my own! If you’re looking into partnering with brands and companies that piques your interest, you can click below so John can guide you on the free to start community. You’ll see what more they can offer, what you can learn inside and get a feel of the tools that you may use if you plan to tread the path of being an affiliate marketer!

No pressure. If you happen to like it, you can always avail the Premium which is just $49! If you want to read more about Wealthy Affiliate here’s a comprehensive review about it.

You can click below and let John guide you!

Is EmpiresX a scam Dream Life Lifestyle

Louee Gonzales Author

Louee Gonzales has been writing for 4 years now and is a self-confessed coffee-powered content specialist. She enjoys creating valuable investigative articles for EFYL. If she’s not writing, she’s usually taking on small SEO and SMM projects, painting, reading a new book, or travelling somewhere fun.

She has a degree in Psychology, and quick fact: she can’t read your mind. She has authored articles on School of Positive Transformation.

This Blogpost is originally from Is EmpiresX a scam? | 7 Red Flags You Need to Know

source https://earnfromyourlaptop.com/is-empiresx-a-scam-empiresx-review/

Friday, November 26, 2021

100% Brutally Honest Maverick FX Review [It’s not for Everyone]

Earn From Your Laptop

In this Maverick FX Review let’s dissect why people have a notion that Maverick Fx is a scam and let’s have a brutally honest evaluation of the legitimacy and fairness of such a high membership price.

Maverick Fx Review


Maverick Fx Review Summary

Company: Maverick Trading Inc

Price to join: $7000

Best For: Experienced traders who are willing to meet quotas

Recommendation: Not recommended

Overall Rating: 18/100

Summary: Maverick Fx Trading or Maverick Trading is a proprietary trading firm

What Is This Maverick Fx Trading Review About?

Maverick Trading was established in 1997 and was incorporated in 2003. It’s a registered proprietary trading dealing with Options/Equities and Forex. They offer training for their training associates as they are given the chance to trade with with the firm’s capital. Becoming a trading associate doesn’t require having a college degree and they mentioned that they are ope to both the experienced and inexperienced traders.

We have verified their business registration from Utah’s business search feature on their website:

Maverick Fx Review registration details

As it caters to degree, non-degree holders, experienced and newbie traders, It sounds promising but not until you learn about its price. But before we go into that let’s first try to evaluate if Maverick Fx Trading is a scam, or is it a pyramid scheme?

Is Maverick Fx A Pyramid Scheme?

Truth is, we can’t call it a pyramid scheme since they are registered as a business and have long been recognized as a proprietary trading firm. But what does it really mean, it’s not everyday that we hear of a company like that. 

According to Investopedia, “Proprietary trading refers to a financial firm or commercial bank that invests for direct market gain rather than earning commission dollars by trading on behalf of clients.” So basically they are a trading firm that doesn’t cater to clients, but instead trades for their own company gain. But why are there queries and speculations that Maverick FX trading is a scam? Some even say that they are a Ponzi Scheme!

In this Maverick Fx review, we’ll try to diseect every detail that has led them to that association.

What is a Ponzi Scheme?

Just a quick overview, let’s try to first define what a pyramid scheme is so we won’t interchange them. A pyramid scheme is an illegal business structure focusing on recruitment rather than selling products and members profits from commissions gained from downline. A ponzi scheme on the other hand is an investment program that promises high ROIs with little risk and it rewards earlier investors by the money taken from new investors.

So basically, they almost operate in the same idea that when you are a new investor it’s unlikely that you will gain any monetary advantage like those above you since you need to create a network under you before you can get commissions and rewards. What happens is that when the pyramid collapses, either the business caves in or there is a lack of new recruits, you can’t really maximize your investment in the program. 

Imagine paying to join a program where people above you make money from your sales. No matter how hard working you are, unless at some point you recruit and form your own pyramid of downlines, then that’s the only time that you could truly profit from it. 

The reason why people fail to become top of the pyramid is because of the following reasons:

1. They don’t make enough repeat sales/ or reach quota
2. They fail to recruit other people
3. There is no retention in their recruits

It is also vital that you know about the difference of an MLM or a multilevel marketing business. To put it simply, an MLM is just a legalized and regulated pyramid scheme. They basically operate on the same premise but the only thing is, the business is registered and they pay taxes. 

The reason why Maverick Fx or Maverick Trading is accused of being a scam or Ponzi scheme is because they have an expensive membership fee for their traders plus it has a monthly recurring fee and other fees on top of that. But is it fair for Maverick Trading to ask for such a high fee when traders are actually going to work for them?

The short answer is, most likely yes. Why? Let’s discuss it below

How Does The Maverick Fx Trading Work?

So according to their Membership Agreement, the initial payment that you’ll be giving them is considered as your Performance Bond and it could cost a minimum of $5000. This means that the money is still yours but any profits and losses that you may gain through your training and your work there is to be reconciled to that amount.

Maverick Fx Reviewc capital sharing program overview

So this sounds to me like you’re lending Maverick Fx Trading a capital for a while as you prove your skill as a trader, and any profit gained from it, the firm gets a less than or equal to 30 percent of it.

Their Membership Agreement has been upfront with the fees needed to get into their firm which is the $7000 enrollment fee (minimum of $5000 as Performance bond) plus $199 monthly fees. Imagine that would be $2388 per year!

Maverick Fx Review overview of costs

But due to nature of work and the likelihood of actually earning more through trading, it’s not impossible that traders can earn more. But imagine, you’re working for a firm and you pay them for letting you work for them…

Maverick Fx Review meme guy confuses

How To Make Money With Maverick Fx

So you are either invited to be a trader or you apply to them. As long as you have the needed enrollment fee of $7000 then you’re set to be bound on their training and seminars.

Here’s a sneak peek of an experience of a Reddit user some 7 years ago:

Maverick Fx review reddit

Well hopefully their program and training could have become better by now, I mean come on, it’s been years now.

Is Maverick Fx Trading A Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am a trader or affiliated to Maverick Fx Trading and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what 

Maverick Fx Trading genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from unprofitable high-ticket programs I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text. 

As a third -party review, I find Maverick FX Trading a legitimate trading firm that offers trading lessons and experience to those willing to learn. But as I have said from the very start of this article, this trading firm experience is not just for anyone because it needs financial resources, dedication, discipline and motivation to hit quota.

Even their Glassdoor, Trustpilot and BBB reviews are being replied courteously and professionally… but of course there would be internal conflict that we may not know of…because here’s some tea from a Glassdoor review of a current employee:

Maverick Fx Review glass door review

To be fair, we can say that we can’t fully trust online reviews that we may see on business profiles because it can be easily faked. So it’s best to actually ask from people who have been inside the firm and is no longer affiliated with them to prevent any bias.

Brutal Truths about Maverick Fx Trading

  1. Even as you train with them they never really lose any resource because your performance bond will be reconciled with any losses that you may incur as you trade under their training program.
  2. They have a recurring $200 desk fee per month
  3. While you may learn a lot from their trainings, the enrollment is something that not everyone can outright afford.

Pros And Cons Of Maverick Fx Trading


  • Is a legitimate and registered proprietary firm
  • The company has been running for more than two decades now.
  • You can learn a lot from their training
  • You can earn a lot especially with additional capital that you’ll be given


  • A recurring desk fee, $200 monthly
  • High capital needed to get into the training ($7000)
  • They profit from the capital lended by the trainee during their enrollment, nothing lost for them.
  • Trainees may think that going under the training won’t really cost them anything, until their trading losses are reconciled on their bond.

Is Maverick Fx Trading a scam? Or is it a pyramid scheme?

No. Maverick Fx Trading is a legitimate business and it’s not a pyramid scheme. A legitimate firm can give one the opportunity to earn more profits. But I think it would be best if there was no capital sharing and an actual base salary and benefits.

Maverick Fx Trading review: Final Verdict

Maverick Fx Trading is a legitimate business, a proprietary firm to be exact. While they may require high fees to get into their training program it’s understandable especially as trading has its inherent risks.

A Better Way To Start A Home-Based Business

If you’re looking for a business opportunity where you won’t have the pressure of having a financial quota you should know trading for proprietary firms are not for you.

Trading has its great risks and it’s true that you may incur losses as part of you learning curve. So to think that trading is easy and a sustainable form of income would be underestimating the amount of emotional investment from losses that experienced traders have incurred through the years.

But what if you have a business that could help you earn year-round, and even years after one output? Yes that’s possible! As with every legitimate business opportunity, it would need hard work, dedication and time to learn the trade.

Let me introduce you to affiliate marketing:

How Affiliate Marketing Works - Earn From Your Laptop

You won’t need downlines, no quota to hit, you can even work whenever you want. You can partner with a brand that you like, create content for the things you love doing and learning from, no scripts to learn.

I know a good community that can guide you towards learning about affiliate marketing. It’s even free to start so you can explore it first! Here’s a comprehensive review about it.

And when you feel like you’re finally ready to do it full time and get extra tools, help, and guidance, you can always upgrade to a Premium that goes for just $49 a month! Check it out by clicking below!

Want To Master Affiliate Marketing?

Take a look into what is considered the best training platform & mentoring community for building your own successful online business in any niche you choose.

Louee Gonzales Author

Louee Gonzales has been writing for 4 years now and is a self-confessed coffee-powered content specialist. She enjoys creating valuable investigative articles for EFYL. If she’s not writing, she’s usually taking on small SEO and SMM projects, painting, reading a new book, or travelling somewhere fun.

She has a degree in Psychology, and quick fact: she can’t read your mind. She has authored articles on School of Positive Transformation.

This Blogpost is originally from 100% Brutally Honest Maverick FX Review [It’s not for Everyone]

source https://earnfromyourlaptop.com/maverick-fx-review/

Elite Swing Trader System | 99% of other Reviews Haven’t Seen These Details Yet

Earn From Your Laptop

For this Elite Swing Trader review, we have uncovered inconsistent details that you can’t find anywhere else. Is this $47 trading system actually a steal?

Trading has its inherent risks but should you risk your $47 just to try this product?

Elite Swing Trader System Review featured image

An Elite Swing Trader System Review: Summary

Product Name:
Elite Swing Trader System

Owner/s: Tan Wee Leong & Ang Lin Sie

Prices: $47

Overall Rating: 3/100

Recommended: Not Recommended

What Is

Elite Swing Trader System About: A trading signal system that could be integrated in MetaTrader 4 platform.


Due to unexplained change in ownership of products and websites associated with it, it’s has a tainted reliability score. While it’s currently under a legitimate company in Malaysia since 2018, it still has to present verifiable evidences of its effectiveness and authenticity.

What is Elite Swing Trader System About?

In this

Elite Swing Trader System review I was able to dig deeper into the real score about Elite Swing Trader. Brace yourself because this is the first article where you’ll find the actual details about it.

For now here is a screenshot of the header of their website: eliteswingtrader.com

Elite Swing Trader System Review website header

So basically, the website has a very long sales pitch up on its page to convince you that swing trading is more profitable than day trading. Then along the way it offers you a “trading product” that could help you in your swing trading journey for only $47!

So is Elite Swing Trader truly a steal or will you be giving away your $47 to oblivion?

Reality Behind Elite Swing Trader

According to the very long sales copy on their homepage, what they are offering you is not a trading robot but instead a manual system that would provide you signals that you can manually put into as entry and exit triggers. It also mentioned that you need to use MetaTrader 4 for it to work.

In my years of trading I know that swing trading is truly a lot less stressful than day trading, but the success of both trading techniques depend on the actual entry and exit points. Later in this article you’ll see if Elite Swing Trader is actually rooting for swing trading for real.

So what is Elite Swing Trader truly about? In my initial evaluation of its sales page, I believe it’s a system with signals for entry and exit points. But is it profitable? Has anyone actually used it?

People Behind Elite Swing Trader System

When you click on the product to try and purchase it it will take you to a merchant page hosted in JVZoo and under the page you’ll see some details about its vendor:

Elite Swing Trader System Review vendor details

Now we have a name to fully investigate this system.

William Tan

It seems like William Tan is an established trader with his verified trading profiles up on his website.

Elite Swing Trader System Review william tan linkedin

We know for sure that this is the William Tan we’re looking for because under the long sales page of Elite Swing Trader System is a mention of the same website that is in his LinkedIn profile.

But I found on his Terms and Conditions page that he is also under a company called: Strategy Mastery Sdn Bhd.

Elite Swing Trader System Review company details

So being a really inquisitive person I tried to check out the company if it’s truly registered in Malaysia.

Strategy Mastery Sdn Bhd.

Since their product involved trading that serves as forex advice, it would be intuitive that they should have been registered first as a real company and here’s what I found:

You can verify these information from their document on https://www.ssm-einfo.my/ which is Malaysia’s directory for checking corporate registrations.

Elite Swing Trader System Review registration details

We see here that company was incorporated just last 2018, but in their long sales pitch they mentioned that they have been selling the system since 2009…

Elite Swing Trader System Review 2009 claim

Plus it’s not quite consistent with his LinkedIn profile details:

Elite Swing Trader System Review inconsistency

Also according to the document we have accessed about their company details, I found out that his name is not actually William Tan!

Elite Swing Trader System Review owner real name

It’s not uncommon to use a different name that their actual name especially for Malaysians, Chinese and other Asian countries. It’s also a bit of relief to know that they are a registered company in Malaysia. But here’s what I found next.

It happened that William Tan is also the one behind 60secsscalping.com!

60 Second Scalping
Elite Swing Trader System Review other product by william tan

When I found out that he is also the owner of this product I realized that William was indeed targeting users that are keen on focusing on a certain trading strategy (scalping/swinging) and he made two different products so he could cater to the two types. He also offers this for $47.

A Deeper Look Beyond Elite Swing Trader System

And then I realized that William is actually selling his MetaTrader templates! But then I also realized that there is actually a “William Template” in MT4 that traders use which is a famous technique and signals from a famous international trader Bill Williams.

Truth is the Bill William’s template is easy to copy to your MT4 account, you won’t even need to pay for $47. But I believe that a $47 offer would truly be enticing for newbie traders and those not familiar with MT4 and other trading strategies.

But aside from possibly selling an existing template, here’s another inconsistency that I found.


He previously mentioned that they have been selling their technology since 2009 and aside from inconsistencies in his LinkedIn profile and his company being incorporated just last 2018, I also found that the website was created just last 2019!

Elite Swing Trader System Review domain details

More Inconsistencies!

Just as we had a lot of inconsistencies presented here are more.

When I looked for an archived page of Elite Swing Trader website, I found out that it has been up since 2010. So that would mean that it’s likely that it’s either that it has changed owners or it may have expired that the domain name became available again and was only purchased last 2019.

But when I looked into the archived old page from 2010, it had the same content but a different owner:

The page was then owned by an Andrey Lubchenko and offered the product for $87

Elite Swing Trader System Review archived 2010 website

And 60 Seconds Scalping is just the same! I found out that it has been archived since 2015 and it used to be a sales page by an Average “Joe” Parker and sold the product for $47 since then. William Tan’s website was already mentioned in the footer from the 2015 archived page of 60 Seconds Scalping:

Elite Swing Trader System Review archived forex strategies work

And when I checked the Terms and Conditioned of the archived Forex Strategies Work website, I found out that it was not operation under any company and it mentioned that it’s under the laws of United States of America:

Elite Swing Trader System Review archived terms and conditions

When you try to look into the TOC page of the website now, you’ll see that it’s now under the laws of Malaysia!

Now when you Google for Andrey Lubchenko here’s one of the results that you may find:

Elite Swing Trader System Review andrey Lubchenko

Now we ask the following questions:
1. Is Andrey Lubchenko the same person as Wee Leong Tan (William Tan)?
2. Are they real people or just actors that were given personas?
3. Is Elite Swing Trader System then a real product under a different owner or is it a long running con?

What does Elite Swing Trader System Offer?

Elite Swing Trader System claims that they are not a robot, but I believe and as consistent with the long sales pitch they had that what they are offering is a a trading signal product that could help determine entry and exit points for swing trading.

They claim that it’s not a trading robot, and it’s a manual system and for some reason I found a PDF file that was supposed to help those who acquired the product on the step by step set-up of the system here’s a glimpse:

Elite Swing Trader System Review PDF manual

As long time trader I know for sure that newbies and those trying out trading for the first time they wouldn’t understand most of those written in the file because they didn’t offer any initial explanations or any simple overview about the terms used. You can go see for yourself. They didn’t even mention what a candlestick is!


As I read the “manual” I can’t be sure if it’s a legitimate profitable system as I haven’t tried it, but it’s something that you can apply without a product for $47 but if you are familiar with the terms used and the indicators, it’s something that you can try for your own.

Elite Swing Trader System Refund Policy

It was mentioned on their long sales page that they don’t offer any refund policy.

Can You Make money with Elite Swing Trader System?

We’re not really sure as there seems to be a lack of user reviews about it, but I found an old thread way back 2010 about trying out the system and according to the experienced traders there:

Elite Swing Trader System Review old thread about product

Well I do agree that even if you have your EAs, trading signals and templates, it is your due diligence to not use it as a stand alone system.

Elite swing trader Dream Life Lifestyle

Elite Swing Trader System Reviews and Online Testimonials

Is Elite Swing Trader System Legit?

With all the unexplained inconsistencies, I can only say that it’s under a legitimate company that is registered in Malaysia. But with regards to the quality and legitimacy of the product, I can’t say for sure.

One thing I know as a marketer is that when a product is truly effective, it would have its long list of good reviews not just written articles but also different thread discussions. Plus for a product that has been existing for years, it should have already marked a reputation for being legitimate if it was an actual effective product.


  • None


  • Unexplained change of owners
  • Lack of credible social proof and noise, only have a few articles recommending it
  • A long-standing product that has not created a big following

Is Elite Swing Trader System A Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not an Elite Swing Trader System myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what 

Elite Swing Trader System genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text. 

[Final Say] Is Elite Swing Trader System a Scam?

Honestly, it could be a case of a badly marketed product. We can’t know for sure if it’s an effective trading system as it has mentioned because for years of being in the market it has not yet created a wave of approval from common bloggers and people.

It’s also a bit fishy that there was a stark change in the owner of the Elite Swing Trader System, 60 Second Scalping and the Forex Strategies Work website which seems like it’s a bundled persona and products. We’re not sure yet if it’s a legitimate product and people and it’s something that should be addressed if they want to veer away from being marked as a probable scam.

Verdict: Not a recommended product due to inconsistencies and unexplained change of ownership.

A Badass Elite Swing Trader System Alternative

While it would be nice to have an actual product where you can earn just by a clicking without any experience or knowledge about a venture, it’s also risky and sounds quite suspicious. What you need is something that can help you learn how to earn online in a legitimate way so you can sustain it for a long-time and also so you can expand it in the future.

I actually prefer and recommend affiliate marketing because of these things:

  1. It’s legal
  2. You can do it anytime you want
  3. You can do it anywhere you want (from you laptop, tablet, or phone!)

I actually recommend this signing up on my top recommended program because it’s very comprehensive and detailed, plus there’s actual coaching from John to guide you as you start your affiliate marketing journey. What I like more about it is that it’s free to start! You can have a look around and see how it can help you earn from your laptop and if you want to learn more, imagine just subscribing for only $49 a month!

If you’re thinking that you don’t have enough experience, well check out how John started below.

Elite swing trader New CTA button 2 edited

Ready to make Passive Income Online?

Hi, I’m John. I created a passive income online. And I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started.

Louee Gonzales Author

Louee Gonzales has been writing for 4 years now and is a self-confessed coffee-powered content specialist. She enjoys creating valuable investigative articles for EFYL. If she’s not writing, she’s usually taking on small SEO and SMM projects, painting, reading a new book, or travelling somewhere fun.

She has a degree in Psychology, and quick fact: she can’t read your mind. She has authored articles on School of Positive Transformation.

This Blogpost is originally from Elite Swing Trader System | 99% of other Reviews Haven’t Seen These Details Yet

source https://earnfromyourlaptop.com/elite-swing-trader-system-review/

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Why You Need To Stay Away | Is Push Button Profits A Scam?

Earn From Your Laptop

Is Push Button Profits a scam? Well to sum up this Push Button Profits review: Hard pass.

Well, I’d really be interested to hear from anyone who actually wants to check making money online through a website without any details or actual offers, just promises.

is push button profits a scam push button profits review featured image

A Push Button Profits Review

Product Name: Push Button Profits

Founders: Unknown

Products and Prices: 
Starter pack = $47
Top Earner Pack = $ 144

Traffic Store (depends on your budget from $220 to $8,397)
Traffic Optimizer ($47/monthly)
Traffic Academy ($97/monthly)
List Leverage (starts from $49/month)

Rating: 5/100

Best For: Those who wants to try out an MLM for traffic generation

Recommended: Not Recommended

What Is Push Button Profits About: Push Button Profits is mainly about Traffic Authority’s products and services


This Push Button Profits review showed that the website is mainly a funnel or could be an affiliate of Traffic Authority.

What is Push Button Profits About?

Since there isn’t much on their website like their Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy to go on about here are some technical details about it:

is push button profits a scam push button profits review domain details

Well it’s surprising that Push Button Profits has long been running their website! Despite the lack of any details, they are for some reason running up until today. When I tinkered around I finally found out why and how they’ve been running for so long now. When you try to log-in as a member here is where they will take you:

is push button profits a scam push button profits review funnel log in page

If you haven’t heard of Traffic Authority, well have written a comprehensive take on them on this article.

So for a quick recap of Traffic Authority:

  • They are an MLM business that sells unqualified and unverified paid traffic. It’s truly an MLM and not an affiliate marketing opportunity because they have uplines when you consider subscribing in for their “affiliate marketing opportunity”
  • They also offer services and tools that you can actually learn and get for free or for a lower price elsewhere.
  • They have a confusing refund policy.

With the quality of product and services offer of Traffic then is Push Button Profits a scam? Well before we go into that let’s go over the things that they offer first so you can decide for yourself before I give my verdict.

Some Push Button Profits review has mentioned Jeff Gardner and Kit Elliot, which are seasoned entrepreneurs and marketers. But we can’t seem to find a solid connection to them so we’re not pushing that they could be the owner of the website

What does Push Button Profits Offer?

Most of the Push Button Profits review mention that they only offer the Basic Starter Package and the Top Earner’s Package which you can see below:

is push button profits a scam push button profits review traffic authority products

Push Button Profits doesn’t offer anything straight from their website instead they act as a funnel or an affiliate website for Traffic Authority products and services.

Here are the other Traffic Authority products and services:

Traffic Store ($220 to $8,397)-Traffic Authority wrote that the Traffic that you can get from here is premium traffic which is 100% from the USA and Canada. Simply said, we can assume that they offer geo-targeted advertising according to your budget.
Traffic Optimizer ($47/monthly)- For this product they mentioned that they offer resources for Email Capture Pages. Link tracker, Split-Testing, Pop-ups, Timers and Exit Pages. 
Traffic Academy ($97/monthly) -These video modules offer certification and training for traffic and lead generation. They offer a 30-day training plan. Let’s assume that you could complete the training in 30 days, then that would be $97. Now we wonder why there is the option to subscribe to it monthly, are videos aplenty? Or are there hidden upsells and conditions in the courses?
List Leverage (or Email Builder) -They mentioned that this “software solution” can help people build their email list by creating high-quality leads through their capture pages. For this product they offer two options:

Newbie Program = $49/month
Super Affiliate = $398/year

But for this product they have additional one-time payment upgrades ranging from $97-$497.

Affiliate/Reseller Program

Traffic Authority has their “affiliate program” that is actually the MLM part of their business. It comes in two options according to their:

1. A person can become an affiliate once they buy the product themselves

2. A person can become an affiliate once they have sold the same product thrice.

What’s confusing is that you can see from previous images above that when you try to purchase just the Traffic Optimizer product/ Starter Package they mention that you don’t have resell rights to it and therefore you can’t be eligible for commissions for your referrals. That’s very misleading right?


If you have availed Traffic Authority products here is the Refund Policy posted on their website :

is push button profits a scam push button profits review traffic authority refund policy

While this mentions a 30-day satisfaction guarantee of all “initial fees” it did not mention which fees are included and which fees are “subsequent”. 

Bu if you’re an affiliate they’ve got quite a confusing and complicated refund policy for you:

is push button profits a scam push button profits review traffic authority compensation for affiliates

So would you even consider being an affiliate if you can’t have a refund?

Can you make money with Push Button Profits?

I guess not because if they are funneling you or acting as an affiliate for the Traffic Authority website, then it’s a one-way profit because they’re the only ones profiting from you.

is push button profits a scam push button profits review image transaction

A Push Button Profits Review: Pros and Cons

Before we can have a verdict if Push Button Profits is a scam, let’s first look at the pros and cons


  • None really, I can’t even recommend the product that they are funneling/affiliated to


  • They are the only ones profiting from you
  • The products and service they recommends has a complicated Refund Policy
  • Anonymous owner
  • No company is associated with them

Is Push Button Profits A Scam?

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not an affiliate of Push Button Profits or Traffic Authority or any of their other products myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what Push Button Profits genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text. 

What is Push Button Profits then? If ever you came into their page due to advertisements then you have to know that Push Button Profits could either be an affiliate page or just a simple funnel page for Traffic Authority. If you want to know more about Traffic Authority, feel free to read our comprehensive article about it.


My Final Verdict: What is Push button Profits About then?

Since Traffic Authority is a legitimate company and business, Push Button Profits is most likely a funnel page or an affiliated website of it. The elusive details about the owner of the page or company that it’s under is a shady move for an affiliate but nonetheless it’s not unheard of.

It would be best to stay away from a website that doesn’t have any information on it and just requires you to push a button right?

A better way to learn how to Make Legitimate Profits- and it’s FREE!

If you still need a good view of what is Push Button Profits’ about, well: it’s Traffic Authority. But I also don’t recommend Traffic Authority because it’s costly and it’s not something that anyone as has actual use for. Plus they’ve been masking their MLM elements through the what they term as their Affiliate Program.

The problem with most MLMs is that they disguise their MLM schemes as an affiliate program, like in the case of Traffic Authority. Even as they offer courses that could help you start a digital marketing career, it seems like there aren’t much reviews if their programs really served anyone well. Plus their offer is quite expensive and they mislead you thinking that you need traffic first.

Beginners and those who are looking for real affiliate marketing opportunities need to first learn about actual keyword research and how to create content that generates traffic. It would be best to find a guide to tread through the ropes of  creating good sales, and traffic-generating content and not instant tools that are overpriced. 

Since this Push Button Profits review led us to Traffic Authority, let me share a FREE to start community and training to show you how actual affiliate marketing really works. You can learn comprehensive marketing techniques and try to see if the program is right for you before signing up!

And yes, NO UPLINES.

Here is a comparison of the program I’m talking about vs. Traffic Authority:

You can check it out for FREE with a starter account, then if you want a consistent income and a means to sustain your affiliate marketing career you can also opt to try the premium offer of Wealthy Affiliate inclusive of courses, guides, tools and support just about everything you may need for only $49/month. 

If you want to read more about Wealthy Affiliate here's a comprehensive review about it.

You can also click on the link below to find out more!

is push button profits a scam New CTA button 2 edited

Ready to make Passive Income Online?

Hi, I'm John. I created a passive income online. And I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started.
Louee Gonzales Author

Louee Gonzales has been writing for 4 years now and is a self-confessed coffee-powered content specialist. She enjoys creating valuable investigative articles for EFYL. If she's not writing, she's usually taking on small SEO and SMM projects, painting, reading a new book, or travelling somewhere fun.

She has a degree in Psychology, and quick fact: she can't read your mind. She has authored articles on School of Positive Transformation.

This Blogpost is originally from Why You Need To Stay Away | Is Push Button Profits A Scam?

source https://earnfromyourlaptop.com/is-push-button-profits-a-scam/